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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #8701
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning, happy long weekend!

    Crap night for me, courtesy mostly because the sciatica on my left side had gotten really bad. Usually my husband can massage it out, but unfortunately he has been in no shape to help me out. So I had very little sleep. I will try for a little bit more before the nurse comes.

    Yesterday, it was so nice that our son came over again for the aft and evening, such a bonus for me! He brings me joy and strength!

    Another cool day here today, which is fine for me!

    Take care, everyone!

  2. #8702
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone, it's going to be another hot day here again. Lucky you Natalka with lower temps!!

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  3. #8703
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Walks, I've never heard of trying to teach a dog TO bark. She better watch what she's wishing for! Very funny that the doggie is trying so hard to follow the command!

    Natalka- so sorry that your sciatica is acting up again!

    I have been sticking to "inside" tasks - important ones like filling up the "Jet Dry" in the dishwasher and matching socks.We had a lovely time at my BrotherB' s house yesterday. Got in part of a game of Canadian Monopoly. No More actual MONEY! Just debit cards! NOooooo! Our home town of Chatham-Kent voted so energetically that we won the chance to be in the place of "Boardwalk" on the Canadian Edition. It was fun- then a yummy supper, chatting and home early. As I was walking Tootie at 10:30, I could clearly see one of the Region's major fireworks displays. It was lovely. Tootie didn't really understand why we stopped so long.
    I have been trying to stay hydrated. Took on some paperwork that has given me a bit of a headache, so I am lying down for a while.
    So, stay comfortable, folks. All the best to you on what I hope is a pleasant holiday for you.
    Darth- nothing like people trying to manoeuvre vehicles and trailers that they are not used to driving to put a kink in your day! So, you're not a fan of fireworks?

    G'day mates!
    Last edited by avoncallingu; Mon, Jul 2nd, 2018 at 04:41 PM.

  4. #8704
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Heidy-ho, everyone!!

    Back from a hot, muggy, lovely long weekend at camp!! We had warnings on 2 websites of thunderboomers overnight but nothing developed, so it was another dry day. Everyone was at the beach, in the water and having a blast while I stayed in our comfy trailer with the air-conditioning jacked up, watching soccer; a friend dropped in for a peach belini, so we chatted for over an hour, then everyone else came drifting back. Omgoodness...those frazzled drained parents and their kids, hauling beach toys, towels, bags...such a pathetic site... I was fine. Hahaha... There was one interesting blow-up water toy, though, a huge bull...yes, a bull as in bull-riding that the family let other kids try out...what that thing must have cost!! I saw it as it was carried past the kids' deck; it was huge!

    So now I'll have to clean up the house, q-tip the corners, do some baking because "someone" is flying in for a visit on Thursday!!!! We'll all be heading to camp Friday morning to PAR-TAY...sorry...I meant to say, HELP with all the pre-birthday-party preparations for Saturday, wait for all the other company in from out of town.. @avoncallingu, I hope you can help me find my way home that party-night. I'll try to be good!!! Probably.

    Seems like everyone else got through the weekend's festivities nicely, or relaxed,...

    @Natalka, what's being done for your Hubby??? Can surgery help him? This seems to be going on and on and he's working while it's doing that; it must be a really difficult time for him, poor guy.

    Well....Japan just lost their game, so onwards to another day.

    Take good care, everyone, enjoy your evening, keep cool.
    Last edited by Lynn49; Mon, Jul 2nd, 2018 at 06:00 PM.

  5. #8705
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    ^^^ hee hee.....loved the post @Lynn49 .
    Trying to visualize the inflatable bull........btw how many drinks did you have when you " saw " that bull.
    Just a few sleeps more until another wild weekend happens for you....enjoy!

    Yes, not only did Japan lose in soccer but our Blue Jays lost a squeaker of a game in the 10th today. Great game though.
    The young pitcher ( Borucki ) did great in his 2nd official start as a Jay. We split that series 2 games apiece.
    Tomorrow we get to see Bautistas' return to the Rodgers Centre ( Mets for 2 games )

    Everyone here relaxed beyond a normal amount, now I am not saying any of us are lazy but today we made Sloths look like eager beavers.
    I was active in the very early hours cleaning the copper bottoms of my pots/ I felt smug and justified.

    Hope everyone enjoys their 4 day work week starting tomorrow!!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #8706
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Sure it was an inflatable bull, or was it a unicorn?

    Glad you had a good weekend Lynn, same with you Avon, Walks, and everyone else.

    Lynn, my husband could have had surgery for the hernia long ago, but he refused to since he used up his short term disability last year for the other emergency operation he had.
    And I don't know when he re-qualifies for STD either.

    New nurse came today, so that just means a long apt since the history and all questions have to be gone over anew, she was here two hours.
    Leg wounds look and feel good. All else was great - BP, O2 sats, lungs, sores on back are healing, albeit slowly. I did prepare myself for a weight gain since my appetite came back and, sure enough, gain of two pounds since Saturday. However, nurse doesn't think it was just me gaining from food (because I have just gotten back to half portions), even though I had a piece of lemon meringue pie every day. Nurse thinks that even with me taking the Lasix, the swelling has stalled. Well, we will see what the week brings.

    Next up is physio doing ultrasound on my knee tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a lovely evening!
    Last edited by Natalka; Mon, Jul 2nd, 2018 at 08:20 PM.

  7. #8707
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Okaaaayyyy, @walkonby and @Natalka.....I was not drinking (enough to hallucinate a bull), so I'm going to look it up right now.

    {{{{{googling inflatable bull water toy}}}}}...................

    Now go ahead you two.... shout: We believe!!! Heh, heh, heh....hic...
    Last edited by Lynn49; Mon, Jul 2nd, 2018 at 11:09 PM.

  8. #8708
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Just to be clear, you two Brats......

  9. #8709
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Now just WHERE would you go shopping for a thing like that?

    I have just spent an hour cleaning tar out of Tootie's paws. Hot enough to melt tar out there-and I didn't even notice til we were going to bed. What a terrible mummy I am. Those baby socks came in handy again, Lynn to keep her from licking at her toes after I cleaned them up. Poor little girlie!

    I asked BrotherR over to supper and to spend the evening as he has no air conditioner and it was really hot at his place. He decided to go home rather than stay as he has a PSW coming at 7:30 in the morning and it did cool down this evening.

    One of my gifts to my BrotherB is to work with some coaching T-shirts that he has saved over the years to make a quilt. He turns 50 next year-hoping I can get it done by then.

    I have done all my laundry and now I can pack to go away. You can be darned sure I will check all the nooks and crannies for dust, Lynn - NOT! Don't you be fussing!
    From what I can see, it's supposed to be quite a nice low 20s and pleasant weather next weekend up on Manitoulin Island. Can't wait to see the dancing deer and take a run up to the flea market -after we prepare for the party, of course!

    Well, I don't seem tired but I have to wake up early and sing "Happy Birthday " to my brother tomorrow, so, nighty-night, folks.

    There'll be great deals at the grocery store tomorrow after a day off.


  10. #8710
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    Good morning everyone hope you all had a great weekend . Another hot day today . Have a great day all

  11. #8711
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Good morning all
    Hope everyone had a great long weekend.

    Super short week here, as I'm taking Friday off this week as well.

    So to the papers.
    Have a wonderful day everyone.

    btw, when is @GoJays back? Was that today?

  12. #8712
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Another cool day today, but the heat is to return Thursday.
    Humidity this morn is 99%, though.

    Unfortunately, had a terrible sleep night, so will try make up the deficit later since I don't have an appointment until one.

    Enjoy the day!

  13. #8713
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone!! 20s?? How about 30C the day you arrive, then 24, 27, 28, 30 each day after that!! Hahahaha!! You'll be hiding in the air-conditioned trailer with me, I bet!! Yep, we'll be busy before the big party on the kids' deck!! DD bought her DH a trip to South Carolina for a golf trip with their friends from the Sault in September....he's going to be just a wee bit surprised! hahaha!!! He's just expecting a phone up-grade. I have no idea when I'm getting his maple cupcakes filled with my homemade caramel, frosted with maple frosting done! I'm thinkin' that I'll make them on Thursday before you get here, fill them. stick them in the fridge, then frost them there on Saturday?? Gah!! I just don't know logistically how to get those done. But I will. Probaby. I suggested cupcakes instead of a cake since people can just grab one, no plates forks required. SO excited about the party!!
    And yes, of course we'll visit that flea market...I could browse there for...ohhhh.....there's a huge, ginormous one an hour away...wonder if we'll ever have time to get there...?!!!
    @Natalka, I hope you can get some quality sleeps before your appointment today.

    So!! Stuff to do, another hot one today, stay indoors, cool and hydrated, everyone!!

    I wouldn't know anything about this, but.....

    Last edited by Lynn49; Tue, Jul 3rd, 2018 at 10:31 AM.

  14. #8714
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    For everyone out there who has a pet.......I wouldn't have thought of this wrt walking Jenny today!

  15. #8715
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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