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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #13066
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Happy International Women's Day!

    To all the wonderful SC women, thank you for sharing your stories, your advice, and being encouraging and kind!

    Here is the strongest woman I have ever known -

    Attachment 349482
    Good night good to read your postings and hear how much better your doing and all walking your doing ..keep up wonderful job your doing ..before you knows it’ll be back home again ..take good care yourself sweetie..keeping you always in my thoughts and prayers

    ohhhh is this picture of your mom ..happy international women’s day !!
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  2. #13067
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Aha, yes, @GoJays ..."slipper", not pitcher. I didn't have my memory foam slippers on. I should have mentioned that my Sis-in-law did take that gal's advice and her orchid is doing beautifully. That would help for sure when you're away quite often. I mentioned to you that I transplanted my 3, and they've survived me! I'm not sure how that weird succulent grows, though, although it has grown up and wider; I'll have to look it up.

    @Natalka , no worries, you're making such great progress, can't wait to hear the news that you're walking around the house as you please one day!

    G'night everyone, sweet dreams.

  3. #13068
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @GoJays ! I just found out what that plant is! I think it's a stretched out Perle von nunberg! It's supposed to remain in a rosette, but because we don't have all day sunlight, in fact many days with no sunlight, it elongated! It is a succulent, because the leaves are very thick and "snap" when broken. Soooooo...maybe....
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  4. #13069
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello folks, sleeping 7 storeys up tonight. I'm more than exhausted! Tootie too. She's been a trouper today! They were totally unprepared for me to move in today. Not impressed with their systems. They gave me 2 wrong parking spot numbers so I had to park in a Handicapped spot overnight. I hope they don't turf me tomorrow morning.

    New bed is comfy. Got to get to sleep. Good night!

  5. #13070
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Happy Caturday!

    Gah, had great pain through the night - pretty sure that most of the reason is them monkeying with my meds. Physio's view of meds is to stay ahead of the pain, and I must agree with that. Have back and sciatica pain which I have not had in a while.

    Had doggie visitors last evening. My husband was here, we had almost finishing eating when two dogs and their owners came in. ( Later found out that Twyla the aide pointed them in my direction, she had come in before when I was crying, and said she thought I would like them.)

    One, Senorita, was driven in on a wicker carriage by her senior woman owner. She is 15 and is arthritic, but is a big dog. Kinda like a blonde husky - but fluffier, she has white eyelashes but isn't albino. She was parked at the foot of the bed so I waited to scootch over to pet her after I petted Jake.

    I don't have a clue about breeds but he is one handsome dog. I asked the young guy with him if he would come on the bed and he said sure, when he's done sniffing everything. So he got up beside me on the bed - I had closed the fish and chip boxes, but he went right for them. They let my husband give each a bit of fish. I was just all over Jake - a big dog, fit, large perky ears, not a long coat but sleek and he was just sweet. He had a tie on, lol.

    When they were leaving, Jake does his big goodnight trick, the guy said like in the sound of music - he pushes Seniorita in her carriage.So besides having my husband to unload on ( I had a really bad day), he of course cheered me up, then the dogs were the cherry on top.

    I stil smell dog, ew. Going for a shower, and bedding will be changed.

    Hope you all have a superb Saturday!
    Last edited by Natalka; Sat, Mar 9th, 2019 at 11:38 AM.

  6. #13071
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!!
    @Natalka , I really miss taking Jenny to nursing homes when she was a therapy dog! Particularly one very elderly woman who never said a word, but the first time I walked Jenny into her room she had such a big smile and patted her bed...I asked her if she wanted Jenny on her bed, and she just patted her bed again. I hoisted Jenny up, she turned around a few times then lay down thisclose next to the woman, who gave me the "you can go now" wave... I stepped out of the room so she and Jenny could have some quality cuddle time together, chatted with the nursing staff, then went back in...if looked as if both of them were asleep! I quietly said that Jenny had to visit other people, but by then she was either exhausted or sleeping so I lifted Jenny up and off we went, door to door (with doggie stickers on the doors that indicated where they would be welcomed). I'll never forget her...we visited a couple more times with her, then I broke my leg and that was the end of that.
    Sure hope you feel better soon, Nat!

    Enjoy your Saturday, everyone!!

  7. #13072
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 - such a sweet story!

    What I miss is the snuggle factor with a cat, right up in my face and, of course, the purr, it's all about the purr!

    Had a good shower, but was crying from the pain by the time I got back to the room. Then I had to finish up washing parts one cannot do in a shower chaair, then put on my skin meds, then lunch came right away, and I am pooped. I have occupational therapy in an hour, so I will lay down for a bit.

    One of the best lunches - chicken nuggets and fries ( made here! Lots of flavour!,), coleslaw in a sweet vinagerette - I ate those first, had a bit of barley soup after. Had room and wanted to try a new dessert for them, rhubarb cake, and it was really very good.

    Last night when my husband came to visit, he didn't know yet that I had a new roommate - he has to walk by her bed to get to mine, and he said hello to her. She says very excitedly "I know you!" - and as he was saying sorry... I piped up and told her, remember that you know my husband's brother, they do kind of look alike. Then she thought and said oh, Fr. Blank doesn't have a beard.
    I then had to explain to my husband that she and her husband have a condo in the same Villa as Fr.

    Small world...

  8. #13073
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Isn't that encounter your DH had with the roommate the strangest thing @Natalka ? Small world indeed!
    Doggy visits!! How wonderfully therapeutic.
    Still I feel like smacking whoever or whatever is making you cry!! Tell them ( it ) all to stop. Those pain meds need to be administered accurately for you to avoid all of this pain.
    I am so sorry you keep slipping in and out of these highs and lows, especially with all the effort you've put into your PT workouts. (((hugs!!! )))

    Oh happy day for you @avoncallingu !! Very glad you got the move over with. Sounds like Tootie is adjusting to all of it as well. A comfy bed is everything isn't it?? They better not have had your vehicle towed from the handicapped spot. I am sure things will get sorted out correctly.

    Not much on the schedule now, my physio workout was early this morning...I plan to laze about once I return from dropping DD to work, then take in the Leaf game.
    I came across this extra cute face shot of Rufus after he had finished being groomed....I know the pic is old because he has SO MANY warts now...not just on the body but on his adorable wee face too!

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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  9. #13074
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  10. #13075
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    Good morning all. Hope you all had a great day yesterday.
    I still ice raining here today.
    My plan is to do some baking this morning . What ever I make will be breakfast it will be pastries.
    @Natalka I am so sorry that you are in pain again. Hoping the get your meds correct today and you are in less pain. Glad you DH visit and the Dogs visit cheered you up . Sending ((((HUGS)))
    @avoncallingu glad you are moved in . sounds like you and Tootie are adjusting to your new home well. About your car in the Handi spot if the towed it the will have to get it back for you at there exp. hoping that does not happen. Hope everything get sorted out today.
    @walkonby Rufus looks so handsome what an adorable face. Hoping he is doing better.
    Have a great Sunday all

  11. #13076
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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  12. #13077
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 1 others like this.

  13. #13078
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Hi, just cooling off after a walk out of my room and about 3/4 of the way down the hall. Had no physio booked for today, so we kind of just figure out our own - so I had two short walks this morning, and did two sets of exercises, for legs and hand/elbow.

    Did not sleep well last night. Part hurting, part I don't know why.
    Milan was here in the evening for a visit, brought me some treats.

    Weather is nice, puts people in better mood!

    Hope you all are happy!
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  14. #13079
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Wild weather here. Major winds. I decided not to go to Niagara Falls. I was totally exhausted and sore this morning. There was no way I could have gone and then dealt with the rest of the week. Mind younger than the body. I had a 2 hour rest after the Rogers Guy left. Felt lots better. But it's amazing how little you have to do to get back to feeling exhausted again.

    I took supper over to my BrotherB because they're all under the weather. I also took some to BrotherR. Was going to ask him over but I only have one chair at the moment.

    I did the Redemption Day event at SDM and got $150 worth of pantry basics for free. (Also a nice new cosmetic bag for me. )

    I am going to binge watch TV and maybe do a little more unpacking.

    Good night! I'm glad Tootie is with my friend because I don't have the energy to be fair to her in getting her used to being here. She's with two other dogs and apparently they keep trading places for the "cosiest" spot. The grass is greener in the dog world as well. 😊

  15. #13080
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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