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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #14761
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Try get him to a Dr for referral for a sleep apnea test. It doesn't have to be the one where a person does it in a hospital sleep lab. I did mine at home with a device that did the recording.

    Otherwise, how about you claim the bed and offer him the couch?

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  2. #14762
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello friends! All this talk about snoring has resulted in my sleep clinic phoning me .....I know it's your fault. And, no, I haven't been able to get used to sleeping with my CPAP machine. And, alright, I will try again. I am so tired when I am heading to bed that I don't have the energy to fiddle with the thing.

    I'm going to be a walking zombie before the weekend is over and all my church responsibilities with it.

    Then, FLASH!, It will be Canada Day!

    With the summer stretching out before us!

    Wishing rain for those who need it, and dry for those of us who are sick of it.

    Last choir practice tonight for the summer.

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  3. #14763
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post

    Try get him to a Dr for referral for a sleep apnea test. It doesn't have to be the one where a person does it in a hospital sleep lab. I did mine at home with a device that did the recording.

    Otherwise, how about you claim the bed and offer him the couch?

    My thoughts also, @Natalka , but I'd also suggest that if there's a guestroom, that @flemeth do it up real purdy just for herself. A good night's sleep is critical to one's health.
    I hope you find a solution, Flemeth.

  4. #14764
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  5. #14765
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  6. #14766
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Friday happy dance

  7. #14767
    Canadian Guru
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    Good morning @GoJays

  8. #14768
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, @GoJays , @flemeth !
    Why can't I sleep in at camp?! But
    Have a lovely day, Ladies.
    Last edited by Lynn49; Fri, Jun 21st, 2019 at 08:26 AM.

  9. #14769
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    When in London one must luncheon at J Sheekey for seafood!! Pip pip!
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  10. #14770
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Good morning folks.

    Have a wonderful day folks.

  11. #14771
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    We got rain, blessed rain yesterday - not much, but we'll take it! Hoping for more today.

    Our son came for a surprize visit yesterday, so nice when he does that. He came just in time for supper, even though he said it wasn't why he came.

    My oldest sister from Edmonton had surgery yesterday morning, she messaged me after five to tell me all went well. This is the sister who is caregiver for her husband who has serious cardiac problems so she was worried about not being able to look after him well enough. However, they have three married son's with awesome wives who will look after both of them.
    I just don't like that we are all getting old... She will be 72 in a few weeks.

    Got calls yesterday from my home care coordinator, home care doc, and physiotherapist yesterday - so amazing they keep such close tabs on me!

    Hope you all have a Fab Friday!

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    Last edited by Natalka; Fri, Jun 21st, 2019 at 11:00 AM.

  12. #14772
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Good morning, @GoJays , @flemeth !
    Why can't I sleep in at camp?! But
    Have a lovely day, Ladies.
    You cannot sleep at camp cuz you gets yourself all worked up and excited !! tee hee
    Btw @Lynn49 remember the other night when you had said you were going to watch the NBA draft? Well I have no real interest BUT as I flipped around the channels sure enough it is the Draft and this very young guy in a pink suit gets called down, ( RJ Barrett? ) and before long he's bawling on his Dad's shoulder!!
    I mean I can cry at a good commercial, so this just tore me up!
    That must have been the young lad from T.O. that you were referring to ( hoping he got picked ) .

    Anyhow, today so far has been both productive and enjoyable. Made up a delicious moist and flavourful meat loaf along with forming about 12 thick patties for BBQ ( to have over the w/e. ) I had to leave the house before 7:30 so I did all the prep before I left.
    Baked the meatloaf when I returned from my physio workout. Then I got busy pan frying up a family sized piece of Salmon and a whole rainbow trout. ( at Sobeys, they had " save $4.00 " and " save $10.00 " stickers on both of them. )
    The skin always crisps up like a potato chip! Mmmm.

    Oh and yesterday I completed my huge cross stitch project! The cat on the bookshelf one, with all the cat themed book titles top stitched on the books at the end, that part was fun. I shall get a classy frame to keep it protected under glass and will hang it " somewhere " in the house.
    have a wonderful Summery weekend everyone!

    One last thing......does this describe anyone else besides Lynn and I?? ha ha ha
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  13. #14773
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    ..Guilty, @walkonby ! I cannot move while my baby-Jenny is sleeping on my lap!

    Yes! Our Canadian boy, RJ Barrett got picked 3rd in the over-all draft by the NY Knicks! 5 other Canadian players were also chosen...this just keeps getting better! I cried, too. I cry every time a college player gets drafted; honestly, the work, training they go through 12 months of the year is so impressive...they deserve those millions of dollars!

    It's a gorgeous weekend at camp, lovely people, the kids, GS and his friend...we'll be heading to the kids' deck shortly for a visit with them and their friends from Sudbury who have a trailer here, too. Such wonderful people here and on our street.

    Happy weekend, everyone!
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  14. #14774
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Definitely need some Haggis!! Glasgow here I come!!

  15. #14775
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Happy Saturday, everyone!

    Another gorgeous day at camp, some excitement yesterday...a bear that had been rifling through the garbage bins, poor thing, was successfully trapped last evening and hauled away to a new home.

    We may go for a nice long drive today, perhaps to the huge antique store an hour or so away...
    Or...DD may finish our deck fence since it's the last weekend for power tools here.

    @walkonby , I can hardly believe you've finished that complicated crosstitch already! I hope you can post a pic here for us!

    Enjoy the day, everyone!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Sat, Jun 22nd, 2019 at 10:27 AM.
    Natalka and walkonby like this.

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