hi ya Imack just wondering if you would have any disney reward codes that you don't want from disney movies as I only need a few more to reedem for what I want Have a great week
Your turn http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/155643-...mack30-canada/
Thanks for the reps. Have a great night.
Thanks for the message and the rep No need to brown the sausage. We just cut it up in slices and put it in the pot. Let me know how you like it! It's a fave around here and we've used both honey garlic and garlic sausage in the recipe
Oh, I love the colours on this page, and the pretty pic above! So HAPPY! Have a great week!
Thanks . I wanted a cat for an avatar so searched in google images. Found one that was less then 100X100 (says under the image) and copied the url for it and put it into the line here where it says change your avatar. Sorry if thats confusing lol.
Thanks for the rep! Have a great weekend!
Hi ya lmack, thanks so much for the rep boost. Have yourself a wonderful weekend, Moe.
Thanks for the rep Happy roak week!
Thanks for the rep! I keep trying to pass on my British heritage to my kids but for some reason when it comes to chip butties they just think i'm weird
Thanks for the rep! Wow! I love your background! Its so sunny! It reminds me of the coast (vancouver) on a sunny day!
yes sure i can send u an envie of coupons! i need your addy pm me
Thanks for the rep!
thanks for the nice words about nieces baby gift-rep
thanks for the rep
Thanks for the rep boost and have a great week.
you're welcome
You have been adopted, will get a message soon.
http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/37289-s...mation-canada/ Just below Page 1 of 2 Notice Thread Tools Click on it and subscribe hope that helps
Senior Canuck
Just Jez
Smart Canuck
Canadian Genius