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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!
Fri, Jul 23rd, 2021, 08:03 AM #23656
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yup, I am here as well. Good morning ladies.
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Fri, Jul 23rd, 2021, 09:35 AM #23657
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Fri, Jul 23rd, 2021, 10:47 AM #23658
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Good morning!
I was up at 7:30 to catch the opening ceremonies so a nap may be order later today; there's nothing better than a nap at camp. Just learned that a resident lady here whose husband passed earlier, has been diagnosed with cancer and sent home to pass peacefully. A couple here is assembling a basket of goodies for her with a card we'll all sign.
....and the beat goes on.......😥
I hope everyone will be enjoying sunshine today, I hope the prairies get the much needed rain, I hope we all stay safe, happy, and feeling blessed.
Fri, Jul 23rd, 2021, 01:06 PM #23659
So, has anyone tried to buy an appliance in the past few months? Well, bad news is you almost can't. The Bosch dishwasher I wanted has an earliest arrival date of February 24th 2022. Womp womp. So, now I'm off to go look at the three that semi-meet my needs that anyone actually has in stock and available.
Today my annual birthday present to myself--a license plate sticker!!! arrived, and so I'm going to pop that on and maybe try and use up a couple of coupons for some treats maybe some Del Monte popsicles and some Chapman's?
I 'made' a bird bath deal from a tomato cage and a big plastic saucer? from under one of my patio plants and it seems to be a hit. I haven't noticed any birds making any Tik Tok's about it yet--but here's hoping.
Have a nice weekend folks!
Fri, Jul 23rd, 2021, 01:23 PM #23660
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once you see can't un-see it...
Fri, Jul 23rd, 2021, 01:34 PM #23661
Fri, Jul 23rd, 2021, 04:20 PM #23662
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@HermanH she is a bit of a stiff to tell you the truth.....( insert laugh track here )
My master ( aka the big hairy guy who snatched me off the concrete on Father's Day ) fancied himself a wood carver back in the day. He carved this American Goldfinch, but has also carved other small birds, 3 black capped chickadees, as well as some larger species. A Blue Jay, a Mallard Duck and a Cardinal.
I think he ventured into taxidermy and macrame after that.....busy guy.
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Sun, Jul 25th, 2021, 06:37 PM #23663
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There's no way I could ever sit outside today and, until Tuesday or Wednesday (if that)...the wild fires raging just north of us have blocked out our sun, which now is a red blob in the sky, and it's hazy as if covered in fog here.
Breathing for me out there is nearly impossible without coughing, burning eyes, headache...even our kids are finding they have to stay inside.
How are you all doing south of us??
Sun, Jul 25th, 2021, 06:39 PM #23664
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The difference from the clear skies on the island was so evident as we entered our neighbourhood and slipped into that smokey air...
Sun, Jul 25th, 2021, 08:25 PM #23665
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@Lynn49 our challenge for sitting out back today was just the heat, there is no smoke here. It is a bit nicer now that the sun is gone. That sounds unbearable where you are, thank goodness you can at least escape inside with the A/C. A niece out West
( B.C. ) had to be evacuated. No details yet on where they had them relocate.
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Mon, Jul 26th, 2021, 06:13 AM #23666
It's hazy on and off over here @Lynn49 , depends which way the winds are blowing. When it's clear, it's clear. But when it's hazy, yes you're right, it's like fog. I'm fortunate that it doesn't bother me though
Mon, Jul 26th, 2021, 06:15 AM #23667
Mon, Jul 26th, 2021, 06:16 AM #23668
Mon, Jul 26th, 2021, 08:24 AM #23669
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@Lynn49 - of course, stay in, keep that a/c running. Our smoke probs have decreased, but that depends on the wind - from north of here, BC and AB, or MB.
We got rain overnight, probably not much, but nice to get some. Too late to help the farmers and ranchers, though.
Temps have been upper 20s, but humid. It's going to get back into the 30s soon.
A great-niece of mine from California, just graduated as a practical nurse and went on a little trip for a break. She posted a pic with her friend at Dante's View (overlooking Death Valley) yesterday - temp was 121F. Lordy!
The 24th was my +Dad's birthday, he was born in 1920. Came to Canada at nine years old.
Had to call in tech support yesterday - Milan tried all he could to resurrect the desktop, to no avail. He will try one more thing, he has had success in the past with this one specific program to try, but he has to find the disc.
If not, he said he'd give us his computer, says he uses it only a few times a year, he uses his laptop. That computer was my brother +Andrew's, so it's old, but Milan said it's a Dell and is in great shape. Ours is about five years old, we bought it refurbished.
I can't use the desktop - I miss it lots! - but my husband does.
Health stuff is same as usual, certain things flare up more than others. Today it's major right knee pain, and continuing probs with my left hand - not just the arthritis, but lots of pain in that big muscle around my thumb to the wrist. This morning, I could not grab the tumbler of iced water my husband passed to me.
I slept from 11 until 3, so I presume I will have to sleep soon. I also mess up my husband, since I had to awaken him for help - but he hasn't gone back to sleep yet.
Did a Superstore order last night, so he will go pick that up this aft.
Hope you all have a Marvelous Monday!Last edited by Natalka; Mon, Jul 26th, 2021 at 08:27 AM.
Mon, Jul 26th, 2021, 09:11 AM #23670
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yeah sure @GoJays BUT how many woodchucks are on it? And are they any seashells being sold down by the seashore?
Good day everyone! So far, so that I have done very little so far today. Fed the feline beasts, will soon be lifting Frankie's cover off his cage to clean his abode out.
He got a ladder over the weekend! So cute... he now hops on the lowest perch in the cage and sits proudly on it for long periods! That is a real milestone.
Carry on as if it is Friday, even though we all know it's Monday.
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
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