Beauty & Personal Care Supplies
1 x 7.00 0 AquaFresh Whitetrays - 06/30/10
1 x .50 - Arm & Hammer Antiperspirant Deodorant - 12/31/09
1 x 2.00 - Bic Soleil Twilight or Citron- 12/31/09
1 x 5.00 - Clean and Clear Blackhead Eraser - 03/31/10
2 x 1.00 - Covergirl - Any Product - 10/31/09
2 x 3.00 WUB2- Covergirl - Any Product - 10/31/09
1 x 3.00 - Crest Spinbrush ProClean Sonic - 12/31/09
1 x 1.75 - Crest Spinbrush ProClean or Kids Spinbrush- 12/31/09
Air Fresheners (Smellies)
15 x MIR - Glade - The Fragrance Collection - Exp. 08/30/10
5 x 1.00 - AirWick Odour Stop with Baking Soda - 03/31/10
5 x 1.00 - AirWick Scented Oil iMotion - 03/31/10
2 x .50 - AirWick Scented Oil iMotion Starter Kit - exp. 12/31/09
2 x 1.00 - Febreeze Air Effects - Exp. 10/31/09
2 x 2.00 - Febreeze Any Candle - Exp. 10/31/09
2 x 5.00 - Febreeze Flameless Luminaires Starter - Exp. 10/31/09
2 x 3.00 - Febreeze Noticeables Starter Kit - Exp. 10/31/09
2 x 2.00 - Febreeze SoyBlend Candle - Exp. 10/31/09
1 x 5.00 - Glade Fresh Effects Holder- Exp. 02/28/10
2 x 2.00 - Scented Oil 2 Pack Refills - Exp. 02/28/10
Wish List:
Wonderbread Invisible - REALLY WANT THESE
Imperial Margarine (2010 only please)
D'italiano or Villagio Bread
Armstrong Cheese
B3 Save $4 Kraft coupons
Wing Wong Products
Pillsbury Products
Cheerios (not store specific)
.50 Bear Paws
.50 Country Time or Tang Singles
Janes $1 or $2 (Not Kids or Chicken Breast)
FROZEN PIZZA - Not Casa or Ristorante
So Good Soy Beverage ( - $1.50 ones please not the .50 ones)
Dempster Bread(s) - For 2010
Wonderbread- For 2010
Kellogg's Snacks (Poptarts-Special K Bars-Cakesters)not B2 save $1.00 (have lots)
Tide....please $1.00 or more
Primo pasta or sauce
Miracle Whip (any amount)
Renee's Salad Dressing
Only the $3.50 Finish/Electrosol Quantum, Powerball, tabs 25ct/larger or Gelpacs
ClubHouse (spices or sauces)
Junk Food....let me know what you
have...will trade stamps for stuff I use
at Cakesters, Nutrigrain, Schneiders
Hot Rods, Ruffles chips, Lays Chips,