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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #16276
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Hi folks! Phone call at 4:30 this am. BrotherR fell in his bathroom, smacked his head on the floor and finally received 4 stitches in his head. Just got home. I HAVE to get some sleep! BrotherR is staying at BrotherB's house for the weekend. What a schmozzle ! He just can't walk without either his hip giving out or his leg going to sleep.

    I have to get in bed.
    Well, @avoncallingu knew something like this was possible, unfortunately, and thank heavens he's ok and with your brother. What happened...a slip after a shower, did he have his Walker, braces? What a scare. You certainly have a full now. And tomorrow also. {{{Hugs}}}

  2. #16277
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    OMG,!! My DD just picked up tickets for Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden for her and I next Friday!! So...Aladdin matinee, then Billy at night!!
    What a beautiful adventure for us!!

  3. #16278
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Wow, @Lynn49 that is fantastic!

    My lack of sleep was a big combo of pain in left leg, husband massaged that three times overnight, then my usual pain, but something has been added - I get the heebee jeebees, so hard to describe - it's irritating.

    I had an hour sleep this morning, but sure need more.
    Husband just came home, hopefully he has some strength left to help me.

  4. #16279
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Friday night is nigh! Scooby Doo Saturday beckons!!! Enjoy the weekend all!!!
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  5. #16280
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    OMG,!! My DD just picked up tickets for Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden for her and I next Friday!! So...Aladdin matinee, then Billy at night!!
    What a beautiful adventure for us!!
    Someone is spoiled?? ha ha ha
    @Lynn49 it just keeps getting better and better!!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #16281
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Wow @Lynn49! Your trip sounds just right to laud you on your birthday! !! Aladin and The PianoMan!! Woohoo!
    @Natalka I hope your dr. can figure this out. Maybe the "heebie jeebies" is from exhaustion, whoa, woman, I wish I could just wave a magic wand!

    Well, my cousin in Chatham signed himself out of the hospital today against medical recommendation. He fell getting out of his landladies' car and had to crawl into his apartment. He has no help lined up and no way to get around. But he has smoked about a pack of cigarettes. His sister is beside herself. She has said that she can't be there to help him. She has put out her back just with the stress of the situation and has to work all weekend.

    My brotherB has organized a street party for tomorrow night and is trying to help my brotherR Is my whole family in denial?. BrotherR's hip gave out while he was in the bathroom and he fell backwards. They are now recommending a wheelchair for him. BrotherB ordered one for him without waiting for the occupational therapist to analyse what he needs. It turns out that the clinic which could help analyze what is wrong with him has, in fact, been closed by budget cuts brought about by that asshole Ford!!!!

    He can either pay over $3000 per month (minimum) to go into a retirement home -which none of us has to dish out-or he can stay where he is and make do with a wheelchair, a commode and a urinal.

    He will have to pay for someone to either do or take him, in his wheelchair, to do his shopping. But our cars can't accommodate a wheelchair. I almost kill myself putting his walker in and out of my car.

    These things are available but not free. He is too young and not quite disabled enough to be admitted as a priority to a long term nursing home where he would be residing with mostly dementia patients.

    Do we really need to be cutting funding to nursing homes and hospitals?

    Well, I have slathered Vicks Vaporub on my chest and feet at the recommendation of "oldstyle" cures.

    I should try to get to sleep.

    Thanks, everyone for your well-wishes!
    Last edited by avoncallingu; Sat, Sep 21st, 2019 at 12:00 AM.
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  7. #16282
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @avoncallingu , I think the March of Dimes may be able to help with the wheelchair, and I can't remember now, but I think there's help with transportation for your brother to and from appointments and grocery shopping. Does WM offer home delivery where you are?

    As for your cousin, how stressful for your family. However, if he chooses this path for himself, there may not be much anyone can do. He likely has to come to realize how ill he is before he can accept help. Remember those levels of "denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance"? They can also apply to a serious illness. I just pray he accepts his condition and also becomes open to accepting the help he needs. Blessings to you and your family....
    Last edited by Lynn49; Sat, Sep 21st, 2019 at 12:57 AM.

  8. #16283
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Satisfying Saturday to all! Hope all have an enjoyable day!
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  9. #16284
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Busy day with the 5k, 4 hours helping the campaign deliver signs and setting up the big road side signs. Also went to the gym tonight for 1 1/2 hours. Now I’m just resting up. Hope everyone has a good night. Also @avoncallingu I’m so sorry everything is so crazy right now.

  10. #16285
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    Made it to the end of Saturday. Going to watch QI and then hit the hay. Have a sweet Sunday morning all!!!
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  11. #16286
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  12. #16287
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    DH and I got our belly laughs fulfilled at the JFL4 show last night! John Mulaney and Pete Davidson....what a crazy touring duo these comedians make.

    @avoncallingu wow, what else can happen to your bros and your cousin? The better choices for supportive health care are pricey and unavailable to many Canadians, that much is clear. All the very best to your family as they sift through the only options remaining. ((hugs ))
    @cabmonk I see you are still The Energizer Bunny!! Fantastic!

    Will not be doing much today, the last 2 physio workouts I did on Thurs and then Sat have left me aching in my abdomen area.
    See what happens when you stop doing ANY workouts for a whole month?? I have learned a lesson here. OUCH!
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  13. #16288
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    @walkonby I try but I often have to fight through my energy issues. Today I’m not really doing anything but maybe I’ll go for a small walk. Tomorrow is back to spin class and tues is my contact fitting. Watching the tracking of my new glasses too it has gone from processing to cutting lenses to ready to ship.
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  14. #16289
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @walkonby, jeepers!! The first I heard of John Mulaney (is that the 2nd guy in thise pics?)...was yesterdayday when our DD showed me his video of "there's a horse in the hospital!"! Omgosh, too funny! Have you heard that one, yet? Even our GS 'got it''s hilarious. I'll have to look up the other guy.

    @avoncallingu, I hope everything sorts themselves out very soon wrt your brother and cousin, how stressful for your family. Btw...have you heard if the new Canadian care-giver tax credit?! A person can claim even if the person being cared for isn't living with the care-giver! Check it out, Avon, I'm not sure it applies, but it certainly is worth looking into!! I know we are!

    Well, camping season is officially over. Our SIL and my DH just have to go back to retract our tip-outs since they were wet from last night's rain and flush pipes out with anitfreez. They'll have to spend at least 8 hrs there since the kids' ice-maker in their fridge needs that much time to make "pink ice". The year-end party was nice, but my back was so painful, my GS and I retreated to their trailer to watch Captain Marvel and sink into those blessed heated recliners. My back is getting better each day, didn't need my cane today, so fingers crossed for our NY trip!!

    I hope everyone had a relaxing and healthy, pain-free weekend.
    Last edited by Lynn49; Sun, Sep 22nd, 2019 at 04:52 PM.

  15. #16290
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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