I'm french :) but I also speak english, obviously. I may make spelling mistakes though. ;op
South Shore of Montreal
My newest hobby is couponing.
Trade List:
This is my first list... Here goes !
Enfamil A+ Save 3$ on Powder or 1 case of concentrate (12X385ml) exp. july 29, 2011 (save.ca)
Enfapro Save 5$ on any, exp. july 29, 2011 (save.ca)
Enfamil A+, Enfamil Gentlease A+ or Enfapro A+ formulas (powder only), Save 5$, exp. aug. 2, 2011 (save.ca)
PediaSure Save 3$ on any Pediasure Complete (4X235ml) exp. may 1, 2012 (manufacturer coupon from save.ca)
Pampers Easy Ups, UnderJams or Slashers, save 3$ on any 1. exp. june 27, 2011 (P&G)
Pampers BabyDry, Swaddlers or Cruisers, Save 2$ on any 1. exp. june 27, 2011 (P&G)
Pampers, Save 4$ WUB 1 Wipes and 1 diapers, exp. june 27, 2011 (P&G)
FRENCH COUPON 8X Root Rescue L'Oréal , Save 2$, exp. dec 31, 2011 (tear pad)
Natural Instincts, save 3$ WUB2, exp. june 27, 2011 (P&G)
Natural Instincts, save 1$ WUB1, exp. june 27, 2011 (P&G)
Nice'n Easy, save 3$ WUB2, exp. june 27, 2011 (P&G)
Nice'n Easy, save 1$ WUB1, exp. june 27, 2011 (P&G)
Swiffer SeeperVac Starter Kit, save 5$, exp. july 2, 2011 (P&G)
Swiffer WetJet StarterKit, save 3$, exp. july 2, 2011 (P&G)
Betty Crocker Potatoes, save 1$, exp. aug. 2, 2011 (save.ca)
Hamburger Helper, save 1$, exp. aug. 2, 2011 (save.ca)
Coolision, save 1$, exp. july 7, 2011 (save.ca)
Fleischmann's Yeast Offer 7$ (those are shipping fees) for two cookbooks (Best ever breads and perfect pies for every season), exp. dec 31, 2011
Lysol no-touch MIR up to 14,99, exp. may 31, 2011 (insert, don't remerber wich)
IQ starting kit, save 1$, exp. oct. 31, 2011 (redplum)
Quiznos : get a bag of chips and a drink WUB a sandwich, B1G1 half off, 2$ off a large sandwich, 50% off any sandwich WUB a drink, exp. june 3, 2011 (e-mail from company)