....800 plus people look at your post and you only get 9 thumbs up
....internet explorer won't let you upload photos to SC and you have to switch to...
So sorry everyone. I was away last week and usually have signal when I'm there (way up in northern Ontario) but this time, no luck! :( sorry to have...
Irish Spring Body Wash
Fructis Shampoo/products
P&G WUB3 save $7.00 WUB2 save $4.00
Arm & Hammer Laundry Soap
St. Ives Facial Scrub
Max Scoop Cat Litter
Royal TP (go Coupon.ca) just for the regular TP not Ultra
Green Works
Cheese Blocks - Black Diamond or Armstrong
Old Dutch Chips
Dare Cookies
Mr. Christie Crackers