None to be found in Chatham, ON...would love about 10 of them please! We go thru so much juice! 3x 1.75L this week so far lol :) so could really use...
Baby Coupons!
$2 Johnson & Johnson
$3 Aveeno
HV Pampers or Huggies
$2 and higher Pampers
$2 Easy Ups
Underjams (don't know what's out there!)
Household/Health & Beauty
$1-2 or HV Laundry detergent (Purex/Sunlight) (just the reg. liquid, no pods)
$3 Restora-Lax (for my poor little boy :()
$1 Royale 12 or 24 count (just the regular, not signature)
$1 or higher any Greenworks
$1 Always Pads
$2 Finish Tabs (any, not specifically Quantum)
Whole Wheat Catelli
Catelli Smart
$.75 Pasta Barilla
$.75 Triscut
$.75 Wheat Thins
Fibre1 Granola bars (not brownie/100 cal.)
$1 Cheerios
$1.50 Villagio Bread
$.75 Country Harvest
Other bread coupons
$1 or higher Europe's Best Frozen Fruit
Okay...this is just a start. I'll keep adding as I become more aware of what is out there!