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Thread: November frugal friends (2014)

  1. #271
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    I think the prednisone is kicking in! I could eat a horse. I crocheted 6 towels today and realized I forgot my pain meds this afternoon. Will take a dose before I go to bed.
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  2. #272
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post
    QOTD: When you see a printable coupon that you want but know that the expiry depends on the date you print it, do you wait and risk it being pulled from the website, or print it right then?

    I don't do printouts - the stores around me are not particularly keen on printouts, so I don't bother.

    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post
    IMWK: In your precious coupon collection at the moment, are they mainly printables, mail-outs, or tear pad coupons?
    Mostly inserts and mail outs at this point. I used to get tear pad coupons from the Sobeys down the street which is soon to be a condo so no longer in operation.
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  3. #273
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning All,
    (((hugs))) for everyone.

    Oh what a week, things have been all over the place. I am personally fighting a losing battle with my kitchen. Mom says with winter coming she is nesting which means cooking only issue is the clean up, I feel like the dishes are breading.

    I am also trying to work on our living room, two piles are gone and I am working on the third which is proving to be tricky. There is a lot of Mom's stuff in it and I am not sure what can go and what has to stay but this is the pile that must go for me to get a heater for to help with heating our house this winter.

    Mom has decided to give up teaching cake decorating, it just will not be enough for her live off of and the new rules well they do not want to expand on them or clarify but for the most part it feels like there would be no job security and they could find a reason to drop you at any second as an instructor without notice. She has found a full time job to apply for and now it is the waiting game, if she gets the full time job she will stop teaching cake decorating at the end of this month, if not she will stop the end of next month. The other side to this I did not think of until last night when we were talking, this means we get a huge chunk of our living room back as all of the cake stuff can now go down the basement as it will not be needed monthly. (I am currently sitting here looking at every thing I can see that will soon be gone out of my living room, making it so we will actually have a living room again).

    As for my Mom's Christmas gift I decided the best thing to do was to just flat out ask her if she still wanted it. As I said I have no issues buying it for her but I want to know she will use it which I have to take her word she will. The nice thing is what she choose will fit in the living room and fold up under the couch as we keep talking about setting up a home gym but well space is lacking for us.

    Mom is working today so I have the house to myself and my goal is to clean but first I need to get some ambition, my sinus are acting up and have been for most of the week. I am trying super hard not to go on antibiotics due to the side effects I tend to suffer from, when needed I do go on them but if I can avoid it, I do.

    Hope everyone has a great time, time for me to get some caffeine into me and see how the day will go.
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  4. #274
    Smart Canuck
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    I seem to have been keeping busy with the new twins-yesterday was also parent teacher interviews at the high school and I will also be spending the day there on Monday to hand out the band uniforms with another mother. One of these days I will make sure everything is in order for my trip to India in 3 weeks and start my Christmas shopping!! Busy time of year for all of us I think. Good luck SA on your clean up and CL so nice to hear you are crocheting again!
    Andit, Natalka, ROMEO and 5 others like this.

  5. #275
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone.

    Brats decided to stay in bed, it's warm in here, but not warm enough for them (or me!). Still fighting something, hoping it goes away soon (I have too much to do around here, like bake doggy cookies and make Lily dog dinners). Think it's going to be a cuddle up on the couch with a good book and a critter and watch some old movies kind of day. Unless someone decides it's a let's play tag and chase the human around the condo day.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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  6. #276
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    I feel like shouting from the rooftop "I woke up pain free this morning."

    I got a call from one of the stores a couple days ago. The lady who buys a lot of towels was in and bought 22...almost cleaned them out again. So now I`m working on the new Christmas ones I got last week.

    @ Andit hope whatever you`re fighting goes away.

    @ Ashley Hope you get everything accomplished that you set out to do.

    @ Lizzie Enjoy your time with the twins. Sounds like you`ll be busy for the next few weeks.
    Andit, Natalka, ROMEO and 5 others like this.

  7. #277
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    andit -these things hang on -I got a cold a week and a half ago still have a cough and still feel lethargic-I may make myself go to shopper thou
    -2 giftcards bought today for xmas gifts (my daughter-in-law mentioned she wanted a spa one near her house and a home depot one for my son-yeah a great feeling
    Andit, Natalka, ROMEO and 5 others like this.

  8. #278
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    heh all. popping in real quick. in the middle of a crazy day, bazaar, outside clean up and decorate and laundry day.
    its so freakin cold in here i just caved and turned on the heat. i know most have their heat on anyway. we'll see if dh notices.
    just waiting on dinner to cook, lazy mans cabbage rolls .. for dessert apple cake i won at the bazaar.
    tomorrow will b me alone as dh is spending the day with family.
    will be nice to have some quiet time to get a few things done.
    Andit, Natalka, ROMEO and 6 others like this.
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  9. #279
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    I would love to see the reactions if this happened on the subway?

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  10. #280
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Still feeling off, hoping the candied ginger I'm munching on helps. Gotta be better than the chips I'm tempted to munch on.

    @Crochetlady glad to hear you are feeling better and pain free! Yippee! Now, don't overdo it...unless you're having fun.

    @coupon girl Sorry to hear you're still under the weather. For me, it's a real whammy cause I have no immune system (trade off for having a couple of organ transplants). Not sure about the lethargy, but for the cough, I recommend making a very strong tea, filling your cup half-way, then topping it off with rum. You can add a slice of lemon, but nothing else. It will make you feel better & help you sleep through the night (I grew up using this as a cure for a cold & darned if it isn't effective ).

    @lizzie bargain India during Xmas sounds amazing, I will certainly be jealous of all that heat you get to enjoy. Are you staying in one place or doing a grand tour?

    @SassyAshley Wow, sounds like you've got your hands full! Don't suppose I could borrow a cup of ambition from you? I'm in an I'll get to it later kinda mood these days.

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  11. #281
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    thanks andit for the tip -just had a rye and coke (my gums still flare up)-I have no rum
    -oh and I also took a Tylenol 2 a few hours back -iam sure will sleep tonight
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  12. #282
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    coupon girl, sure hope things get better for you soon!

    Anyone else with owies, aches, pains, colds.... hoping for relief for you all!

    avon, any chance we can see video of your production?

    Hoping everyone has some rest and/or fun today!

    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 4 others like this.

  13. #283
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone.

    It was so dark this morning, we slept in. When I saw the sn*wflakes outside the window, I tried to convince Lily dog that it was too early to spy on neighbours, but she insisted on going out. She was not impressed when she got her feet wet (it's always my fault ).

    I think I'm succumbing to a cold. Blech. Think I really have to start taking a page out of my aunt's guide to living to be a healthy active 86 yr old - can't do the smoking for 70+ yrs, or starving during the war yrs or living under a bridge in winter, but the tumbler-full of vodka before breakfast sounds like a good idea. Might have to switch to rum, tho.

    Off to make breakfast for the brats. Think I'll wait til lunch time for the alcohol - it might lose its effectiveness when combined with the transplant drugs.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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  14. #284
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    Andit-just a quick trip for a week before Xmas this time, to attend a friends son's wedding. Some folks are doing grand tours but since I have been before I am just going for the festivities. I will be in Chennai in the south and staying at one hotel except the last night when we all head to a beach resort to chill. Lots of henna parties and shopping in my immediate future. I just received the schedule this morning-it looks pretty busy.

  15. #285
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    I tackled the pile yesterday and it is about 75% gone, our biggest issue right now is that there is no where to move anything so stuff we are keeping is now living in the hallway well I try to make room to move it back into the living room. This means pile number 4 needs to be tackled but the issue here is this is a lot of my Mom's teaching stuff so until she knows when she will stop teaching we really cannot touch it yet.

    Mom is working again today so house to myself again which I must admit I am looking forward too, I think I am going to do some cooking to get food ready for the week. I am determined to start working out again but I need a plan in place because I need the time I usually take to make dinner to work out instead.

    As well work has been a bit of a well roller coaster this week. As I mentioned previously one girl in my department has been moved to another department (not really her choice, I guess best way to put it she was demoted) but it was announced last week her replacement would be the girl I had multiple issues with. So this week I sat down with her to try to work out our issues before she comes back (she won't be back until next year). I am hopeful all will go well once she comes back we put a lot on the table and we all see the issues so hopefully all will be good, I am trying to be hopeful yet cautious all in one.

    As well I sat down with our new branch manager and did some training with him which went well. This was kind of testing my skills as Dad also sat down with my and my two bros to discuss our changing rolls within in the company. None of us are moving positions but Dad would like us to take on more responsibility and more of a ownership role. Come January all of us will be traveling to different locations and we will become 3 more sets of eyes for Dad to see how things are going in different locations. It looks like there are changes to come, come January. The good news well I see it as good news is I will be getting access from home to the system which may sound weird but makes me happy because I can now leave at 4, come get done what I need to get done and than go back to work. Plus sometimes for some reason sweats and a cup of tea makes everything a little clearer. It is now official I will start travelling come January.

    As well the family vacation has been booked, I will be spending a week in February in Hawaii, I am super excited but seriously nervous at the same time, I have never traveled this far before. Our first day of travelling is 23.5 hours as we have an over 11 hour lay over going and than coming home our lay over will be just over 6 hours. I do not hate travelling but it always makes me nervous. As I have said before I am more of a weekend away girl vs long trips but you just cannot turn down Hawaii. As well it will be fun as 7 of us are going and staying in a condo for 6 so not sure who the odd one out will be yet but I am thinking my one bro will end up on the couch but we will make it work.

    Hope everyone has a good day, off to decide what I need to cook today to get ready for the week.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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