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Thread: Love the Savings Feburary - 2015 Frugal chatter

  1. #526
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone.

    Yesterday was amazing! The show was brilliant (Death of an Anarchist - dark twisted comedy with lots of references only someone in the GTA would know). Even better was the warm reception I got from the gang there, who welcomed me back with open arms.

    Debating whether to go out & run a quick errand (I was stupid and forgot something the other day when I ran out to the grocery store). Friends were supposed to stop by tonight, but we've rescheduled for a warmer day (last time they were here, the car stalled and we waited 2 hrs for CAA to arrive - car had never done this before and usually runs fine in the driveway just doesn't care for my garage ).

    Better go check on the brats. They had been screaming for seconds, but they've suddenly gone quiet. That usually means Quincy cat is torturing poor Lily dog.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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  2. #527
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    With all this talk in the news lately that people are working longer because they can't afford to retire.... Are some of these perhaps the same people who drive through Tim Hortons every single day. Saving just $2 a day for 45 years adds up to $32,850!!! And that is just straight savings - not including any interest that could accrue on this amount.

  3. #528
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    Quote Originally Posted by momof5boys View Post
    With all this talk in the news lately that people are working longer because they can't afford to retire.... Are some of these perhaps the same people who drive through Tim Hortons every single day. Saving just $2 a day for 45 years adds up to $32,850!!! And that is just straight savings - not including any interest that could accrue on this amount.
    My husband is a financial planner and you would be surprised at how many people that don't have a retirement game plan whatsoever and have spent their money on everything but retirement. Somehow they expect to start saving in their late 50's and he is supposed to work miracles with their money! You can't fix stupid, he will not take them as clients.

  4. #529
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    I have friends like that. Don't have a pot to piss in but always have money to eat out etc. But "can't afford" to do anything.

  5. #530
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    afternoon all. after a long morning away at the job workshop and then a nap. -30 can take a toll on someone fast who can't walk fast. a 15 minute can feel like forever. i was freezing by the time i reached the bus stop.
    came home and snuck into bed for an hour, until dh was off to work.

    had some dinner. now catching up on my computer stuff.

    man i can't wait for spring.

    Angela?? any idea when you'll know what your having. or are you leaving that a surprise. on top of the one you already got.
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  6. #531
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thriftygranny View Post
    My husband is a financial planner and you would be surprised at how many people that don't have a retirement game plan whatsoever and have spent their money on everything but retirement. Somehow they expect to start saving in their late 50's and he is supposed to work miracles with their money! You can't fix stupid, he will not take them as clients.
    Our DD also, TG....making tons of money, no insurance coverage, no savings! Boy, it must be so unfortunate to be told that they can't afford to retire. She puts them on a budget, sets things right, I guess, but sometimes too little to late... I used to tell my couples that by now they should meet with an advisor and get plans for their futures in's never too early.

    As for those Tim's' lineups....why do so many of those people look like they're least able to afford those overpriced cups of sludge?! Get a thermos! And some jerks toss them on the ground when they're done! Like the world is their personal garbage can! Like cigarettes and car ashtrays! What on god's green earth gives them that right?!

    Oh. I get so mad. Sorry.

  7. #532
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    Just finished cooking up a small 8 pound turkey (had it in the freezer - bought for .98lb.) and have 11 cups of cooked meat in the freezer now. Good for lunch meat or casseroles later. Will cook up some turkey soup this weekend

  8. #533
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    You are so right Lynn it is never too early. It is nice when clients are actually willing to go on a budget and listen to advice. I didn't mean to sound rude when I said he won't take them as clients...but the ones that don't listen are more work than they are worth and will never change.

  9. #534
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thriftygranny View Post
    You are so right Lynn it is never too early. It is nice when clients are actually willing to go on a budget and listen to advice. I didn't mean to sound rude when I said he won't take them as clients...but the ones that don't listen are more work than they are worth and will never change.
    Yes...It seems that so many people are oblivious to the fact that they'll also, hopefully, get old and that it's enough to deal with, without being old and POOR.

  10. #535
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Hopefully J & C is recovering nicely from her surgery.
    Tried a new recipe from Budget Bytes called Dragon noodles. I added chicken and used egg noodles but it was so easy and omg yummy not to mention cheap. I am loving this site and it has been great to show the older child how to cook as the site has step by step photos so it makes the learning process so much easier.
    Dont even get me started on people who don't plan for retirement. I am related to them...DH and I have enough now that if we were 65 we could retire, but since we are not yet 50 we keep saving in the hopes that we can retire early. Logan won't finish school until we are 60 so that is the current goal. fingers crossed
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  11. #536
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Hi ya everyone,

    My gullbladder is gone and I'm feeling pretty good but can feel the meds running out so took Motrin and will take prescription pain killers at 8pm with bells on

    My underarm did not get done but he told me this before heading into the OR, he said that he spoke with a dermatologist who I will be seeing sooner rather than later .

    On another subject with respect to not saving for later in life, I agree it's never too early. BUT I truly believe that unfortunately we live in a world where people regardless of their age "believe they are entitled" I know some generations are more guilty than others.

    My inlaws don't do without anything (what I mean is if they want something they just buy it) but have nothing to show for their livelyhoods, however, they don't live in luxury but have rather made many poor choices over and over again BUT sadly they have nothing to show for their careers/working as they are both retired, they have pissed away all monies over the years on various things. FIL will stop at Timmies everytime he passes one while doing errands, etc, as much as 3 times in 1 day

    They had to sell their cottage to purchase the land from us to purchase the lot from us to build their current home. They don't have a mortgage but the house they sold did not cover the cost of their new home and had to take $ out of RRSPs to payoff there new home so they wouldn't have a mortage and they purchased a truck 2nd hand from a dealer that is on payments, FIL is 63 and MIL is 58.

    I apologize if the above doesn't make sense as my cognitive skills are a little off with the meds
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  12. #537
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    J&C - rest, rest, rest! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  13. #538
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    So glad to know thing went well J&C, take it easy and rest!!

  14. #539
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    SO glad to hear all went well with your surgery Nancy. despite not getting your armpits done..
    now get off here and go rest!! thats an order
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  15. #540
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    yep rest up nancy
    Andit, Crochetlady, Lynn49 and 4 others like this.

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