ty for the rep1 Aren't baby animals the best thing ever??
oh well, I am eating only rice pasta these days, so that takes an even bigger bite out of the budget. Have a nice week ahead!
oh, thanks. btw why do the stores always charge more for egg noodles than the other pasta types? I rarely see a sale on them.
This fool thanks you for the rep!
These are smart companies. Youth and young adults are targeted as late at 2006. Very clever targeting. Don't forget about the power walls in Mom and Pop stores, with cigarette displays, marketing -- right beside the pop and chocolate bars. The location of the ciggys by candy was not an accident. There are documents for Mom and Pop stores about optimal placement. Some documents mention children. Plus the little cigarellos for a loonie or fifty cents, with flavours. These are targeted at young guys. These have just been regulated in 2010. Clever, clever companies.
Hello. Saw your post in the Shoppers lawsuit thread. Re: lol, there's also a group of smokers (in Quebec) suing the tobacco companies stating that they were misled about the effects of smoking. Yes, the companies had research about the health effects and hid it until whistle blowers let the info out to governments. The companies targeted young people at public schools and colleges offering free ciggys until they were hoked. The companies knew that the nicotine was addictive and boosted the nicotine in the ciggys and did not tell the govt. that licensed them. The complanies knew that people with mental health were easier to become addicted and hid this. There's lots more too.
Just wondering if you want to ride http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/273414-...s-left-canada/
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks for the rep. Sometimes schools can be so hard on students, with the outrageous prices of texts - some don't even get used much in the course. Good luck in your studies.
Happy New year
well i never! but thanks for the rep just the same
3 conductors were Cherielake(completed), Allis154 (still going) and Coupmama(still going)
Have a fun weekend! Thanks for the rep!
Thanks Have a great week-end
you are most welcome. Enjoy the remainder of the day!
You're welcome. I hope you are having a wonderful day
Canadian Guru
Smart Canuck
Un-nagged Male