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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 09:00 AM #15166
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Good morning friends!
I promised the Bingo bunch a special 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing draw today. So I picked up some "1/2 Moon" treats and wrapped up some pseudo "Moon Rocks" and I may pick up some "Green Cheese" this morning.
Apparently the partial eclipse of the moon and where the other planets are aligned are supposed to mean that Capricorns will have some major life decisions to make this week. - Sounds about right.
Meeting my friend for coffee while her husband is in day surgery- then 2nd meeting with grief counselor and then pick up BrotherR for the Bingo.
There goes the day which is supposed to be whoppingly hot.
Keep hydrated, my friends!
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 09:42 AM #15167
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Good morning all @avoncallingu you are always so busy doing things for others and helping in so many different ways. I know it’s always good to give to others but I wonder when do you have time for yourself my friend. Some times you have to think of yourself . @walkonby it sounds like you had an awesome time at the BBQ . It’s always great to catch up with family and friends.
Very hot out already thought I sit outside for a little and read my book. Will try to help around the house today.
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 09:56 AM #15168
@walkonby - I am in no way, shape or form an Astros fan but I am always happy to see Texas get their ass handed to them. Same goes for Boston and New York. I'll cheer for New York only when they're playing against Texas or Boston
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 12:03 PM #15169
Thanks @walkonby I’ll definitely keep at it. In 1/2 an hour I’m heading to the class at the gym called sweat rx. The owner of the gym said you’ll have fun. I’m sure her idea of fun is different than mine lol.
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 12:05 PM #15170
@avoncallingu keep up everything you do. You are always on the move and doing good things.
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 01:48 PM #15171
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Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 02:30 PM #15172
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Oh, that is such a cute pic, Lynn!
@walkonby - I cut my long hair last year, it's just past my shoulder now. Good news is that I am not longer losing handsful of hair when I comb it, but it's pretty thin.
My home care coordinator let me know there may be a cottage open at the place we have been awaiting - it's been almost a year on the wait list, excluding the vacancy we got screwed over for in February. Waiting for a call back about it. Fingers crossed!
Last day with my honey ❤️ home! It's been ages since he has been this rested, "himself", and playful!
Have a great day, everyone!
Last edited by Natalka; Mon, Jul 15th, 2019 at 02:32 PM.
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 02:33 PM #15173
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I have really had enough of muggy days, ugh!
Last edited by Natalka; Mon, Jul 15th, 2019 at 02:34 PM.
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 02:48 PM #15174
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Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 03:41 PM #15175Good afternoon!!!The plan to the end of the afternoon is to go to iga and dollorama for some needed things.Then relax.Tomorrow I need to call the walk in clinic to obtain a appoitment for my leg and then hit yellow for some running shoes...But that will be the that is end.This wednesday it is the 12 anniversary of the dead of my mother and I am so sad...may writhe something for her in fb but that it...Not going to cemetary,too hard for me.........Hope flyers will bring good sale on meat and fruits for the upcoming week!!!!The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 07:01 PM #15176
40 min class done plus ddp yoga wake up and ddp yoga hips back and knees. Oh man that class was kinda hard but I made it through. 4 rounds of pushups, planks, side bends, burpees (which I kinda suck at lol) kettle bell swings etc. I’ll keep doing it though.
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 08:58 PM #15177
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but ...... @cabmonk was it FUN???! ha ha ha I am teasing you because I don't go for any workout now till Thursday!
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 09:27 PM #15178
Lol @walkonby it was ok and I made it through. Hope your week goes well. Tomorrow I have to go to the doctor for a follow up. Then Monday is my intake appointment for the mental health at the hospital. My doctor had made a referral and said it could take up to 6 months. So it went way faster.
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 10:03 PM #15179
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Glad to hear, @cabmonk , that you are getting in for your mental health referral appointment earlier than you thought.
I woke up at 6:30 this morning which is becoming a regular thing. I didn't get back to sleep but caught up with my friend for a nice little chat, had a wonderful appointment with my grief counselor- then my BrotherR and I came here for the Bingo. The "Moon Activity " was a lot of fun. I had each table write down all the songs they could think of that had the word "Moon" in them. They thought the prizes were fun and thanked me for the extra fun activity. I actually won the jackpot! $10 whole dollars!
Then to supper, took my BrotherR home and another walk for the Toots. I couldn't walk her on the grass today because they had sprayed it with chemical weed killer.(yuck) So I walked her out to the common boulevard by the road. She, of course, didn't understand why what is usually "fair game" for relieving oneself was "out of bounds"today.
I had a long talk with my BrotherR about his deteriorating balance issues and he has agreed to go back to the specialist for a re-evaluation. I just hope that we don't need a other referral because, as you know, @cabmonk , that can take a long time.
I am emotionally and physically drained at this point. I don't think I have enough energy to remake the bed even if the various layers are dry. So second night on the sucky microfiber sheets- on with the covers-off with the covers-on with the covers etc.
Tomorrow must try to get Tootie into the groomer and get my income tax stuff to the tax guy and....avoiding the very humid and hot weather that is being predicted complete with thunderstorms.
Has anyone tried joining Amazon Prime for their free trial days and then taking advantage of Amazon Prime specials and then withdrawing out of the plan?
I thought I read about it somewhere around here.
Oh, very good news- 2 teen girls from KW who got lost on Thursday while hiking in Algonquin Park, were found today- safe and in fairly good condition, just somewhat dehydrated. They had previously taken wilderness survival training which helped them.
Well I think I will do prep work to hit the sack.
Good night, friends! Sleep well!
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 10:04 PM #15180
@avoncallingu you seem to have a lot going on. Hope you manage to have a good night.
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