Thanks for the rep!! Happy Monday!!
TY for the rep
Thank you very much for the rep! What a cute little person!
Thanks for the rap!!
Thanks for the rep!
Well right now I'm good for diaper coupons, lots of those....I use Nestle Goodstart formula though if you happen to know anyone with coupons for that...
I moved to Wallaceburg about 4 years ago, a friend of mine told me about this site. I just had a little girl she's almost 4 months now.
Hi, I'm slowly trying to figure it out, it's pretty confusing!
Hi...added you as friend! I'm in Chatham...but grew up in the Burg, lol Hope to see you on the 18th!
working on it for you
I Like this pic of Matthew
Frosh Canuck
Canadian Guru
New & amp;amp;amp;amp; Confused
Senior Canuck