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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #8881
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Video of our storm....600 still without power just west of us...
    yikes!! @Lynn49 I finally found the clip you were referring to. So much damage and yet they say it was " not " a tornado......
    Very glad to have missed being in the thick of something like that. Was your direct area damaged like that Lynn?
    Another early morning rising here for no good reason but once my eyes are open I know I can't fall back asleep....a nice nap will come later this afternoon if I feel the urge.

    Hope all the dedicated hard working people on here survive yet another muggy Monday.

    Feels so sticky out there right now.
    So sad to watch the Season finale of the Handmaid's Tale last night....sigh. Have to wait impatiently now for the new season.
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 3 others like this.

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  2. #8882
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    Good morning all. Hope you all had a great weekend. Well I have lots of errands to do . And I also need to pack for my vacation to the Windy City. It’s my first time going there so kind of excited. Hope you all stay hydrated and cool. Have a wonderful day all
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 2 others like this.

  3. #8883
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Good morning crew. @walkonby , @flemeth , good morning, good morning.

    Muggy indeed! It was actually fairly cool this morning, but already muggy when I took Cooper out for his morning potty break before was weird (the weather, not his break) I could see my breath in the humid/muggy mist.

    Supposed to be the last of the muggy hot days for a while. Thunder showers on and off this afternoon, bring with them the cooler temps.

    Going to be a busy, busy week here, more deadlines than I care to meet...but it's better than not having deadlines.
    Have a good day folks, back later.
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 1 others like this.

  4. #8884
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, @walkonby, @flemeth, @danger_dan!

    Yep, another hot, muggy day for us here, too, as was the weekend at camp. It was our fish-fry Saturday with a really great band, and as I mentioned to Avon earlier today, their rendition of one of my fav songs, "Losing My Religion" was so spot on, right to that last note!!! I had to retreat into our trailer at around 9pm to cool off, then just stayed there instead of heading back into that oven. I could still hear the music which was nice, too!

    @walkonby, wow, yes, that storm was really something!! When it was pouring rain and thundering DH and I were standing outside inhaling all those wonderful negative ions, lol, not knowing of course, what was happening just a few streets over. Our DD was driving into work the next morning through her usual route and was on the phone with me and counted 11 trees down across the road in that beautiful treed neighbouhood I always admired! She said it was like slolom driving! Roads have been cleared up but there are still trees down, across properties like our DD's in-laws. The tree next door to them fell across their lawn and driveway. Couldn't see the front of the house for the size of it! I'm not sure who's responsible for clearing up those trees, although I do imagine that if they're 'city' trees, they'll have to get them cleared away. Some businesses are still without power.

    Well, on with the day!! Another hot, sunny one, but no snow to shovel!!

    Have a great day, everyone!
    Natalka, GoJays, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  5. #8885
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good morning folks! Tootie had a bit of an emergency yesterday afternoon. She has been eating grass lately and then heaving. Well this time she couldn't get it up and was continually coughing and heaving and couldn't really get her breath. We have a vet right across the road who took her in immediately and thought she has some kind of inflammation in her upper respiratory tract. She said that older dogs can get pancreatitis if the amount of protein in their diet is high. So I will be back to adding some pumpkin to her meals. I swear they should have a"Mastercheff Canine" division. I would have it on as background music.

    When we were over at my brother's for supper, a neighbour brought over some doggie popsicles for their dog. Yoghurt, peanut butter and banana mashed up and frozen in an ice cube tray. Well Zeke, the 100 lb lab gobbled one up so fast, I don't think it "touched down" until it reached his stomach.

    I am meeting a friend from church this morning for a coffee. She is just going through chemo for breast cancer. She's only in her early forties. It's a hard row to hoe when you are by yourself.

    Then my sweet neighbour and I are going to get some artificial flowers as she is going to make me two memorial "saddles" for my parents' and my DH's graves. We will be going to Chatham in a couple of weeks so I can perform a memorial and graveside ceremony for my mum's cousin.

    I have to also get busy putting together 2 weddings now that my computer is back working again. Guess I better launch myself into this day!

    Have a good one and keep comfortable.

    Oh, flemeth- I loved our visit to Chicago. If you have time, I would recommend that you take the boat tour - fascinating history of how the city dealt with a problem.
    Last edited by avoncallingu; Mon, Jul 16th, 2018 at 10:25 AM.
    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  6. #8886
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Slept in, it was great

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  7. #8887
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  8. #8888
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Have a great week everyone!!

    Name:  334433-I-Wish-All-Happy-Monday-Good-Morning-.jpg
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  9. #8889
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Name:  things-like-this-are-why-I-dont-go-jogging.jpg
Views: 147
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    Last edited by dededi; Mon, Jul 16th, 2018 at 11:05 AM.
    Lynn49, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  10. #8890
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Good morning folks! Tootie had a bit of an emergency yesterday afternoon. She has been eating grass lately and then heaving. Well this time she couldn't get it up and was continually coughing and heaving and couldn't really get her breath. We have a vet right across the road who took her in immediately and thought she has some kind of inflammation in her upper respiratory tract. She said that older dogs can get pancreatitis if the amount of protein in their diet is high. So I will be back to adding some pumpkin to her meals. I swear they should have a"Mastercheff Canine" division. I would have it on as background music.

    When we were over at my brother's for supper, a neighbour brought over some doggie popsicles for their dog. Yoghurt, peanut butter and banana mashed up and frozen in an ice cube tray. Well Zeke, the 100 lb lab gobbled one up so fast, I don't think it "touched down" until it reached his stomach.

    I am meeting a friend from church this morning for a coffee. She is just going through chemo for breast cancer. She's only in her early forties. It's a hard row to hoe when you are by yourself.

    Then my sweet neighbour and I are going to get some artificial flowers as she is going to make me two memorial "saddles" for my parents' and my DH's graves. We will be going to Chatham in a couple of weeks so I can perform a memorial and graveside ceremony for my mum's cousin.

    I have to also get busy putting together 2 weddings now that my computer is back working again. Guess I better launch myself into this day!

    Have a good one and keep comfortable.

    Oh, flemeth- I loved our visit to Chicago. If you have time, I would recommend that you take the boat tour - fascinating history of how the city dealt with a problem.
    Thanks @avoncallingu it one of the things on my list just can’t figure out where to eat as yet any suggestions.
    Lynn49 and danger_dan like this.

  11. #8891
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning, Happy Monday!

    Avon, hoping your furry friend is doing better.
    Lynn, I have been wondering why you don't stay out at your camp during the week, or for a longer stretch of time?
    Flemeth, so nice you get to travel again. It would be cool to eat some authentic Chicago deep dish pizza!

    Have a great day, all!
    Lynn49, danger_dan and dededi like this.

  12. #8892
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Good morning, Happy Monday!

    Avon, hoping your furry friend is doing better.
    Lynn, I have been wondering why you don't stay out at your camp during the week, or for a longer stretch of time?
    Flemeth, so nice you get to travel again. It would be cool to eat some authentic Chicago deep dish pizza!

    Have a great day, all!
    G'day, @Natalka !

    Oh, Honey, I get bored. Now if I could haul my sewing machine over there (yes, I 'could') I might have time to do some sewing, but we end up on the kids' deck and that's it for the day! We play euchre, other games, but our DD comes home on Sundays and I'd rather be here with her.

    I did bring my painting supplies there this past weekend since it was calling for stormy weather all day Friday, but nope. Clear skies, it only rained at night, and not much more than a drizzle, so that fizzled out. I need to start practicing my Christmas cards! Hahahaha!! Yes, there are only 162 days until CHRISTMAS!!! Don't say I didn't warn y'all.

  13. #8893
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Good morning, Happy Monday!

    Avon, hoping your furry friend is doing better.
    Lynn, I have been wondering why you don't stay out at your camp during the week, or for a longer stretch of time?
    Flemeth, so nice you get to travel again. It would be cool to eat some authentic Chicago deep dish pizza!

    Have a great day, all!
    @Natalka that’s the first thing on my list for food. When I go to New York it not too expensive of a trip because we stayed at My mom so Free Boarding and Food except for when we go out. I have no family in Chicago so We will be staying at a Hotel and eating out all the time was trying to get a house but couldn’t find that I like since this was not a well thought out trip
    Natalka, Lynn49 and danger_dan like this.

  14. #8894
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    Good morning everyone . A busy day here have to finish my last minute packing for my trip tomorrow.Also have to go out to get a few things. We had lots of thunder and lightening last with rain hope it cool Dow a little will find out when a go walk Thor in a little . Have a great day all
    Lynn49, danger_dan and dededi like this.

  15. #8895
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Have a great trip @flemeth

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