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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #8731
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    My Brother R' s apartment isn't air conditioned but he has a couple of fans. He decided to stay home this evening instead of coming here for the evening in my air conditioning.

    I am packing and really need to get to bed as I have many things to accomplish tomorrow as well as last minute details for my trip to "the great white north" - Do you think I should pack one pair of mitts, or two? (Tee-hee!)

    Must put last laundry in the dryer and then head off to bed.

    Last sleep with my Tootie until July 10 - I will have to get some snuggles in with a certain doxy girlie!

    Will catch up later. Hope you have a comfortable to sleep.

  2. #8732
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    Good morning all. Another very hot and humid day but I am not complaining as long as I am indoors. @avoncallingu have a safe trip I am sure @Lynn49 is very excited for your visit you both have lots of fun and do t get your self in trouble. Enjoy. Hope your Brother R find ways to stay cool .
    I am off now to walk Thor have a great day today everyone

  3. #8733
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning Morning Morning.
    Stupid emergency repairs to the WB 401 this morning...traffic back up added 30 minutes to my already long commute...
    Anywho, I'm in the office now.

    Another hot one...with tomorrow getting hotter! But there is relief in sight, Friday is supposed to be NICE, and into the weekend too! Almost there peeps, almost there.

    Stay cool and hydrated today folks.
    Have a good one!

  4. #8734
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone!!!
    @avoncallingu , 35 "above" here tomorrow, so the mitts probably won't be necessary... SO looking forward to picking you up at the airport tomorrow!!!!!! As for getting a snuggle in with Jenny: won't be a problem, there's nothing she likes better than having full-on attention from everyone in the room...
    @flemeth , you sure gave me a smile this morning...when you posted that it was "hot and humid" and that you weren't complaining, I thought: "Aha...remembering winter and is thankful for the heat", but're exactly like me: hiding in the house! Hahahahaha!! Birds of a feather, I'm guessing!! Have a wonderful, cool day indoors!!

    I'm pretty much caught up on stuff around here, mani-pedi at 11 this morning, DH off golfing before the heat-wave hits 34 today. A few errands to run, but that's it!

    Stay hot or cool, everyone, however you enjoy your summer's heat-wave!!

    Doesn't get any better than Martha and the Vandellas to wake everyone up!!!

  5. #8735
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Well, you hotties, it's cool and a bit rainy here, good for me. Friday is supposed to be 35, ickypoopoo!

    Lynn and Avon, I know you two will enjoy your time together, it's just so nice!

    Our son was over last night for supper, and will stop by again tonight.

    A nurse will be by to see me today.

    Take care, everyone, hydrate and stay safe!

  6. #8736
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone, have an awesome day!!

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  7. #8737
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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  8. #8738
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    good afternoon gang! I was at an appt this a.m. In and out within 2 1/2 hrs. not much hassle, which isn't always the case.
    I came straight home and got to watering both front and back flowers/plants/veggies. Squirted both dogs a bit just to keep them jumping around.

    For some reason I thought the Jays played in the afternoon, but pffft! I'll tune in later tonight. Lets hope for a sweep as we play game 2 with the Mets. Everyone remember to keep those sweet kids in Thailand in your prayers!! Finding them alive was a miracle, now figuring out how to extract them all safely is the next challenge.

    Have a terrific time away @avoncallingu , keep an eye on Lynn....she may lead you down some unstable paths at the trailer park!!

    hee hee....o.k. the Brat is out!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  9. #8739
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    .......annnnnnnnnndddddd.... we're back.

  10. #8740
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Oh. My. God. It was frickin hot down there. I hear it was here as well. This is how it felt every day...

  11. #8741
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Welcome back, @GoJays !! How was your trippy?
    As for hot, yeppers! 33 here now, feels like 37...not sure what the difference might feel like; I've been hiding in the house with Jenny except for my mani-pedi earler today.
    Glad to see you all made it home safely.
    @walkonby , Brat, I will not be leading Avon down any unstable paths....probably. There is basically one path we and from our trailer to the kids' deck.
    I'm really stuck on when to frost all those cupcakes, because I don't want to do them too early. I'm guessing I'll be taking my hand-mixer and the frosting ingredients to camp. I'll bake them in the morning, make my caramel and stuff them with it, then just box them up for Saturday, when I'll frost them. Still so much to do before Avon arrives tomorrow....she's SO picky doncha know!!

    Oh those poor kids in that cave!! What on earth was that coach thinking when he lead them so far into those caves and's monsoon season!!! And the parents must be terrified for their kids. Last I heard the divers were teaching them to use diving equipment so they could lead them through the tunnels, and into some air pockets where they could take a break. One rescue diver on tv this morning said that would be an impossible task for those kids, many of whom don't even know how to swim!
    Yes..keeping them in prayer.

  12. #8742
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @avoncallingu ....only expecting 31 tomorrow...whew, what a break, eh? hahaha!! Downright chilly..might need those mittens after-all! Although these might be more appropriate.....omgosh, I had sheer white gloves in the olden days!!!!

  13. #8743
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Trip was great! Philadelphia (Phillies game), Baltimore (Orioles game), Delaware (no stop), Pennsylvania. Saw Gettysburg, Hershey (yes, as in the chocolate), a Senators game (Double A team of Washington Nationals), lots of great softball (main reason for the trip). I didn't cook anything or do a damn lick of laundry for the past week, it was fantastic.

    These are the streetlamps in Hershey, not kidding. Yes! Hershey's Kisses!! It is so frickin cute...

  14. #8744
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Welcome back, GoJays! Sounds and looks like a great trip. A post on Facebook showed that it had been a heatwave basically all over the planet this past week.

    Well, except for a few little jobs like taking out the garbage, I am. ......dare I say it..... ready to go!

    I have to put a little e-mail off to the Uber guy and then relax for the rest of the evening. Well, I am cleaning out my purse, so that may TAKE the rest of the evening 😃.

    Tiny bit of laundry to do. Poor Tootie had an embarrassing incident trying to accomplish her "neccessaries" this morning. Wound up "scooting" across the pavement of the cemetery to achieve what she needed. This did not particularly work. Let's put it this way- a full on half bath was in order. Luckily it was very early and we didn't run into our usual "friends" - she would have been mortified. (As well as her owner!)

    It is so quiet around here. Well, can't really stop yet. Another load of dishes to put through the dishwasher.

    Got to find those mitts to take up north! 😊

    Enjoy the ball game or whatever you are going to watch. BFN, folks!

  15. #8745
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Jays, welcome back! Glad you had a good trip!

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