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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #22876
    Canadian Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy View Post
    Good evening my friends! I hope everyone was able to take advantage of the warm weather on the weekend. It's nice seeing signs of spring with birds and buds and flowers reappearing. Sorry @Natalka that winter is hanging on where you are. Hopefully your posts of foods and animals will keep you going until spring arrives in your area.
    Somehow I managed to fracture my left hind paw (osteoporosis induced) so I have it in an air cast.Not even a full day yet and I've already had enough of it! (I'm really turning into Cranky Kong-remember him?). That said, I can still walk and I'm staying dry because all it is doing out is raining! (take your blessings where you can get them).
    Whatever you are doing stay safe,sane and well (or 2 out of 3?).
    @Skippy good morning sorry to hear that you have a fractured. Hoping it mend itself quickly . How long are you supposed to wear the air cast ?
    Lynn49 and cath007 like this.

  2. #22877
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning peeps!
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  3. #22878
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    hiya to the early crew ( you know who you are! )
    DH and I will be getting our vaccines today. Expecting to have some symptoms afterwards ( headache, body aches, fatigue ) because everyone who has had theirs told me they got these side effects. Wish I hadn't asked them.

    Just now I pulled this from the oven....oh the aroma. Mmmm.

    Name:  a 6 inch turkey dinner pie.jpg
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    I threw together the leftovers to make a " turkey dinner pie! ". Had enough pastry dough for a single crust, so naturally I halved it to line my 6" pyrex pie plate.
    Filled it with diced up turkey meat, green beans, roasted cauliflower, gravy, and then laid the Stove Top stuffing on top, more gravy, sealing it with the other half of pastry...brushed with egg and baked.

    This way in case we don't feel up to cooking after our shots we have an easy pre-made lunch!
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 3 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  4. #22879
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    hiya to the early crew ( you know who you are! )
    DH and I will be getting our vaccines today. Expecting to have some symptoms afterwards ( headache, body aches, fatigue ) because everyone who has had theirs told me they got these side effects. Wish I hadn't asked them.

    Just now I pulled this from the oven....oh the aroma. Mmmm.

    Name:  a 6 inch turkey dinner pie.jpg
Views: 135
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    I threw together the leftovers to make a " turkey dinner pie! ". Had enough pastry dough for a single crust, so naturally I halved it to line my 6" pyrex pie plate.
    Filled it with diced up turkey meat, green beans, roasted cauliflower, gravy, and then laid the Stove Top stuffing on top, more gravy, sealing it with the other half of pastry...brushed with egg and baked.

    This way in case we don't feel up to cooking after our shots we have an easy pre-made lunch!
    Glad you two are able to get in for a vaccine!
    Also that Turkey dinner in a pie looks scrumptious! [Turkey Dinner is my all time favourite meal!]
    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  5. #22880
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    hiya to the early crew ( you know who you are! )
    DH and I will be getting our vaccines today. Expecting to have some symptoms afterwards ( headache, body aches, fatigue ) because everyone who has had theirs told me they got these side effects. Wish I hadn't asked them.

    Just now I pulled this from the oven....oh the aroma. Mmmm.

    Name:  a 6 inch turkey dinner pie.jpg
Views: 135
Size:  90.0 KB

    I threw together the leftovers to make a " turkey dinner pie! ". Had enough pastry dough for a single crust, so naturally I halved it to line my 6" pyrex pie plate.
    Filled it with diced up turkey meat, green beans, roasted cauliflower, gravy, and then laid the Stove Top stuffing on top, more gravy, sealing it with the other half of pastry...brushed with egg and baked.

    This way in case we don't feel up to cooking after our shots we have an easy pre-made lunch!

    walkonby, when hubby and i got our vaccines, i was the one with the symptoms. But they were mild. I had a bit of swelling and some pain in the arm for a couple of days. Nothing else. Dont go by what everyone else says. We are all different.
    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 1 others like this.

  6. #22881
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Good morning to all of you!!! Happy day!!
    Lynn49 and SnowFlakey like this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  7. #22882
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    @walkonby , I had the Moderna vaccine on Saturday and finally the shoulder pain is gone. I didn't think I was having any side-effects, but when i was chatting with our Daughter i told her that on Sunday I had absolutely no dinner I'd had only a small container of yogurt (breakfast) and a mandarin (lunch), and that I actually had to go for a nap!! She said that tiredness seems to be one of the side-effects of some vaccines naturally my Hubby had none, but he did have the Pfizer vaccine. So who knows? Just be aware that you may experience something or nothing.

    Drizzly day, Hubby and Grandson (on March are playing chess and using French words to describe various least they're on the same level of ... what's the word...experience? Talent? Words sometimes allude me.

    @Skippy , my goodness, what a set-back! How did it happen?! Wanna borrow my Walker? Just kidding....I hope it didn't happen on one of your walks. How long do you have to wear that cast? Believe me, I absolutely understand that feeling of frustration when we can't get around as usual...can you take it off when you sleep?

    Everyone, stay safe....enjoy your day!
    Natalka, GoJays, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  8. #22883
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    we're all done getting poked!! ( we were told we got the Pfizer )

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    Natalka, Lynn49, cath007 and 2 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  9. #22884
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    we're all done getting poked!! ( we were told we got the Pfizer )

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Views: 134
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    Yay, like my Hubby!

    I wonder what's going to fill the void that the 10M doses of J&J were supposed to fill here in Canada. Were alternate plans put into place? Lol......not bloody likely!!
    walkonby, cath007 and SnowFlakey like this.

  10. #22885
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello my friends!
    Well my BrotherB came back a day early from the north country.

    My nephew has found a job at the KOA campsite at the Sault. That will give him experience and skills in the area that he's going to be studying. They may need him into the fall, part time as well.

    I have been continuing to try to find "evidence " to support my deductions on my 2019 tax which CRA is questioning.

    I have purchased a flexible vine-covered fence kind of thing which should give me some privacy on my balcony if I can get it attached.

    This morning I had physio and came away feeling more pain than when I went in. Is it supposed to work that way???? I don't think so!

    Well, supper will be here soon. I am going to see how this fence thing fits.

    @Skippy - woah! So sorry about your fracture! Wishing you a complete and speedy recovery.

    @Natalka - I don't eat sausage, but that "bouquet" looks scrumptious!

    @walkonby - your turkey pot pie is making my stomach growl!

    I have joined "Noom" 3 days ago. We'll see if I can't get some of this stress-eating weight off.

    Will chat later!

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  11. #22886
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Hello my friends!
    Well my BrotherB came back a day early from the north country.

    My nephew has found a job at the KOA campsite at the Sault. That will give him experience and skills in the area that he's going to be studying. They may need him into the fall, part time as well.

    I have been continuing to try to find "evidence " to support my deductions on my 2019 tax which CRA is questioning.

    I have purchased a flexible vine-covered fence kind of thing which should give me some privacy on my balcony if I can get it attached.

    This morning I had physio and came away feeling more pain than when I went in. Is it supposed to work that way???? I don't think so!

    Well, supper will be here soon. I am going to see how this fence thing fits.

    @Skippy - woah! So sorry about your fracture! Wishing you a complete and speedy recovery.

    @Natalka- I don't eat sausage, but that "bouquet" looks scrumptious!

    @walkonby - your turkey pot pie is making my stomach growl!

    I have joined "Noom" 3 days ago. We'll see if I can't get some of this stress-eating weight off.

    Will chat later!

    @avoncallingu :I'M 2 WEEKS INTO NOOM and I love it!!
    I haven't been near this weight since 2014, lol!!
    Don't forget to read those lessons each morning, answer the quizzes and you can always save any article by clicking on the little tag in the upper right hand corner of the page!
    Our DD has lost around 25lbs, from a size "almost hitting a 14!!!" (horrors, lol) to a comfy 10 on to her comfy 8.
    It's not a diet, but of course they change your way of thinking about food and gradually you fall into step and the weight comes off!!
    YAY FOR YOU!!!!

    As for that fencing stuff, you can just tie it onto your top railing and secure it wherever you need to with string or yarn, right? I hope??
    Put potted potato vines beside it and they'll climb all over that thing! LOL!!
    Nasturtiums also and they're lovely in a salad.

    How nice that your nephew got a summer job at a KOA site...I'll have to let our DD know, one of her BFFs lives there...her Daughter will be in school here at Laurentian for her 2nd year in pharmacy...she's working at one now.
    Funny how things work out.
    Which school and program will he be in?
    Natalka, walkonby, cath007 and 1 others like this.

  12. #22887
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    @walkonby your pie looks delicious. Happy you and your DH got the COVID vaccine
    @Lynn49 also Happy you and your DH got yours
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  13. #22888
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  14. #22889
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Skippy, Natalka, Lynn49 and 4 others like this.

  15. #22890
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    morning gang.
    Skippy, GoJays, walkonby and 1 others like this.

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