I think this one will go 15 rounds lol
Hi, Just letting you know that I received your First Stacking Train yesterday and sent it out yesterday as well. Thanks for letting me ride. It's a really neat concept. Unfortunately I have most of those. The ideal would be to get a good mix from the east where they may have different sku's etc. Thinking out loud, might be a good concept to include with a singles bag as well. Only catch would be that it could get expensive for shipping. Anyway, food for thought! Thanks again! Judy
Thanks for the rep! Cheers to good deals!
Thanks for the friend request!
lol.. your house overstocked?
Yes so long as the next one is after halloween weekend. Way too much going on in the next few weeks.....
Someone told me you may know of a coupon for the Vancouver zoo. Do you know where I could access one? I am most likely going on the 16th or 17th. Thanks
hey I have quite a few different one 3 of the most recent, some brandsaver even 2.00 when you buy dawn and cascade, I can send all cascade coupons I have for 2 stamps if sounds good PM me your addy
ahhh, I didn't get picked for it then ~cries~ lol
Saturday 10AM @ Royal City Centre Mall. Food Court.
Junior Canuck
Canadian Guru
Senior Canuck
coupon skank emeritus
Canadian Genius
Smart Canuck