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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #12946
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Yes, but it must contain raisins. As must butter tarts. I am in the raisins in butter tarts camp!

    Morning, all!! Happy Sunday! Enjoy your day!

  2. #12947
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  3. #12948
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Gosh....I have really enjoyed reading back about 3 pages worth of posts, should have brewed and sipped a coffee while doing it but oh well..... I learn so much from them.

    I am now an expert on cacti, have an unexplained fear of train travel, envy people who grew up with mountains in their backyards, feel prepared for the Spring forward clock change, laughed at dogs in laps, gals in skirts standing on glass floors? and counted my blessings at NOT having caught a nasty cold or flu bug OR having had to endure the crazy February temps out Sask. way........" bikini weather " my ar*e! " ha ha .

    Today was a run-a-round day. Some of it was fruitful I suppose. Another Blue Friday at Sobeys!!
    I redeemed 1140 of my AM which paid for my entire order ( came to $120.00 ) and then I earned 431 AM right back in the process!! woo hoo

    I truly benefited from my massage appt. this morning
    On Thurs. early in the a.m. Rufus had bounded out to the backyard. He had been whining non stop to go out so I relented forgetting that their was a good 4 feet of freshly fallen fluffy snow out there.
    He hopped his way down 2 deck levels, was now up to his neck ( Shih Tzu short legs! ) and because of his blindness hecould not figure out how to get back up to me at the door.

    I quickly donned my DS's size 14 knee high thick rubber boots, grabbed my coat and mitts and went on a rescue mission.
    Naturally Murphy had enough sense NOT to go down there, no instead he chose to bark non stop on the top deck level ....his way of telling me Rufus was " stuck in the well? " ha ha

    I scoop up Rufus and on the way back up I do the best Funny Home Video pratfall ever! Straight up and smashed down on my tushie! Rufus was cradled into my chest on impact, but wriggled free and found his way up to the back door.
    I laughed at my situation, muttered a few words and then got up, took 2 more steps and fell again!
    o.k. so now I realized it's not me OR the boots....there was tons of ice under all that snow.

    At this point Murphy is still barking, which I am sure our neighbours all appreciated at that early hour.
    Once up at the door, the thing would not slide open. I tried not to panic.
    Removed my mitten, grabbed the handle firmly and gave a heave of a pull only to fall one more time!

    Both boots were filled with snow ( of course I had no socks on ) ....I laughed so much....felt like a kid again.
    After the cleanup inside I wondered if I would have any owies the next happy I felt nothing!
    But......then as I said at massage today.....boy did he find the owie spots! he worked them all out too.

    I want Spring to come NOW!!!!!
    Ohhhh goodness gracious sure did have a rough morning ..trying rescue your dog and then trying to rescue yourself back to deck lol 😝 size 14 boots 🥾 good golly maid ..bad size on ya feet trying to get around in the ice underneath and snow didnt help that situation out any ..thank goodness you didn’t break anything ..few owies was kind of expected ..or even bruise 🦅 eagle sometimes ..main thing got good laugh 😆 and you didnt break any body parts have wonderful weekend..thats for Sunday afternoon chuckles..i could just Picture this as i was reading it 🙃 😜 😝 yes !! Sorry ..but i laugh that much I nearly pee in me pants 👖 lol 😝
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  4. #12949
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    -2 here now and sun is shining ..hopefully good sign that spring is just around corner 🌺
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  5. #12950
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    Name:  i-will--about-heat-i-will--about-cold-27403509.png
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    Last edited by kool_105; Sun, Mar 3rd, 2019 at 02:08 PM.
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    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  6. #12951
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    I had never tasted bread pudding until several weeks ago in hospital. Obviously I will not rely on that for a decent example of it - but others who had eaten it previously said it was actually pretty good. I liked the sauce, and only the browned bits from top and side. The mushy rest of it grossed me out.

    They make some very good desserts here and, yes, they make them. My fave is is tripleberry crumble. My fave cookies here are the oatmeal cranberry - a nice hint of cinnamon and they are bendy. For cake, the lemon cake is fab - it's got a heavy crumb and may be a poke cake, it's mega lemony. They also do a good banana cake and a fair carrot cake (sometimes can be too dense).

    Butter tarts? Ew to raisins or plain, but with pecans, yummers!

    Great, now I want baking, as I gnaw on apple slices....

    Really rough night here, and day so far. I will not even start with the whining...

    Milan will come this aft when I have physio.

    Have a great rest of the day!

  7. #12952
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post

    This is SO cute! Sigh, kittens!

  8. #12953
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello everyone! @walkonby -I chuckled but in a reserved way about your deck adventures. If you remember, something like that was how our friend Hicks broke her leg a couple of years back. I was pretty sure that day2 was going to be your comeupance but you are obviously made of tough stuff ! My DH fell on black ice on our porch on my birthday a few years ago and broke 6 ribs in 12 places. He didn't sleep in bed after that for many weeks. Lounger was the only place he was comfortable.

    Well, through various fundraisers at our church about $2000 has been raised for my nephew and his trip to Colombia. He will turn 18 while he is away. The whole church "commissioned" him to go and spread love and kindness to this village that is very special to him. Everyone stood and said a prayer and he shook hands with all the members of the church counsel and made a promise to use his talents for the benefit of others. (I was crying, of course, thinking back to when this tall, handsome, very shy young man came into the world -2 months early and purple from head to toe.) God spared his life then and now, he is making the lives of others better! There are miracles all around us!

    I must get busy. The new tenants are coming in after supper to measure. It would be nice if they could get near the windows.

    I have been giving Tootie a little 1/2 low dose aspirin. I haven't been able to find any actual baby aspirin anywhere. See finished her tramadol the other day and has seemed a little restless. I think she still has some pain.

    See ya later, folks! Enjoy the day!

  9. #12954
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  10. #12955
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  11. #12956
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @avoncallingu , it's just a blue coated 80mg "aspirin"...@ Jenny's weight she can tolerate one, perhaps a 1/2 pill for Tootie.
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  12. #12957
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  13. #12958
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  14. #12959
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    Well the verdict is in myself and family does not like bread pudding. No wonder I never made it before.

  15. #12960
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    Love it!!
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