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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #20566
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, packing up for the island, leaving soon.
    @avoncallingu, your poor wee Tootie. I hope that the less invasive method of ridding her of those crystals works for her rather than surgery with her "almost" asleep. Give her a gentle cuddle for me, please.
    Jenny is fine with her pain meds, she can walk normally, do stairs again, so this looks like something we'll be doing from now on.

    If I missed anyone that I haven't "liked"...sometimes the magic works, sometimes it doesn't.

    I try to catch up but if I didn't like your post I still like you as a person.

    Toodles and take care, everyone!
    Skippy and walkonby like this.

  2. #20567
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 and @flemeth just my 2 cents here wrt the " like " button.
    It was not working for me either ( this started lately ).
    When I'd click it I got no reaction at all, but then I noticed the little spinning arrow thingy up at the top left corner of the page was whirling away ( even though my page seemed fully loaded ) so I clicked on the " x" to get it to stop spinning and voila!
    The like button was now fully functional.

    you're welcome.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
    You especially @danger_dan ( you hard working man! ) and @GoJays ( you master meme provider! ) @avoncallingu ...ouch! poor Tootie. I vote for the less invasive cure to those darn crystals in her urinary tract.
    Our wee Rufus dealt with those as well and surgery was not an option ( sinilar heart issues and old age )
    Skippy, Tweets77 and GoJays like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  3. #20568
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello friends!
    Tootie is home - zoned out- they completed the bladder flush and have sent off the crystals to analyze what kind they are. She was pretty wobbly but we managed to get in 3 tiny walks. She ate a tiny bit.

    I'm so relieved that they were able to do this.

    Take care! Sleep well!

    Thanks for all your kind thoughts!
    Skippy, Lynn49, GoJays and 1 others like this.

  4. #20569
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Hello friends!
    Tootie is home - zoned out- they completed the bladder flush and have sent off the crystals to analyze what kind they are. She was pretty wobbly but we managed to get in 3 tiny walks. She ate a tiny bit.

    I'm so relieved that they were able to do this.

    Take care! Sleep well!

    Thanks for all your kind thoughts!

    Good morning @avoncallingu I am happy that surgery was not needed for Tootie .
    Lynn49 likes this.

  5. #20570
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    Good morning my friends .
    Still can’t get the like button to work even with the trick that @walkonby share.
    Have lots to do at home today so will be very busy Enjoy your weekend all
    Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  6. #20571
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    Good morning my friends .
    Still can’t get the like button to work even with the trick that @walkonby share.
    Have lots to do at home today so will be very busy Enjoy your weekend all
    Lynn49 likes this.

  7. #20572
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Such good news about Tootie, @avoncallingu .

    No likes for you all today again, seems like a few of us share that problem. Will keep trying.

    Big rain all night, there are probably a few swamped camping sites at sunrise beach, the bay at the end of our street, but I'm not walking there....thinking maybe our DD will head there on her run this morning.

    Toodles, enjoy your Saturday!
    walkonby likes this.

  8. #20573
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Good day my friends! I am so glad that I found my way back here again!
    My "like" button worked on some posts while not on others! Must be Carmel or should I say Karma?
    I'm pleased to hear @avoncallingu that your furry friend did not need an operation,
    Life continues on but getting lazy when that humidity kicks in. Actually I need to be more focused. It's a work in progress!
    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Blessings my friends!
    Last edited by Skippy; Sat, Aug 29th, 2020 at 01:32 PM. Reason: Bloody keyboard!!! Grrr!!!
    Lynn49 and walkonby like this.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  9. #20574
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    I was trying to like a few posts but it wouldn’t let me. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I’m off to the gym soon and a long bike ride tomorrow.
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  10. #20575
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    I was doing the ddpy positively unstoppable challenge from January to July. It officially ends in October so everyone can get in their 6 months. I did alright but most of my progress came before the challenge. Here is my wrap up video for the end of the challenge. It starts off with my starting pics from 2018 and my starting pics for the challenge.
    Natalka and walkonby like this.

  11. #20576
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Happy 🐈 urday to you all!

    Tuesday when a nurse came to check my owies and do new bandages, the left leg was totally clear, right leg had three.

    Thursday the left leg felt odd. No pain, just that something was different. Husband checked before bed thought there was maybe a twist in the bandage. I thought it was swelling, like a big blister.

    Woke up Friday with a giant puddle under my foot, I could feel the blister all the way around - it's below my calf. Friday is a crazy busy day for homecare, and it didn't hurt, sonic thought I would leave it to see how the day went.
    Well, it just got bigger, so I called for a nurse today - otherwise I would have to wait until Tuesday, and my bandages were soaked through.
    Nurse came in about an hour, and I will leave this next part as too yucky to even type out. After it got cleaned up, she padded my leg up and rebandaged it. A nurse will come Tuesday, as regular.

    I just cannot believe it went from being perfectly good, healed skin on Tuesday, to whatever the heck happened three days later. Geez, Louise!

    She used a really big piece of the magic silver, so I will just put up with whatever pain comes my way!

    Hoping everyone's furries continue to get better. Vader has been extra kind to me, since I am going through more crap than usual.

    Take care, everyone, stay safe, and keep your bubbles small.

    Name:  these_floofs_are_jus.jpg
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    Last edited by Natalka; Sat, Aug 29th, 2020 at 10:17 PM.
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  12. #20577
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Crap, @Natalka , if it's not one thing it's another hurdle for you. I hope that nurse cleaned up your blister properly and jeez...that the pain is minimal.
    Wishing you a rejuvenating night's sleep.
    Natalka and walkonby like this.

  13. #20578
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Happy that the nurse was able to get to you so quickly @Natalka

    As for the issues everyone is experiencing with the like button, I have not had this happen.
    My only problem here currently is that everything is so painfully slow to load.
    I'm just afraid that there isn't anyone around who can do something about it
    Natalka, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  14. #20579
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    Good morning @Natalka I am so sorry that you have one issue after another. I am glad that the nurse could come so quickly to take care of your blisters hoping the heal quickly and you have better days ahead
    Natalka, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  15. #20580
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @Natalka I will add my name to the sc support and concern list for you. Honestly, the way you can soldier through everything is an inspiration, as I am convinced your challenges are usually much worse than you let on. (((major hugs! )))

    A quiet-ish morning for me. Was watching that movie called Richard Jewell, got about 1/3 of the way through and already started crying over the treatment Richard had received at the hands of both the FBI and the media. Eventually he was cleared of any wrongdoing, but tragically he passed in 2007.
    His long suffering Mom is still alive, even came to the movie premiere.

    it is nearly September, can hardly believe it. DH is waiting for our batch of Mums to bloom next....most everything else has had their turn. Our morning glories have gone berserk!
    Our neighbours in the back have benefited as the vines grew right up and over the fence.

    Skippy and GoJays like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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