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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #8596
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning and Happy Friday everyone!
    Saw a pic of that accident Dan there was yogurt everywhere, probably take some time to clean it up.

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  2. #8597
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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  3. #8598
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!!

    No drama here today thank heavens, no missing ducklings (so sad not to know where they are), nothing spilled anywhere, just a lovely boring day. DH is golfing, and I'm preparing to start that painting: putting brush to paper the first time is always scary, at least for me.

    DD emailed last night: (expletive), (her Hubby) just said today was the first day of summer and now the days will get shorter. I married my Dad. lmao. I emailed her back: "Welcome to my world. Reality sucks."

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!!

  4. #8599
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Dan, hope they clean that up before it gets hot!
    Not getting hot for a few more days, plus it's supposed to rain on the weekend. So we're good!! Stinky, spoiled dairy product avoided

  5. #8600
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    afternoon gang!
    Well that yogurt/401 truck " mishap " is a stone's throw from our place, I could hear the Traffic helicopters flying overhead all morning long. I did check it out the pics on CP24 cuz I was too lazy to put my pants on and walk down the
    Oh joy.....wonder if it will be cleaned up in time for when the guys leave for work??
    Probably not.

    TGIF all!! I actually talked myself out grocery shopping today. Wasn't that crazy to be in any traffic and that hwy situation turned me off completely.
    But also after checking the stockpiles of food in the freezers/fridge and cupboards I felt shame. We need nothing right now.
    The garden items growing up nicely and negating our need to buy salad fixins.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #8601
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Natalka, Lynn49 and dededi like this.

  7. #8602
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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  8. #8603
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Thank-you Lynn. After a frustrating interaction with Social Security once again, I got a break driving some of my nephew's 13 yr. old fiends who were attending his birthday party to the movie. Sweet kids.

    My wedding tomorrow has been moved inside. Thankfully they made that decision instead of trying to dodge showers in their backyard. No rehearsal with me but quite a small get together.

    Took my computer in and got it tweaked again. I think I might be needing a more permanent fix soon. Not really ready to get a new laptop, I think this one is only 3 years old. Asked my brother R over to watch TV. It was a rainy night and I hate driving at night in the rain. Tootie cooperated by having a really quick trip out and back in.

    Well, should hit the sack.

    Sleep well, my friends!

    Only pleasant dreams and awake up feeling rested and renewed.
    Natalka and dededi like this.

  9. #8604
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning and Happy Saturday everyone!!

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  10. #8605
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dededi View Post
    Good morning and Happy Saturday everyone!!

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    Oh, good grief, @dededi .....hahaha!!! You scored another one, thank you for a morning smile!

    A slightly more busy day here today; we have our GS overnight because our DD is hosting their staff party, co-workers and spouses for their annual bbq, so we have custody overnight. DH just booked tickets for the two of them to see the Incredibles in 3D, so it'll be quiet here for a while. Then he usually retreats to 'his' bedroom to spend quality time with his tablet. I'll have to clear away my painting and supplies from the dining-room table because I don't want anyone getting wind of what I'm painting for his Dad's b'day in 2 weeks. (2 WEEKS, @avoncallingu !!!!!) If it doesn't turn out nicely, then it's garbage.

    Have an absolutely carefree weekend, everyone!!!
    Enjoy a leisurely breakfast, and particularly your yogurt, since so many other yogurts gave up their lives yesterday so that you may enjoy one this morning.

    Natalka, walkonby and dededi like this.

  11. #8606
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Happy Sunday!

    Muggy out there, so we will probably get a storm later.

    Nurse came yesterday, things looking okay, some meds working very well so that's great. Lost another eight lbs, which seems so odd since I'm not eating well, but hopefully more swelling will go down.
    Milan will come over this aft to help with some house stuff, then we'll feed him, too!
    It still amazes me how much I cannot do, and if I try, how terribly wiped out I get...

    Hope you all have a Fab day!
    Lynn49, walkonby and dededi like this.

  12. #8607
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Good morning!

    Happy Sunday!

    Muggy out there, so we will probably get a storm later.

    Nurse came yesterday, things looking okay, some meds working very well so that's great. Lost another eight lbs, which seems so odd since I'm not eating well, but hopefully more swelling will go down.
    Milan will come over this aft to help with some house stuff, then we'll feed him, too!
    It still amazes me how much I cannot do, and if I try, how terribly wiped out I get...

    Hope you all have a Fab day!
    Hi, @Natalka ...nice to hear some good news on the health front. Don't be discouraged about how difficult it is to do even small things without getting wiped out. Your strength will return as you move towards better health; right now your body's concentrating its strength in healing you. One step at a time, right?

    Just relax into the healing no matter how long it takes and everything else will follow.
    Ask me how I know.
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  13. #8608
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    such a lazy day here for us...DD has been out socializing with her bff's since getting off work Friday , one of them came home for the w/e so they all have to hang out in a hoard now, lol.

    Atm DS is busy making up a monster sized Shepherd's pie for him and Dad ( for work meals ) and DD will probably dig into some of it too. I did up another stew, using small amounts of orange skinned sweet potato and the purple skinned ones too as the starch component.
    Saturday I roasted up 2 of the $5.00 whole chickens ( that I previously bought and froze ) so the freezer is feeling less filled at least.
    Lots of rain this morning ( it is still drizzling ) so nothing needed watering all w/e hooray!!

    That is such good news @Natalka wrt your health!! Sure sounds like the homecare staff are doing all the right things. Positive thoughts for you during the remainder of your recovery!
    @dededi I just shared the Knock Knock joke with the guys and they both sort of!!
    Last edited by walkonby; Sun, Jun 24th, 2018 at 04:06 PM.
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  14. #8609
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    LOvely finish to the day. Clear sky now and almost a full moon.

    You could almost see the grass turning green again, with all the rain we had.

    Well, good night, friends. Glad to see the Blue Jays win today. On to Houston.

    England and also Colombia won.

    Sleep well
    Natalka, Lynn49 and dededi like this.

  15. #8610
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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