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  1. View Conversation
    msj atmistim aldinmi??
  2. View Conversation
    Merhaba... kizin cok tatli masallah.. Torontodamisiniz??
  3. View Conversation
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    everything is all good now had a lil mix up being uninformed was the main issue so how have you been whats new? how was your trip?
  5. View Conversation
    not bad basima gelmeyen kalmadi daha dogrusu
    how are things with you are you back from Tr?
  6. View Conversation
    Your welcome! Yes, its been quite the topic of the week about the SDM changes, lol

    Hope SDM has lots of stock this weekend...I think most are redeeming their points! hehe
  7. View Conversation
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    i pray everyday that is passes sooner in one week i lost 4kgs i just cant keep anything down DH is extremely worried about me he says "askim boyle olucagini bilseydim hic cocuk istemezdim bize bir cocuk yeter yeterki sen iyi ol" it makes me say awww in the moment of throwing up then i go back to Allahim sen yardim et :D
    at the moment my Dr wants me to take folic acid only lets see what he says Tuesday oy anam oy! bos yerine demiyorlar cennet annelerin ayaklarin altindadir diye simdi cok iyi anliyorum :D but i will keep costco in mind thanx for the tip love
    hun your so lucky i would rather eat like a cow then get sick like this insa Allah all your pregnancies will be easy like your first *hugs* and i know exactly what you mean by hadi yemek ye now i don't eat as much maybe as much as my palm and i get full then their all like ne yedinki hic birsey yemiyorsun zorlaman lazim hadi gel bundan ye sundan ye and im like ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww noooooooooooooooooo lmao
    I'm so happy you guys are having a great time in Tr i cant wait till we go which i have no idea when ama ip le cekiyorum turkiyeye gitmemiz icin mmmmmmmmmmm simit yum! its like i smell it bizim yerimize bol bol simit ye olurmu canim give me simit and zeytin and i think ill be the happiest person alive i have the olives covered but no simit my family makes simit too but its not the same oh well bunada sukur
  10. View Conversation
    tsk ederim canim I'm 6 weeks 3 days pregnant and been sick the whole time everything disgusts me family makes me food and ill be fine yani ill eat it but when it comes to cooking myself i cant eat it oy! i cant wait till this nausea goes away
  11. View Conversation
    hey sweetie hows your vacation coming along? hows Ayla hope shes having a blast
  12. View Conversation
    She's a cutie.
  13. View Conversation
    LOL and i was wondering when you will reply to my msg you did just on your post hahaha ill have to respond back to you asap just inbetween cleaning cooking and checkin the site

  14. View Conversation
    Ankara sen?
  15. View Conversation
    Okay, but thank you TD, and wow 6 weeks, have a grand time and enjoy your great trip, have fun, Moe.
  16. View Conversation
    HI, can you please keep your eyes open at the children's place for the end ov November. We live about 3 hours away, but are going thru the last weekend of the month for the hubby's christmas party. We stopped there last year and I got some great finds, would of done more shopping, but had a migraine, I would really appreceiate it if you see or hear anything. Thanks so much, Moe.
  17. View Conversation
    masaallah cok sirin
  18. WHAT THE HECK is this show??? Now I HAVE to see it!! We watch the usuals..Kurtlar vadisi, Ezel (new dizi), Hanimin Ciftligi (new dizi) and kapali carsi (new dizi). Alot of the dizis I used to watch just all of a sudden stopped (I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT!!) so now I started a bunch of new ones....ones that I'll be watching while my in-laws are trying to understand the "kanadali gelin"...;-)
    As for my friend going to TR...shes on my flight but I probably won't see her when we're both there....shes going on some tour thing for 2 weeks allover TR. We will be bouncing allover TR for the 6 weeks so hopefully it isn't too stressful
    Packing for me and my DH will be the easy part, its packing for Ayla that is going to stress me out! All of her formula (I don't want to switch formulas there so I will lug around ALOT from here) and all of her clothes....ohhh the clothes....I talked to my mom in istanbul today and shes like "you're crazy bringing her clothes here, they have wayy better stuff here" I'm thinking okay so now I am going to throw out all of her stuff? Lets get serious, the $$ I spent on her clothes is insane (first time mothers usually go overboard and buy insanely $$$ stuff I have been I have all these tommy hilfiger outfits that were $40 here and they're over $100 TL there....HELLO?? Neyse, its the same story from TR every phone call "EVERYTHING IS WAYYY BETTER HERE!!"*can you tell I'm agitated?*
    OMG I type wayyyy too much....I need to cut out all the stupid on that note I'm going to do laundry- for the 100th time this week!!
    Do you ever come down to Toronto? Is your husband from TR also?
  19. View Conversation
    ok its the ozet first so back to what i was saying i would have loved to help you out im on the next flight out :D i dont know when we will go to Tr but i hope it soon ok so now the show started you should watch it tis really good
  20. View Conversation
    thanx i LOVE flowers :D bizde iyiz ne olsun kis geldi evde oturup dizi takip ediyorum lmao bir kac dakkikada ATV de Kis Masali baslicak sabahdan beri sabirsizlikla bekliyorum ah i always left the packing last minute thats why i never packed someone always did it for me Ayla wont need much this trip should be easy for you well thats what people with babies said after they came back from Tr its nice that your gf will be there with you she can help you out with Ayla and all wow shes already packed and shes going alone hun you have yourself DH and DD what are you waiting for lol im jp yea i know what you mean when you say theres a lot to do b4 you leave as in cleaning the house getting things ready etc...hey atleast you did something even if its bringin up the lugage oh my it would have been better if your mom was in Tr as well with you
    OMG kis masali started ill get back to you when its commercials kk optum bye lmao sorry im a sucker for this show!!!!
  21. View Conversation
    canim naber? hazirliklar nasil gidiyor? gununde az kaldi sanirim kesin heycanlanmaya baslamissindir
  22. View Conversation
    awwww dont worry about Ayla you guys will have a blast just make sure you have baby tylenol by your side and youll be fine
    since she is only a few months old she wont be much of a hastle
    i know all this because of my nieces and nephews dont have any children of my own when you do go to Kayseri make sure you guys go to Iskender its a really good restaurant and if you guys go to urgup you MUST stop by the Alaturka restaurant by far one of the best restuarants out there i didnt catch you name? sorry im like so random today DH cousin is on his way to pick me up in a bit im in the middle of getting ready and msging you lol plus its sooooooooo damn cold out htere and the snow i hate it take care talk to you soon
  23. View Conversation
  24. View Conversation
    They were mentioned before so I know they would definitely use those.
  25. oops, responded to myself
  26. View Conversation
    Perfect, this is definitely going to help my friends in Barbados. You know how things are more expensive and there are really no savings there!
  27. View Conversation
    37A, hmm. That may be doable but has to be after Thanksgiving if that works.
  28. View Conversation
    No problem but just in case.. How do I get there by TTC?? I assume that's 191 bus??
  29. View Conversation
    Wow, that's pretty far from me. I'm located in Bloor West Village.
  30. View Conversation
    Yes, I'm in Toronto but I'd say give it a bit time. Maybe she's busy with Thanksgiving. But I hope you have a good Thanksgiving weekend so far, even though it may be a start. I wonder where in Toronto you live.
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