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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #4246
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    @danger_dan, I hope you had time to relax a little this weekend!
    Lots of sleep this past weekend, but not restful.
    Started feeling cruddy around lunch time Friday, and spent the car ride up on the way up north sleeping (trying to), most of Saturday sleeping, most of Sunday sleeping, and most of yesterday sleeping. Chest/head cold...mostly gone away today, just achy and sore...
    I guess my body decided that the extra day off was a good time for to deal with that...but such is life.

  2. #4247
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Good morning every1. So happy the sun's out.

    I really like that post @dededi ; it made me smile too.
    I hope you enjoy your day.
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  3. #4248
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    Lots of sleep this past weekend, but not restful.
    Started feeling cruddy around lunch time Friday, and spent the car ride up on the way up north sleeping (trying to), most of Saturday sleeping, most of Sunday sleeping, and most of yesterday sleeping. Chest/head cold...mostly gone away today, just achy and sore...
    I guess my body decided that the extra day off was a good time for to deal with that...but such is life.
    Aw, poor muffin....but that's exactly what can happen...your body, bless its heart, thinks: "Oh! You're off?? Great! NOW I can finally get sick and MAKE you rest without you losing any time off work!" Precious, huh??

    Good morning, @22hicks !!

  4. #4249
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    I'm here in Niagara -on-the-Lake having lunch after doing a backstage tour at the Shaw Festival Theatre.

    Managed to "wander" into a ladies shop right beside where I parked with SALES SALES SALES! Time to start my new wardrobe.

    Of to the States after lunch. Wish I had booked another day to shop here!

    Could be dangerous!

  5. #4250
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    afternoon all! Such a crazy weather day here ( again ) sun, then cloud, then darker clouds, rain and back to sun.

    Hoping that you feel better soon @danger_dan that is always the way, getting ill when it's a non working few days.
    Happy wardrobe shopping in NOTL or in the the States @avoncallingu !! Wherever the sales take you!!
    (((hugs and moral support!)) for you @flemeth with your DD away at school.
    @Lynn49 goodbye to the summer that wasn't eh? Well now you can devote the time to some great sewing projects...have fun.

    I headed out to the Mall today to get 2 of DD b'day gifts. Cannot say what they are here as ya never know who is reading these posts....hee hee. But she will love them both, I just know it.

    Put DD's old and way too large computer desk onto the front lawn with a " FREE take me " sign on disappeared well before the recycle guys came around. I just know it went to a good home.
    DH and her brother put together her new desk, it is lovely, smaller and compliments the new bed her Dad built.

    Another win for the Jays last night...lets hope for another one tonight!
    Last edited by walkonby; Tue, Sep 5th, 2017 at 05:38 PM.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #4251
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @walkonby , I don't know if you're familiar with "The Chive", but it's a hilarious site. Anyway, there are so many catagories in there, but our DD showed me some the other day and it reminds me of your freebie desk.
    It was a photo of some item with that sign on it: "Free. Take it." and the next photo, from the owners, we presume, and that "sign" was gone, Not the item, the sign!!
    Well...they did say it was free!! hahahaha!!
    Guess you had to see it....

  7. #4252
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Hello every1. Haven't been here much; spent most of the day in bed. I got up to watch the Jays game, so I hope I make it till the end. Fingers crossed for 2 wins in a row.

    That's funny @Lynn49 .

    I've done that a # of times @walkonby , and the item goes, no matter what condition it's in. Once, they even took my garbage too. I guess hoping there was something worth having in the bags. lol

    I hope you're feeling better @danger_dan . That sucks that getting sick spoiled your w/end.

    Well @avoncallingu , have fun in the States. I hope they let you back in.
    Perhaps on your way back, you can check on those sales again.

    I was thinking about you today @flemeth . I know you're happy for her, but the empty nest syndrome will probably last a little longer.

  8. #4253
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    @Lynn49 its the School both my girls went to I was always active on there School Council . I keep volunteering even when the move on to grade 7. I help with there fund raising, help out into the classroom, Also there is a reading program where we help with kids who are having difficult with reading. Today I was on bus duty. I sometimes tho on school trips also. Its where ever the need help. I can't wait for her to come home for Thanksgiving .She talk to me this morning she is OK

  9. #4254
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22hicks View Post
    Hello every1. Haven't been here much; spent most of the day in bed. I got up to watch the Jays game, so I hope I make it till the end. Fingers crossed for 2 wins in a row.

    That's funny @Lynn49.

    I've done that a # of times @walkonby, and the item goes, no matter what condition it's in. Once, they even took my garbage too. I guess hoping there was something worth having in the bags. lol

    I hope you're feeling better @danger_dan. That sucks that getting sick spoiled your w/end.

    Well @avoncallingu, have fun in the States. I hope they let you back in.
    Perhaps on your way back, you can check on those sales again.

    I was thinking about you today @flemeth. I know you're happy for her, but the empty nest syndrome will probably last a little longer.
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    Hi 22hicks ..hope you feel better soon..take good care yourself sweetie
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  10. #4255
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    Thanks @22hicks u are correct @danger_dan hope you are feeling better today @avoncallingu have fun shopping and going the to the States hasve a safe drive

  11. #4256
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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  12. #4257
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Ah, @flemeth ...the wonderful times you'll have when your DD comes home for Thanksgiving! Time to start thinking decorations, menu planning...oh! And desserts!! What a lovely opportunity you're providing for those youngsters wrt helping their reading skills, keeping them safe...proud on ya, Hon!

    As for you, Missy @Newfiescreech ...I saw what you posted on that Christmas thread! Tsk, tsk, tsk......"can't even begin to think about Christmas"??! For shame, Darlin'!!

    Here...maybe this will help you:

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  13. #4258
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    Good morning everyone .Have a great Wednesday

  14. #4259
    Smart Canuck bluerose's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone its a sober morning with grey skies would need a lamp on to help write but its to bright a thing so early in the morn unless it was sunshine of course. Was at a family funeral yesterday and brought home a couple of bouquets of flowers so I will arrange them into flowery vases of beauty to enjoy for as long as they last.

  15. #4260
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    I hope everyone has a good Wednesday!
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