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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #25621
    Canadian Guru
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    Good morning all
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  2. #25622
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    good morning ladies, another bright eyed start to the day for me. This going to bed at a decent hour really can have benefits. Of course it doesn't mean I won't grab an afternoon nap later, I need to be awake enough to watch the Leafs play at 7 tonight.
    Those mini spaghetti squash quiches I baked yesterday are now wrapped up air tight and frozen solid. I so enjoy having items at the ready like that.
    Happy Hump Day all!

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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  3. #25623
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    Wow, pages are loading much faster for me...
    I've noticed this as well...
    the past few days have been bearable

  4. #25624
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning gang!

  5. #25625
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=GoJays;7193111]Wow, pages are loading much faster for me...

    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    I've noticed this as well...
    the past few days have been bearable
    SHHHH!! I noticed that too but did not want to jinx it. I can sign in straight away now, no waiting!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #25626
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    ....and I can Like again....maybe we haven't been deserted after-all?!

    Well, beautiful birthday dinner for our Daughter yesterday!! She was so happy with everything, loved her "thoughtful" gifts, @walkonby , she said she'd be wearing that infused t-shirt with 'shhhhh, no one cares' at camp all summer, as well as the 'I am not arguing....I'm simply explaining why I'm right.', lol! SO her! Yes, that cake is always a hit, glad it saved the day, Lol!

    It was a double celebration with our GS accepted into the IB program next year in high-school....tougher program, but such rewards at the end.

    We are blessed, but last night after everyone left, Hubby and Jenny went to sleep, I poured a last glass of wine and tuned into the BBC channel for news from the Ukraine.
    If the world doesn't see that that madman only wants to destroy people and try to wipe Ukraine off the map then there's no hope for anyone in this world. Starting over again wouldn't be a bad idea.

    I'm experiencing really bad side effects from the past month plus of being on prednisone, the myopathy is so bad I could hardly walk yesterday, I felt the bones were broken in my feet, my legs were swollen into tree trunks, burst blood vessels in my thighs, I have 2 more pills to take but I'm not going to! I'm breathing perfectly again, so...done!

    I hope everyone's well, I hope that whoever got snow witnesses it's quick demise, stay safe out there, enjoy your day and be thankful we're planted where we are.
    Last edited by Lynn49; Wed, Mar 23rd, 2022 at 10:45 AM.

  7. #25627
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  8. #25628
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  9. #25629
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning gang.
    Ready for the weekend...come one Friday...

  10. #25630
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Ugh, snow!!!
    Better get up to +5 really fast!! Oopsies, now 0, going up to only +3.

    Not much going on, enjoy your day, everyone!

  11. #25631
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 I’m sorry you’re having such horrible pain . Hope today is better for you.

    After yesterday’s long day I had a headache and low and behold it’s still here this morning and I have another long day but at least the sun is shining ( have to find something positive).

    Having to speak to another client today about the rate increase so wish me luck. I absolutely hate doing this which also doesn’t help my headache. Thankfully I only have 4 more clients to talk to and then it’s done and no it doesn’t get easier with each one.

    Have a great day everyone and hopefully the sun is shining where you are

  12. #25632
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    @Lynn49 I’m sorry you’re having such horrible pain . Hope today is better for you.

    After yesterday’s long day I had a headache and low and behold it’s still here this morning and I have another long day but at least the sun is shining ( have to find something positive).

    Having to speak to another client today about the rate increase so wish me luck. I absolutely hate doing this which also doesn’t help my headache. Thankfully I only have 4 more clients to talk to and then it’s done and no it doesn’t get easier with each one.

    Have a great day everyone and hopefully the sun is shining where you are
    Thank you, Harbie, cutting the salt, upping the potassium in foods, needing to lose about 10lbs that the prednisone put back on me, getting back to where I was before that lung thing. It does make me a little frustrated because I was doing so well.

    I didn't realize you're dealing with clients and yikes, rate increases?! Bad words these days but heavens, what hasn't been going up lately?! Next, likely grains, breads....deep breaths, everyone!

  13. #25633
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Lynn49 it’s frustrating when the prescriptions we need to fix something end up giving us other problems. I hope your lung condition is cleared up and your on your way up.

    Got the increase from today’s client so that’s good. I’m actually very fortunate that my clients aren’t really affected too much by the cost of things. My clients have 4+million dollar homes and some have more than one home (not both 4 million but still 1.5 for the second home) . I just hate asking, never been good at it. I know I’m worth it and I work extremely hard and they know it to but it’s still tough having to do it especially when I’ve never done an increase.

    Just grabbing a quick bite and then off to pick up Dh and do a walk since the sun is sorta out and I think it will be good for my headache that’s still here!

  14. #25634
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    Lynn49 it’s frustrating when the prescriptions we need to fix something end up giving us other problems. I hope your lung condition is cleared up and your on your way up.

    Got the increase from today’s client so that’s good. I’m actually very fortunate that my clients aren’t really affected too much by the cost of things. My clients have 4+million dollar homes and some have more than one home (not both 4 million but still 1.5 for the second home) . I just hate asking, never been good at it. I know I’m worth it and I work extremely hard and they know it to but it’s still tough having to do it especially when I’ve never done an increase.

    Just grabbing a quick bite and then off to pick up Dh and do a walk since the sun is sorta out and I think it will be good for my headache that’s still here!

    Oh gosh, @harbie , I lay my head on my pllow at night and am still so thankful that I'm not choking, coughing...I take deep breaths just because I can!! All day, I can just breath! We take so much for least I sure did!

    Enjoy you walk, we got some snow earlier today which mostly melted, but no walking for me, yet. Soon though, I hope!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Thu, Mar 24th, 2022 at 09:51 PM.

  15. #25635
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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