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  1. #19126
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    thanks for all the words!
    was coming to post one that i got but seek already got it LOL
    yes the open mind thing is annoying but i already started it so going to finish this one at least and see how long it takes me to get the GC then quitting cause some of the questions i sit here like wtf?

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  2. #19127
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    ohh just checked the open mind thing they approved all of mine so far yay going to work on it for a few hours in between checking all my emails and sites and stuff since i dont work till tomorrow night

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  3. #19128
    Smart Canuck Grey's Avatar
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    yhey, 283 crap questions to go

    openmind site is way faster to load now than last time i was logged in.
    seems everyone is already done with it, or gave up on it

    yhey, 268 to go
    Last edited by Grey; Tue, Dec 9th, 2008 at 03:39 PM.
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  4. #19129
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    LOL lucky I just started and have around 200 done 120 approved and the rest are waiting to be approved this is going to take forever!

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  5. #19130
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    The weather here is a HORROR today. We had so much snow it is to the top of my porch, and now, ever since last night it has been freezing rain. There is literally inches of slush on the roads, our laneway etc. By tonight I am afraid it will all be ice. I always worry about DH driving in our crappy car in this kind of junk.

    Wiki is updated!

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    rocking chair? sorry i'm tapped asked if could transf pts and they say NO.

    sick and don't know why? the babies are doing summersaults.

    thanks for the info re: dairy, (thanks SD too). i'm going to elimate milk, and see if it still happens with cheese. (like i said, i ate cheese several times and doubtful?) if it bothers me, definitely will look up soycheese. i do drink the SILK (ya bzzagent, free soymilk). had to get used to the vanilla one. but i think they have alot of sugar? i know the choc one knocks me right out. (sugar intolrance too)

    i donno if it's a cold or dairy at this pt. grr. have tried the cold/sinus pills..not helping. thanks might pick up some benadryl

    someone corned me in zellers the other day and asked if i seen the stuff you spray to make your fake tree smell fresh. we couldn't find it for nothing! what brand is yours??? i would love something i could plug in like that. closest thing they had was apples and cinnamon :S
    You always make me smile, you know that? LOL
    Have you tried the benadryl yet? Most "Off brand" benadryl meds are actually manufactured by the company that makes Bendaryl itself, so don't buy the brand name Benadryl, buy the life brand or truly brand if you are at SDM or Zellers.
    That Silk soymilk DOES have a ton of sugar in it, the only kind that doesn't is the plain, and that stuff tastes nasty!
    We have been looking for some tree scent stuff too, and you are so right, none of the room scenting thingys come in evergreen or anything, only scents like "Winter" and stuff. DH bought some of those green tree car freshener things one year... LMAO that was wierd.

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    I just woke up with an inbox full of words but you guys all beat me to it.
    Hubby let me sleep in as he thinks I am pregnant I am not sure but also over a week late...I have low iron so alot of times I am late or not on schedule cuz I guess I do not have enough iron to make/create blood in my system. That is how I explain it but maybe lolcat knows better
    So til I find out I am not preggers I am milking this and sleeping in and giving up chores as much as possible
    I have had the same problem with my cycle since I was a teenager. I get severly anemic when I am pregnant especially. The doctor at the emergency room took one look at me last night and knew I was having a hard time with it. I do take supplements and stuff but usually it doesn't do much good.
    I hope you are pregnant! If you get another boy we can trade girl for boy on the weekends so you can have some girly time.. lol!

    Quote Originally Posted by babygonnermann View Post
    Oh, and seek - that story made me chuckle too. My grandmother cooks like that

    Lolcat - you poor thing. Isn't there anything your doctor cn give you to make you feel better?!?
    They offered me the diclectin (the morning sickness meds) but I won't take them. I read the papers on the studies for that medication when I was in nursing school, and some of the "Possible ramifications" on the baby scared me.
    Hubby has bought me those sea-sickness wrist pressure bands, we've tried ginger tea and anything else under the sun ginger flavored. Nothing really seems to help.
    We are waiting for some blood test results to make sure I am not having some kind of blood infection or something that is making the nausea worse. We'll see I suppose

  6. #19131
    Smart Canuck
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    thank you for the new words.......

  7. #19132
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kekes View Post
    RT - how about sharing that tortiere recipe? Please? DH's grandma used to make all the time and no one passed it down. Been trying for years to find the right receip for him ... or at least something close! Thanks - kekes

    Sure I have 2 recipes that I make every year - I'll PM you!!
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  8. #19133
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    Wow NS sounds like an awful does he come up with the idea of a knife to the microwave? I don't know what I do at the point other than wanting to lock up in his room for life but I guess you cant do that huh?

    As for fingers crossed about being pregnant...sure I don't mind if I am pregnant but not disappointed if I am not. Not taking any precautions and just letting nature take its course but I really would like all of you to pray for me to have a little girl. I love my boys but seriously now I need a girl in this house too.
    tried that..but then he destroys room dh had to come home early, and is now moving him back into his old room. what a mess he made of both rooms. and he has been sassing his dad the whole time. blair got a good taste of what i put up with. gtg move a bed now..

    Quote Originally Posted by bumble View Post
    I did try to email today and this was their reply:
    "Thank you for writing to us at
    We are sorry, but gift cards can only be redeemed at the issuing website. However, gift cards are available from,,,,, and To purchase a gift card from one of these sites, visit the URL indicated below:
    Japan: "

    I thought it was really nice of them to tell me where I could BUY another GC but sorry your SOL on the one you have! Oh well.
    i wonder how friend is able to do it? will have to post this and ask her, unless it's just a winster thing? ya but another gc sure..whynot..cause we aint' dumbuts.

    lolcat: ugh. i had to take the pills. tried so hard to go w/o, but i was so sick i couldn't eat, felt like dying. so i'm glad i did, but it was only morning sickness. your too far along for that aren't u ? or does it occur every trimester?

    i think only my 2nd trimester was a breeze...

    will you be my friend? please?

  9. #19134
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the words everyone Very sweet of you! Gave rep where I could Thanks for all the rep as well HOpe you are all doing well!

    Sorry to hear some of you aren't feeling that great Better days up ahead

  10. #19135
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    I saw quite a few new prizes at P & P so you might want to check them out. Nothing I really need/want though! The bra thing looks cool though but am sure I could find one for a pretty good price without having to use all my points!

  11. #19136
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    There is something on the contest page now for the first 150 people to complete a survey and get a healthy bar of some sort.

    I just did it, it wasn't there this morning, but I'm not sure when it was posted.

    I hope it's not already here...only looked through the last page...

  12. #19137
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    cool thanks for the heads up will go check out the survey and new prizes up!

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  13. #19138
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    [quote=lolcat;598201]OMG... did you guys see that little rocking chair on the P&P prizes list?? It is way too cute, I am in love with it. I hope that it is still there once I get to 400k points LMAO

    I'll be in London this coming weekend. I was wondering if you'd
    want a really old child's rocking chair. It's been redone.
    It was my mom's (she being the last of 22 kids) and my dear daughter doesn't seem to be inclined to have any use for it. I really don't want
    to give to Goodwill. Let me know!!!
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  14. #19139
    Frosh Canuck
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    Hey, real quick for any of you who do the harper collins ARC books each month on facebook. They put the questions up early today and they are up and going now. There are only 4 books this month. Good luck.

  15. #19140
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    oh thanks going to check!

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