your very welcome
You're welcome ...... just trying!
why only 6????????
re: rep REALLY???
Thanks for the rep... don't know what i was thinking... probably half asleep at the time... i should read more carefully! Would be cool if you were a code, though!
thanks for the rep!!
start posting and get rid of the 666!
thank you! you too!
Merry Christmas.
Good for you!!!! I got so fed up one year, I put out styro plates. Man the witching from the family men... lol Us girls thought it was great!!! lol
lol so glad to hear that! Never forget this guy I had such a crush on when I was 16 lol asked me to come see his snakes and was so nice as to wait to feed them until I could watch. OMG lmao I was so grossed out and trying so hard not to show it or not to let the tears roll watching the poor little mice going to their gruesome deaths. Between that and a total phobia to snakes, he started not looking quite so good to me, kept thinking about snaky hands put a real dent in my hormones running rampant! Still can't even watch a snake on tv...watched Snakes on a plane with dh with my back to the tv just listening with no desire to watch at all. lol kept bugging dh they didn't get the doggie did they.
ty vm I will try it
wow thats a few movies, will be trying it tomorrow, just gotta find the utorrent i thought I had a torrent program on my computer, but dont see it now
thanks, will be checking that out...have a merry christmas
thank you for the rep!
YOU ARE A CHRISTMAS CAKE (newfoundland christmas cake recipe) 1 cup of butter of faith--to make life run smoothly. 1 cup of sugar--life needs it's sweetness 5 eggs to make it light--this is prayer, which uplifts 1/2 lb of nuts--humor. Nuts to crack like good humour-- be sure they are clean! 1/4 lb of cherries--colour the cake like music on a dull morning 1 lb of raisins are old friends, always a delight 1 lb of currants are new friends, always interesting 1/4 tsp of allspice puts tang in it like initative 1/4 tsp of cinnamon is ambition 2 tsp of baking powder to make it rise. this is the holy spirit 1/2 c of pure fresh whole milk-- the perfect food which is the word from god 1/2 tsp of salt called wisdom 3 c of flour sifted finely to fold the whole cake together-- Love blends all life into one Mix all well together and bake in the slow oven of experience. When well done, allow to cool. Add frosting to surround it with beauty. Add red candles to light for all to see; then slice the cake and share with others. MERRY CHRISTMAS, my friend love, NSangel
Hi!! Thanks for the rep Hope you had a great day!!
hey... thanks for the rep!
I guess i did get one. and never noticed thanks. thanks for letting me rant
WE got SHYT......It melted TG. I hate it too. It's supposed to LOL sorry My son just screamed "MOM MOM U HEAR ME" LOL. Actually supposed to warm up to 64 in a couple days...Think I will sunbath LOL NEENER!!!
funny. it must be a female thing. neither my hubby or my son got it!!!!
LOL. it's almost good evening now. how are you? did this cold thing miss ya?
Frosh Canuck
One of a kind!
Smart Canuck
SC Candy Addict
Ca Goblin
The Sane One
Addicted to SC!