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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #23671
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Seems the winds have turned away from us today, so I was fine accompanying Jenny out to the backyard this morning.

    A day of tests for me to hopefully determine why I get dizzy spells and a racing heart so often. I'm not looking forward to the tilt-table test and wearing a holter monitor again for the next 3 days.
    Either my cardiologist/internist will send me home with a popsicle and tell me to suck-it-up-buttercup, or he'll actually find what's wrong. Our Dr said it could be disautonomia, related to my fibro.

    So!! Enjoy a great, sunny Monday, everyone!!!

  2. #23672
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    good morning everyone

  3. #23673
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello friends! Finally able to get on here again. Updates: Frankie is very cute! I called the Fire Department yesterday as I thought the smog was actually a local fire - but y'all know that I DO have a "Thing" for firemen. It's sad that they probably all think these days that I'm just a "crazy old lady." They were kind, though and did check down by the dump where I thought the smoke smell was coming from.

    My Master Card was compromised, and I have been trying to communicate with PC Financial but to no avail.

    My nephew newly from "The Soo" came to visit last week. His summer job has gone kaput because of Covid, so, he is still looking for employment up there. It was really good to see him! (And I snuck in a hug!)

    I have been trying to fend off sacariliac (sp?) pain - trying a chiropractor these days.

    Lots to do and not getting a lot accomplished. My electronics give me a pain in the.....guess where?
    @Lynn49 - good luck with your tests - I hope you get some answers.

    Busy planning 2 weddings coming up in Aug. and Sept.

    Have to run and try to get SOMETHING on my "To Do" list completed.
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    Here's to all you great SC'ers
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  4. #23674
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Well friends,this day is a write off because of the poor air out there.I was only out in the back for 5 min or less and my nose and throat are still irritated an hour later.I'm gonna stay put with the a/c on!
    Went to a Provincial Park yesterday with DW. It was so refreshing being by the water with a nice breeze.Had our own little picnic lunch.
    Saw a coyote on the way into the park and many monarchs inside the park(which is encouraging as their numbers are getting low).
    Feel free to do your part and plant milkweed as apparently that's all they eat.
    Well despite my caffeine fix I'm starting to nod off so time for some physical work.
    Have a great week my friends!
    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 1 others like this.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  5. #23675
    Smart Canuck
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    Avon-I highly recommend you buy an SI belt for about $60 at a physio and try wearing it constantly. Helped me a ton several years ago when I had SI joint pain-made it more comfortable to walk, sleep etc. Good luck-I had never heard of them until I needed it.
    Lynn49 and danger_dan like this.

  6. #23676
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Tweets77, Lynn49 and danger_dan like this.

  7. #23677
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Tweets77, Lynn49, walkonby and 1 others like this.

  8. #23678
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning all.
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  9. #23679
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    No coffee for me, no food, until my bloodwork appointment at 10:30. No coffee..... Then a visit to Michael's.

    @lizzie bargain , I recall my Mom occasionally wearing a back brace at home for her back and wondered if it would help me: I have sciatica, 3 degenerated bone-on-bone lower discs that combined, can reduce me to tears often, when I try to move. I use a walker now for walking distances because of that pain and bursitis in my hip. Yep, getting old can come with a few challenges, but it beats the alternative. I'll look into it if I can avoid seeing a chiropractor, thank you.

    Yay, we have our first gold in women's weightlifting, and Japan beat the US in softball for the gold!!!

    Ok, have a great day, everyone, it looks sunny but dull outside, I hope it's not smoke.

  10. #23680
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    It's garbage day, as in NOT the large recycle bins, which is what DH wheeled out last night.....bwahahaha!!!
    The error was fixed before the trucks came around....whew!

    A bit of a time waster for me this a.m. watching a movie I should have passed on, however I am so easily led astray!
    Kathryn Heigl and Harry Connick Jr. I mean she IS a presence and he's a pretty decent actor. Anyhow....this sure kept me guessing with what is real and in someone's head.
    Called Fear Of Rain should you ever happen upon it.

    Good luck with the remainder of your tests @Lynn49 Then you can finally sip a smooth strong cuppa while strolling through Michael's!

    Good day @danger_dan !
    Lynn49, GoJays and danger_dan like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  11. #23681
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    You're right, @walkonby , sipping coffee at home (never buy the stuff) after omgosh, even with a scheduled appointment I stood outside for 20 minutes before being called. People without them were told it could be 1 to 1 1/2hr wait! I sat in line with my walker.
    Michael's has so much on at 60% off, it was hard to put some of the stuff down. I managed to put some of it down. But.....a lantern $30 for $12?
    I may go back to use it for a Christmas diorama, although I do have a red one....still...

    I read an interesting report: evidently of all deaths in the US from the delta variant, 99% were never vaccinated!! One by one, folks.....
    Natalka, GoJays and walkonby like this.

  12. #23682
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    I read an interesting report: evidently of all deaths in the US from the delta variant, 99% were never vaccinated!! One by one, folks.....
    This is known as survival of the fittest, or in the case of humans, survival of the smartest
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  13. #23683
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  14. #23684
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Lynn49 and flemeth like this.

  15. #23685
    Canadian Guru
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    Good morning @GoJays
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