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  1. #30106
    Smart Canuck jknmomma's Avatar
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    points and prizes word COMFORT worth 350

  2. #30107
    Smart Canuck jknmomma's Avatar
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    points and prizes word BABYBOOK worth 350

  3. #30108
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    There are alot of MIA's here you are right, but some have become addicts on Facebook applications like NS and Aphena with Pirates

  4. #30109
    Smart Canuck Purple_Everything's Avatar
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    DaysOfTheWeek 100 Points expire 6/30/09

    50 points each expire 6/30

  5. #30110
    Smart Canuck babygonnermann's Avatar
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    Okay, I'm getting frustrated and dizzy.

    I'm looking for the link that you guys and gals so generously provided earlier in the month, but I can't find it.

    I'm looking for the link that lets you downgrade IE from 8. I'm really hating the program. I've had it on now for a month, and still I can't stand it!! I WANT THE OLD ONE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can someone please put it in here again, or PM it to me, please? Thank you - the premiere digital dollar. Earn SwagBucks to redeem for great prizes. are available here! - I have redeemed for $6 into my PayPal account in just under two weeks. You can too with this awesome PTC site!

  6. #30111
    Junior Canuck marjem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babygonnermann View Post
    Okay, I'm getting frustrated and dizzy.

    I'm looking for the link that you guys and gals so generously provided earlier in the month, but I can't find it.

    I'm looking for the link that lets you downgrade IE from 8. I'm really hating the program. I've had it on now for a month, and still I can't stand it!! I WANT THE OLD ONE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can someone please put it in here again, or PM it to me, please? Thank you
    Okay, found it on page 1970. Posted by Aphena:

    Thanks for the words!!!
    Last edited by marjem; Wed, Jun 10th, 2009 at 11:20 PM.

  7. #30112
    Smart Canuck Racefan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    There are alot of MIA's here you are right, but some have become addicts on Facebook applications like NS and Aphena with Pirates
    They have me playing Pirates. It's all their fault.

  8. #30113
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    The things i do for my prizes! Out for a walk to the library (1.5 K!!!) and DD dropped "Dreamy Eyes Bacon" and i cycled back to find it... why do they never lose things 5 feet from home??? DH was like "oh well" and I was like - WHAT! that's my P&P prize!

  9. #30114
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    Rose ... glad to hear the interview went that well! And he didn't even care about your crusty eye! LOL it sounds like a great job for someone like you.. And you can probably make a real go of it if he is already that gung-ho about getting you in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    LOLcat, the headaches are getting better, but I have done something to avoid them. I have been drinking my coffee in the mornings, I figured that must be it. So now I am drinking less and less everyday but still having some cafeine in the morning. I know not a good thing but I drank coffee with my first for most of the pregnancy and everything was fine. I spoke to my ob about it and she said if you think you need it, in moderation its ok. They say 1 or 2 cups of cafeine is fine.
    I totally agree! Taking your body completely off caffiene if you are used to having it isn't great for you. And it can cause reprocussions like you mentioned. Headaches, shakiness, etc. 1 or 2 cups is just fine, the amount that is passed on to the baby from that bit of caffiene is very very nominal. Glad to hear it is helping

    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    anyone know how stardreamer is doing? did she go visit her daughter? can't recall seeing her post lately
    I was concerned too, I mentioned her in my last post, wondering how her leg is doing. I don't remember her mentioning going visiting, but my brain is toast lately, so we can chalk it up to that. There ARE a lot of MIA people around here now that I think of it..

  10. #30115
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by curls View Post
    The things i do for my prizes! Out for a walk to the library (1.5 K!!!) and DD dropped "Dreamy Eyes Bacon" and i cycled back to find it... why do they never lose things 5 feet from home??? DH was like "oh well" and I was like - WHAT! that's my P&P prize!
    ROFL Momma.. I think it is adorable that she's carrying it around like that after you got it for her ages ago. She must really love it!

  11. #30116
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    haha the crusty eye isnt too bad i used concealer though so it didnt look really bad

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  12. #30117
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Hi everyone hugs! Am so sorry I haven't been around just hadn't been feeling good and tired of always posting whines. My leg is doing great just one little area that isn't totally healed but close to it, think it just needs some medicine on it to level it out with the rest and its all pretty close to being closed YAY! Am thrilled at how fast this has healed and without the skin graft they originally wanted to do! I haven't been sleeping at night much so end up resting during the morning a lot and when I do come on I race to PS on facebook to get my rounds made and my pet cared for then to farm town to do Shebby's harvesting and my plowing and planting, she does my harvest while I'm doing hers you get more coins from your crops for hiring it done lol. Anyway by then its usually pretty late and I get off of here around this time most nights or earlier. Had a bad headache the last few days so the dr gave me a shot of toradol and stadol Wed. morning so ended up sleeping all day now am wide awake which is really really unfortunate lol. I start my new rheumatoid medicine in the morning my appointment is at 8am the infusion is a couple hours long but they told me to expect to be there 5 hours as I have to see the dr & get labs done also. So will be a longgg day. Friday I have to go have a Cat Scan of my chest, when they were looking for the reason I had been running a fever and not feeling well they found a nodule in my lung a lot of these are just benign depending on what they find on the Cat scan they will either do a biopsy or just watch it for awhile. If it is cancerous they are very fast growing so will know within a few months probably. Anyway just a lot going on lately and not a lot I wanted to burden everyone with but knowing you all have been wondering about me made me realize that I needed to let you all know I haven't left just need some time to get my hours straightened out and some health issues out of the way. Luv ya all and believe me I will be around. Will definitely let you all know what they have to say about my CT scan but unfortunately they make you wait forever at times so soon as I know you all will shortly after if not from me will make sure Shebby lets you know. Had been going to go see my kids but just haven't felt up to it so my dd is going to stay with us for a couple weeks, our son is bringing her up Saturday YAY! Like her mom she's a reader so will have her nose in a book lol we have a real terrific bookstore here, they give so much in trade that she saves all her books to bring them here and we clean out the bookstore lol. Last time we got $90 from our books so had lots to buy more with. lol haven't posted in so long I don't want to quit have missed you all.

    Am thrilled Amy is now pregnant and sooooooo hope she has her lil girl she wants, so sorry your suffering headaches hope they quit soon.

    Have tried to keep up with the posts but right now a couple days behind so will have to read back to see what i've missed it sounds like good things on the way for you ROSE thats great!

    Hugs thanks to all who have been posting words lol dang there are a lot of lil bitty word points I'm down to entering the 15, 10's and 5 point ones kind of irritating taking the time for such piddly ones but guess they add up. Take care everyone! See you soon!
    Last edited by stardreamer7880; Thu, Jun 11th, 2009 at 04:51 AM.

  13. #30118
    First Aid Officer Ricki911's Avatar
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    LOLcat i need your advice before heading back to that moron.

    The doc put my on ferrous fumarate 200mg x 2 daily (pink ones). Ive always been put on the red or green ones. I googled it think what the hell is this idiot putting me on now LOL. All the links Ive read thru have stated if you have ulcerative colitis stop taking immediately and return to your doc. So ummm should i stop taking them or continue taking them. what will happen if i keep taking them. I just starting taking them last night with my night pills.

  14. #30119
    Mastermind shaman2263's Avatar
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    Morning Boys and you ladies as well...

    The best thing about being narcissistic is.... ME!!!! LOL

    Plus I wanted to show off a new sigge!!

    Thanks thetick
    The only question I cannot answer... why?

  15. #30120
    Smart Canuck babygonnermann's Avatar
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    Thank you thank you thank you MARJEM!!! What would I do without you people. I think I was on page 1969 and I got too dizzy from all the quick reading and scrolling that I had to stop before I had to make a dash to the bathroom.

    STAR!!!!!! Nice to see you Glad to hear your leg is doing well.

    Rose, nice job on the interview. I hope you get it.

    Amy, glad the headaches are starting to ease. I've had a killer one the last few days that has knocked me off my feet, but it's starting to go away a little bit.

    Ricki - you doctor should go back to school. That's all I'm going to say about that.

    Thanks for all the words.

    FIL is doing well. Last night DH stopped in on his way home from work for a quick little visit. He still had the epidural in, so he wasn't stupid from drugs or anything. We still don't know whether or not they got all the cancer out, but we're all going back sometime today or tonight for a visit with him.

    Hope everyone has a great day - the premiere digital dollar. Earn SwagBucks to redeem for great prizes. are available here! - I have redeemed for $6 into my PayPal account in just under two weeks. You can too with this awesome PTC site!

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