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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #11851
    Canadian Genius Tweets77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Sometimes there is a ray of sunshine in hospital life... A porter named Marcus just took me in my bed down to xray - sigh, he is very, very easy on the eyes - big, brawny yet clean-cut type, used to be in security.
    He did not take my suggestion to drift down the last corner, bummer.
    I had a night nurse like that...hmmmmmm...

  2. #11852
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Good morning!

    @flemeth, Omgoodness can you go back to your dentist for better pain control and a stronger antibiotic? I know they can take a few days to feel they're working, but little comfort now...I hope you find relief soon, Hon.

    NFL playoffs continue today, the Cowboys and Dallas (two Texas teams, yay!) both knocked off, now to get rid of those whiney, cheating patriots.
    Ugh, unless the Chargers are able to pull off a miracle come-back, it doesn't look good Isn't he retiring soon??

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  3. #11853
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello folks! I flipped on the game just as 1/2 time happened. @Lynn49 -not looking good for your wishes at the moment. I slept for 2 hours with a certain doggie snuggled up. (She doesn't usually like to snuggle.) I was up for 2 hours in the night, so I guess I made it up.

    Feeling not badly. Will venture outside for another little "stroll" and see how I feel.

    Doing some filing which, I hope isn't challenging.

    Enjoy your afternoon, folks!

    @Lynn49 -what a naughty girl that @Natalka is, right?

  4. #11854
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @GoJays , yes, our hopes are dashed. Again. As far as that creep retiring, not as long as he's winning...he and his coach are a "team" I doubt either will leave until the other one's ready. I'm afraid we're stuck with both of them for another year. Gronkowski, otoh, may leave as he tried to do last year...this may be it for him. brady will cry.
    As for tonight's game, I don't really have a horse in that race....I do like Brees, though. Both Foles and Brees attended the same highschool, although at different times, and are good friends; it'll be an interesting game. I wish them both luck!!
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  5. #11855
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  6. #11856
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Of course I am a naughty girl, cha!

    Life would be dull otherwise.

    Just catching my breath after physio - got up five times, two of the times I could take one step back with my left foot. Tried with right, nope.
    Tried to take step forward with left. Nope.

    She said it's actually harder to go backward than forward, so we will work on a forward step.

    I have cried a lot today. So many things are so frustrating.
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  7. #11857
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Of course I am a naughty girl, cha!

    Life would be dull otherwise.

    Just catching my breath after physio - got up five times, two of the times I could take one step back with my left foot. Tried with right, nope.
    Tried to take step forward with left. Nope.

    She said it's actually harder to go backward than forward, so we will work on a forward step.

    I have cried a lot today. So many things are so frustrating.
    Hey, Girlie, look at the progress you've made! If you have nerve damage, that could take months of physio to get through, so don't be hard on yourself, okay? Take each day as they come, just believe that you're getting closer to walking as each one passes by!!
    Keep up the good work, Nat!!

  8. #11858
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    Natalka likes this.
    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  9. #11859
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Hey @walkonby thanks, I'm trying lol. Good job to you too on your weight loss.

  10. #11860
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    JadeAngel likes this.
    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  11. #11861
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Well, the firemen just left. I was all ready for bed when I started hearing, "Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep" and I thought it was my phone. Finally located it-it was my carbon monoxide detector going off. So, I phoned the fire dept. And they came to check thing s out. Finally decided it was the detector itself and I should get a new one tomorrow.

    So that is the ambulance, the police, and the fire department all here in the last couple of weeks. They are going to start thinking I'm crazy. I do.

    Good night, folks!

  12. #11862
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Well, the firemen just left. I was all ready for bed when I started hearing, "Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep" and I thought it was my phone. Finally located it-it was my carbon monoxide detector going off. So, I phoned the fire dept. And they came to check thing s out. Finally decided it was the detector itself and I should get a new one tomorrow.
    So that is the ambulance, the police, and the fire department all here in the last couple of weeks. They are going to start thinking I'm crazy. I do.
    Good night, folks!
    Trifecta! You're good to go for a while now...things come in threes you know...

  13. #11863
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Looks like I'm first here today.
    Good morning folks.

    So sore this morning...worked all weekend running back and forth between the Garage and Basement...building shelves in our storage room.
    Task done, well built, they look great, and the Lady is uber happy with the result (I am too of course).
    It's a good thing I already had a massage booked for today. I honestly didn't remember that I did until I got my calendar reminder on my phone this morning! to the papers...back later.


  14. #11864
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    Good morning @danger_dan
    Well I guess the meds are kicking in I am in less pain but the swelling is still there . Will be calling my Dentist as soon as the are open. @Natalka you are doing great my friend. Remember 1day at a time. Sending u (((HUGS))) @avoncallingu you are not crazy to call the fire department it always good to be safe.
    Have a great day all

  15. #11865
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Good news @flemeth ! Hopefully the dentist can take you right away.

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