Hi there. I know you will never respond to me or see this message because your profile has been inactive for nearly 4.5 years but I needed to pop in and say hello and thank you. The thread about your cancer changed my life- it gave me the balls to finally quit smoking. I'm coming up on my 4 year smoke-free anniversary on August 15th and when this date arrives, I am always thankful to you for the courage you had to post that final thread. It DID make a difference to someone. I always run a 5KM in your memory on August 15th. Hope you will be running with me in spirit this year! XOXOXO
Hope you are feeling well
Hello again, popping in to say hi
And Happy Birthday
Just popping in to say hi, and checking in on you
Thought i'd stop by and wish you a very Happy Birthday, hope it's the best one of your life.
Just checking in to see how you are holding up.
just wanted to say HELLO
Hi, just checking up on you. You are in my thoughts everyday
Thinking about you and your family.
I will be thinking of you and your family....You are one courageous soul
Please know we care...and thank you for sharing such a difficult thing to say with others...
Hey, Starting today, Chemainus Foods has the Armstrong cheese blocks (200gr) for 2.99...if you are in the area and have the 1.00 off coupons, you can get it for 1.99! Great deal for cheese.
Glad you're feeling better
Thanks for the rep! Hope you are having a great weekend!
airmiles! excellent. I'll pack my hardhat and be right there.
You're welcome! I think you should teach a course in the finer points of collecting airmiles
Thanks for the rep!
Have a great day too, thanks for the pm, and great to meet someone else from here..
Happy Birthday! Enjoy yourself.
A very Happy Birthday to you, may it be the best one of your life.
Smart Canuck