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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #4066
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    May not have the spirit to watch another Jays game tonight, feeling so deflated.
    Stroman is on the mound though, so I'll try to watch.
    Wow, I took Jake for his evening walk.
    Missed the 1st 2 innings, and the Jays are up 5 - 0, with 4 home runs.
    Go figure.
    I hope they keep piling on the runs.

  2. #4067
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    My gosh Hicks! Critical condition! Prayers and healing thoughts!

    One (well maybe 2) words for you, @Lynn49 - Doctor's Office.

    Natalka - RU getting home care to help your DH and U?

    I have some sad news but nothing compared to what you people are experiencing!

    Sadie, has taken a backward turn since
    my brother's cat moved in. She got spooked as some people came into the building and bit a little girl -not badly but broke the skin. The girl's parents were not really upset just wanted to know if Sadie had her rabies shots up to date.

    But I realized that things were not getting better. I have decided to re-home her through a rescue group that I know will find her the best home. If she were to really injure someone -especially a child-I would never forgive myself.

    They have said that they would take her soon -when they find an appropriate foster placement for her.

    I will have to drive her down to Chatham. That will be very hard but best for her in the long run.

    Still thinking of you all!

  3. #4068
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    My gosh Hicks! Critical condition! Prayers and healing thoughts!

    One (well maybe 2) words for you, @Lynn49 - Doctor's Office.

    Natalka - RU getting home care to help your DH and U?

    I have some sad news but nothing compared to what you people are experiencing!

    Sadie, has taken a backward turn since
    my brother's cat moved in. She got spooked as some people came into the building and bit a little girl -not badly but broke the skin. The girl's parents were not really upset just wanted to know if Sadie had her rabies shots up to date.

    But I realized that things were not getting better. I have decided to re-home her through a rescue group that I know will find her the best home. If she were to really injure someone -especially a child-I would never forgive myself.

    They have said that they would take her soon -when they find an appropriate foster placement for her.

    I will have to drive her down to Chatham. That will be very hard but best for her in the long run.

    Still thinking of you all!
    Hi sorry hear news about Sadie bad things couldn't workout .. thinking about you ..sad things we have do .. In our life time .guess we have take good with bad ..thinking about you sweetie Take good care yourself
    22hicks, Lynn49 and dededi like this.

  4. #4069
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Thanks, Newfiescreech!

  5. #4070
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Okay, okay, @avoncallingu ....I hear ya and after my DH gets back from getting our windshield replaced because something cracked it while he was driving home, he'll take me to our doc's clinic. Maybe if I can get a "boot" it'll help me be more comfortable without walking on my heel with that foot. I continue to feel to stupid!!!

    I'm also sorry about Sadie, that sweet little girl....damn it her original owners didn't have time to socialize her!! It's never the pup's fault, but they get blamed anyway, it's always stupid, ignorant owners!! There. I'm done. I'm sure Sadie will find the kind of home that someone like my DH will take the time to gently persuade her to be trained and well bahaved. He has such a gentle way with dogs, they just do what he asks them to do somehow. I just hug and spoil them!
    @22hicks , that's such a relief that your DIL is now in a much more stable all must be able to take deep breaths now and just support her recovery. Poor kid, and what a scare for everyone. Now you can sleep soundly tonight and dream sweetly.

    G'night everyone....stay safely tucked into bed and dream beautiful dreams...

  6. #4071
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Oh, avon, so very sorry about Sadie!
    Husband doesn't need homecare, but our son is helping us out with household things. Today he did the cooking for supper once I had everything cut up and ready - but there was a bit of excitement when an element caught fire! (one I don't use and was probably either greasy or had something under the element).
    Husband continues to do well - I swear he got more colour today, and he's much more steady.

    hicks, so good your DIL is getting good care, she continues to be in my prayers

    Lynn - hope your foot is better soon!

    Good night, all!

  7. #4072
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    @Natalka , very glad to hear that your Husband is doing well and as you say it, getting his colour back!
    @avoncallingu , happy to hear that nothing more came of the mishap with Sadie.
    @22hicks , thoughts and prayers for your DIL.
    @Lynn49 , hope your foot/leg/shin feels better soon (is it a shin splint maybe?)
    @walkonby , sounds like you have your meal preps down to a science! Wanna come cook up a storm for me?

    @dededi , @cabmonk , @flemth, @Newfiescreech ...Good morning

    man...I seem to miss a lot when I'm not here posting...I'm sorry if I've missed anyone else and any news/updates in your posts.
    Last edited by danger_dan; Thu, Aug 24th, 2017 at 10:35 AM. Reason: Smart Canucks editing going funky on me...

  8. #4073
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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  9. #4074
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone else too lol.

  10. #4075
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone.
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  11. #4076
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    good morning one and all!
    Our Jays nearly BLEW it again in the 9th, but hung on for the 7-6 win! AND so many HR's by our guys too!
    Even the back-catcher got his first one! By the way @22hicks , did you happen to see if that fan eventually surrendered the ball so Raffi could have it back? I had flipped the channel for a few minutes and just caught the tail end with Pat and Buck saying something about it. Hoping the situation with your DIL is better.

    Oh @avoncallingu that must have been a tough decision for you to let Sadie go....I would feel the same though if heaven forbid another bite occurred with a child and it was worse.
    @Lynn49 taking your lead and blocking out CNN today.....a body can only absorb so much " orange toxicity " ....that means Trump!!! Maybe getting a boot to wear is the answer? Hope you can get back to where you were before this latest mishap.
    @danger_dan yeah, cooking for me is often a love/hate sort of thing but my problem is I just refuse to give up the control....ha ha They eat what I cook basically or they don't eat. Oh wait, tbh they eat badly ordering Take Out more often if I don't have a planned menu.

    A quiet day here, not much on the docket except game 3 at 2 p.m. GO JAYS GO!!!!!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  12. #4077
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Quick question since I'm just renting this tiny room and can't change carpet or anything. The carpet is really flat and worn out, I was wondering about buying these interlocking foam mat squares. I can cover about 90% of my room with it. Would it be ok on top of the carpet, keep in mind like I said the carpet is really flat almost not a carpet actually since it's so flat lol. I think 5 packs of 4 would be about $70.
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    Last edited by cabmonk; Thu, Aug 24th, 2017 at 11:46 AM.

  13. #4078
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Hoping the Jays pull out a win today!

    It's going to be a warm day - and it's really windy.

    Today is my +Dad's birthday, so thinking of him a lot today. He was born in 1920; sure wish I could have seen him get 'old'....

    So our son will be moving next week - he's currently living in a house with a couple he's known since high school, and they just bought a home on an acreage about 20 minutes out of the city - and they wanted him to move with them.
    However, he got some not-so-good news as well - it looks like his employer won't be hiring him back full-time after his medical leave. They have offered some hours, though. So he's not sure what to do; he'll have to figure that out.

    Hoping to head for a nap soon. The meds are wreaking havoc with my guts, no surprize there. I still feel like crap.
    Husband is doing really well!

  14. #4079
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cabmonk View Post
    Quick question since I'm just renting this tiny room and can't change carpet or anything. The carpet is really flat and worn out, I was wondering about buying these interlocking foam mat squares. I can cover about 90% of my room with it. Would it be ok on top of the carpet, keep in mind like I said the carpet is really flat almost not a carpet actually since it's so flat lol. I think 5 packs of 4 would be about $70.
    Those mats will work fine for the application you propose.
    Just keep in mind that they may trap moisture underneath them, which may lead to mold growth.

  15. #4080
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Thanks, was just wondering about them. Wouldn't be wall to wall completely but I will definitely have to look into it further to make sure there are no issues.

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