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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #25921
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 it is now a short bob so it has to be above my shoulders in order for it to keep the bob shape and not curl outwards so it’s a tiny bit longer than my jawline. It’s an A-lime bob so a bit shirt in the back than the front but not dramatically. I was sooooo sick and tired of waking up with it matted and caught in my watch! This time I won’t wait 2 years to get it done again . Planning on going again at the end of September.

    Road trips are the best but next time we’re going to be bringing a cooler with some meals. I mean eating out is expensive but being plant based is even more expensive. It’s ridiculous.

  2. #25922
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Omgosh, @harbie, I wore my hair in just that style...well, maybe not exactly like yours, it was an "inverted bob", but as you say, longer. I don't like those short "man" cuts at the back; it feels weird to me, lol.
    Now I wear it in boing-boing curls all over my head, long curls down the front...almost a '20s curly bob. Sort-of a controlled mess. When I go out. At home, not quite. hahaha!!

    The road-trips we took with the kids eons ago, we'd pack a cooler and back then there were picnic tables instead of fast-food restaurants and it was such fun to get out of the car, stretch our legs, get a breath of fresh air and eat sandwiches, fruit, juices and cookies..all home-made of course, hahaha. So much healthier than the chemical laden foods available on the highways now. And fewer picnic tables for those who may still want to be more self-sufficient and eat healthier, I mean what would those fast-food companies DO??!!

    Don't get me wrong, nothing like a Wendy's burger every few months, but such unhealthy eating places on the highways unless you pull into a town and find a decent restaurant.

    I bet it IS difficult to maintain a vegetarian lifestyle on the road: of course I'd never complain about eating fries every day!
    My big vice!
    The only one, of course....
    Last edited by Lynn49; Tue, Apr 26th, 2022 at 04:48 PM.
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  3. #25923
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    @harbie my 2 DDs are vegetarian and I know what you mean about when on a road trip it’s hard for them to eat out so I usually pack snack and drinks. We also like to take road trips . Love your pic
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  4. #25924
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Name:  Matthews 2022 Season.jpg
Views: 142
Size:  20.1 KB


    He did it! Scoring number 59 and 60 tonight!!
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  5. #25925
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Name:  Matthews 2022 Season.jpg
Views: 142
Size:  20.1 KB


    He did it! Scoring number 59 and 60 tonight!!
    @walkonby I was so tired last night I fall asleep right after 1st period so I did not get to see the entire game but will watch the highlights
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  6. #25926
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    We had a sifting of snow overnight which better be gone with that sunshine out there, chirp this morning, then maybe a wander somewhere.

    Enjoy the day!
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  7. #25927
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @flemeth don't feel bad, I recorded the entire game because I wanted to watch the Leafs and the Blue Jays at the same time. If one or the other isn't recording you always miss a great play! Then there is also the danger of nodding off, which I've also done.
    Anyways....the highlight reels for BOTH games are awesome!

    When I got up today I never thought " hey! I wonder who the person was that decided to make a hole in a donut? " but my news feed insisted this was something I should have knowledge of, so.....

    Your welcome all!
    Skippy, harbie and Lynn49 like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  8. #25928
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    @flemeth don't feel bad, I recorded the entire game because I wanted to watch the Leafs and the Blue Jays at the same time. If one or the other isn't recording you always miss a great play! Then there is also the danger of nodding off, which I've also done.
    Anyways....the highlight reels for BOTH games are awesome!

    When I got up today I never thought " hey! I wonder who the person was that decided to make a hole in a donut? " but my news feed insisted this was something I should have knowledge of, so.....

    Your welcome all!
    Lol, enquiring minds, @walkonby !! I xasually wondered out loud why are the northern lights green? And my Hubby looked it up. Hahaha!
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  9. #25929
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    oh boy....where did the day go?

    Afternoon folks.
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  10. #25930
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    I knew that there was a reason I popped in today and @walkonby did not disappoint with donut holeology (study of donut holes). I nearly passed cuz the video was 3 minutes long which is nearly 3 minutes longer than my attention span. Glad I didnÂ’t cuz it took my mind off my pain.Today and yesterday have been quite trying with intense pain. DonÂ’t remember doing anything stupid to cause it. Hopefully it passes sooner than later.Still mobile which makes a big difference(Take your blessings where you can find them).
    No mention of the Raptors in this thread. Even though theyÂ’re going to win tomorrow night and then make history on Saturday.
    Enjoy the rest of your week my friends!
    harbie, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  11. #25931
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    Good morning all

    Winter is back . It’s cold out this morning
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  12. #25932
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone.

    Second day back to work and I’m already wishing I was back on vacation .

    Hope everyone is having a great day now off to work……..

  13. #25933
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    ^^^ lol, that's how holidays are eh @harbie ? Sure seem to take forever to come around, then they are over in the blink of an eye!
    Start now to plan the next get-a-way!
    @Skippy , so very sorry to hear about your pain issues, ( Eat 2 donuts and call me in the morning! bwahaha!!! )
    Seriously though ((( hugs )))
    I LOVE your confidence in the Raptors!! I was afraid to even whisper a word as I might jinx whatever they have going on.
    One thing is for certain, they are NOT quitters!

    Now the Blue Jays and the Leafs seem to be at the forefront with success and good news ( well o.k. last night the Red Sox beat 'em ), but no matter which sports game is going on, Toronto has earned the right to brag just a little!

    I've been struggling with trying to keep my eyelids from closing all morning. I was just about ready to go for a nap when luckily I checked my list of upcoming appts. and turns out I was expecting a medical " touch base " phone call.
    Good thing I never went up to the bedroom, as I would not have heard the phone ringing. Got the all clear from that call.
    harbie and Lynn49 like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  14. #25934
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Afternoon gang!
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  15. #25935
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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