Hope all is going well, haven't seen you post in quite some time, have a great weekend.
Merry Christmas!
Hoping you have a wonderful day!
Thanks for the rep and the friendship request..
thanks for the Tuesday rep
Sounds awesome! We love the walk every year...I even have my son's school doing a mini walk the week before! Like the page "Team Make Some Noyes For Tyler" and I will find you there!
Thanks for the rep!
hiya! Thanks for the rep...I best be getting to that April frugal thread soon, missed 2 days now already.
Thanks for the rep! Have a great day.
Thanks for the rep! Have a good weekend.
Thanks for the REP!!Hope you have a great weekend!
<iframe src="http://events.autismspeaks.ca/index....cipantID=14223" width="202" height="422" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"><a href="http://events.autismspeaks.ca/index....ID=14223">Make a Donation!</a></iframe>
Thanks for the rep and hoping you are enjoying the start of the weekend.
No problem! Enjoy, hope it works as well for you as it did for us!
Hiya! The hot pocket recipe is here: http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/339549-...6/#post5258556 ... they were amazing! I reheated one from the fridge today too, in the oven at 425 degrees for about 10 minutes, and it was just as good as fresh! A toaster oven would be a little more cost effective for reheating though, lol.
Thanks for trading with me. I Will let you know when your envelope of coupons arrives.
I have used all my Nivia for my stockpile, what kind of food coupons are you looking for.
Awesome thanks so much!
I am from Brantford too, just let me know if you need coupons, or help getting started
Coupon ninja!
Senior Canuck
Canadian Guru
Smart Canuck...Oh Yeah!!!
One Awesome Domestic Diva
Smart Canuck