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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #11866
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  2. #11867
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Went to sleep around 11:30, got up a half hour ago; felt more like a coma than sleep. Nothing on the agenda today, so if anyone wants to do lunch, I'm free.

    @avoncallingu , you're not one here thinks so.... otoh, good thing that beeping woke you up..good test of the system, instills confidence. I don't recall the other calls you made.....or much of yesterday, so there's that.

    @flemeth , I hope your dentist can provide you with more relief.

    @Natalka , what exciting adventures does your medical team have planned for you today?

    @GoJays , that puppy is so cute, reminds me of Jenny, or maybe all dogs are alike, approaching a treat as if it's poison unless deemed otherwise after multiple sniffs and deep thoughts. No matter how many times in a row that same treat is offered. So cute!

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

  3. #11868
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning!
    Love that puppy gif! Vader kitty likes pineapple, but we have given it to her only off pizza, so that maybe why.
    Gosh, I miss her!
    My son sent me a pic of her the other day. When I asked my husband yesterday how she was - he kinda harrumphed - I said, I have proof she was alive Saturday!
    When I am home, she goes to him all the time, and he begrudgingly gives he scritches and treats. He said without me home, she won't leave him alone.

    I will get physio at some point. No more heroics for this gal, I hurt like crazy all night and still now. I will try and hopefully do some sit stands, but I will take it easy today.

    Oops, message interruptus, always happens here. Vampire incoming..
    Smell ya later!

  4. #11869
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    I can't make up my mind if this is just a dude in a dog costume or a dog.
    I'm leaning towards dude.

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  5. #11870
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  6. #11871
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    It's a dude, @GoJays . The hips, legs move more like a human's body. And the feet are just wrong.
    Probably a "furry"...heard of those? Some of them have incredible costumes.

    Lololol on that instructional message!!
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  7. #11872
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    I thought so too @Lynn49 .. creepy as hell though, eh? Still laughing at the guy walking by him
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  8. #11873
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello, folks!
    My friend came by with lunch and a birthday cake and then helped me to take down my Christmas tree and take out my recycling. She has always been there for me when I have needed help- for over 40 years, and I would like to think vice versa.

    Landlady is sending her helper to put in the light bulbs and replace the carbon monoxide detector and check out to see if an air filter can go on the furnace. He can't come today, though. So tomorrow it shall be.

    The returned my call and said that these viral coughs are taking over 3 weeks to resolve, in some cases and superimpose on that my asthma..... Patience is a virtue, so they say.

    My BrotherR has asked me to drive him to his Kinsman meeting as he has exhausted all other resources. So, I will venture out and see how I feel when I get back.

    Right now I am just chilling and going through files.

    Maybe dozing a bit.

    See ya later!
    Last edited by avoncallingu; Mon, Jan 14th, 2019 at 04:30 PM.
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  9. #11874
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    I thought so too @Lynn49.. creepy as hell though, eh? Still laughing at the guy walking by him
    Oh, Honey, you should see those "furry" people who wear costumes to look like critters. I watched this Lisa Ling documentary, though and perhaps it does make sense for some people like "Lindsay" on the show, and those who visit children's hospitals, etc..her costume is adorable and "her shaking stops" when she wears it.
    Last edited by Lynn49; Mon, Jan 14th, 2019 at 04:42 PM.
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  10. #11875
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    I have missed many posts. Never a dull moment in here though.
    There was all that titillation about Marcus ( thanks to @Natalka )
    I was certain @avoncallingu had only called the Fire Dept to get a glimpse of her own version of
    a " Marcus ". She even admitted to trying it with the other 2 services as well ( Police and Ambulance )

    Big round of applause for @danger_dan for building Mrs dan some shelves! Way to keep busy at home and forget all about your work aggravations...oops sorry!

    @flemeth happy that your tooth pain has a real fix is needed.

    @Lynn49 you mentioned not remembering what happened the day before? Well every Monday when I have a physio appt. my trainer will say " so what did you do on the w/e? Anything exciting? "
    I search my memory banks like mad! I KNOW we did something! Nothing comes up and she must now feel so bad for me that I sit all w/e just waiting to come there to have her torture me!

    One last announcement...well whatevs eh? I don't mean to bore anyone but this is exciting for moi!
    It is the pounds thing. I am 6 days ahead of schedule!!
    Official weigh in is not till Jan 20th ( every 2 weeks ) but I have already dropped 5 lbs !
    What if I drop more before then? Will the staff scream and will streamers & balloons fall from the ceiling? Probably not, but in my head THAT is exactly what will happen.....ha ha ha
    Everybody Dance!

    Last edited by walkonby; Mon, Jan 14th, 2019 at 06:02 PM.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  11. #11876
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    @walkonby - how fabulous, good for you!

    We do know @avoncallingu has a thing for firefighters.
    @flemeth - been thinking of you, sure hope things are better.

    And, yes, by chance I did see Marcus today - he was in my room, but to transport another patient.

  12. #11877
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    My sweet son came to visit after work. I knew he was coming, but not when.
    He brought Chinese food - and I had already had terrible hoispital meatloaf two hours before.

    Well, I found some room to taste everything!

    Good night, everyone!
    Last edited by Natalka; Mon, Jan 14th, 2019 at 10:24 PM. Reason: Double post
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  13. #11878
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    You know all (or at least most) of my secrets!

  14. #11879
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Ready for my dental appointment tomorrow to have another tooth pulled. No issues having a tooth pulled. It's the couple days afterwards that gets me lol. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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  15. #11880
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Cabbie, hoping it goes okay for you - I know it's awful after. Just follow the directions so you don't get dry socket, it's horrible!
    Newfiescreech, Lynn49 and cabmonk like this.

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