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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #5116
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    So you're "Finished " with the Finish Good Boy! You knew SOMEONE had to say it!
    Well stated!!

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  2. #5117
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Just finished watching Strictly. Time for dinner. Cheerio all!

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  3. #5118
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodBoy View Post
    I love the idea of your tree. As long as it is festive then super! And the lights sounds awesome! I bet it looks amazing!!

    I have been spending the last number of Xmas periods (and will also this year) in England. I find they celebrate the holidays so much better than here in Canada.

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    I'm sorry that you find it more festive in England, but I would suspect that here, it all depends on the community you live in, or the people you celebrate with.
    And yes, my tree is very festive. Every1 who sees it, is amazed. That sounds conceited, but it isn't me, it's the tree itself.

    In our family, we always had a few traditions leading up to Christmas. Of course there was always the parade, other events usually happened beginning the 1st week of December.

    The 1st was a lantern candle procession in a conservation area, with lots of carols, and many stops along the way. At each was a demonstration of some sort, explaining the beginnings of some Christmas traditions; they were different every year, but examples: the beginnings of coloured lights, the yule log, etc.; we'd stop @ an open bonfire & roast chestnuts; they'd make apple cider @ one stop; and when we got back we'd make wax candles to take home.

    I am anything but crafty, not like @Lynn49 , but the following w/end everyone would get together and make Christmas ornaments; popcorn & cranberry ropes, paint pine cones, & dip them in sparkles & tie them with ribbons; bake cookie cutter ornaments then paint them; etc., etc.

    We made homemade cards, all kinds of cookies, and other treats.

    Many of our gifts were homemade also; ceramic vases, macrame plant hangers, and we'd taken cuttings of plants earlier in the year, plant them put them in the hangers, etc.

    We always went to the community tree lighting ceremonies, drank hot chocolate, and carried candles around the streets while singing carols.
    Also, all of us would volunteer at least one day, the week before Christmas, at a homeless shelter.

    It was always a wonderful start to the holidays, and every1 got 'into the mood'.

    That's not to mention a few Christmas parties, the late service Christmas Eve, running to see if Santa came the next morning, family & friends all day long, culminating in any number for Christmas dinner.

    I can't imagine celebrating any more, or better, than we did.
    So @GoodBoy , I hope you enjoy your time in England and all they have to offer.

  4. #5119
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Just a reminder.
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  5. #5120
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    @22hicks . I wish you a wonderful holiday season and a wonderful XMAS. You do know how to celebrate properly. I did not mean to imply otherwise. Cheerio.

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  6. #5121
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    I didn't take it that way @GoodBoy , so no worries.
    Good night & sweet dreams.
    Last edited by 22hicks; Sat, Nov 4th, 2017 at 10:04 PM.

  7. #5122
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Goodness, @22hicks ...and I thought WE were busy here once upon a time! Things change as we got older, but some traditions remain the same, new ones are forming in DD's's still an awesome time of year! I have watched Christmas celebrations in London, primarily, when they were featured on tv, but it's hard to tell if it's the same everywhere or just where the cameras are rolling...

    Well that snow has disappeard and it had better not show up again for quite a while around here! There no need for it in order to celebrate Christmas!!

    Well, our Grandson is looking over my shoulder ready to get to I'd better get off here so that he can.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone!!

  8. #5123
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hi folks! Well, the official conference is over. Since so many people stayed up imbibing last night, many of them are quite worn out. So, hopefully I can doze off to sleep and make use of that lovely extra hour.

    The temperature is supposed to zoom up from minus something to plus 16ish so you KNOW there will be considerable winds around.

    Good night folks!

    Sleep well!
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  9. #5124
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    Good morning everyone it seems like everyone is having as great weekend. All this talk about Christmas thanks to @Lynn49 @GoodBoy and @22hicks . 22hicks I guess you are feeling much better . I have lits of baking to do today want to do an Apple pie , Pineapple pie and some Cheese Biscuit so enjoy your Sunday everyone.
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  10. #5125
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Don't blame me for early XMAS chatter!! I do not start to think about it until middle of December!!

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  11. #5126
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodBoy View Post
    Don't blame me for early XMAS chatter!! I do not start to think about it until middle of December!!

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    @GoodBoy I am not blaming anyone its a good thing to get us all thinking about presents, how to give to our community this time of the year and always also it makes reflect on how Christmas is different from when we were growing up .I am an immigrant to Canada and for me Christmas is not Celebrated liner its in my Birth Country. So didn't mean to offend anyone Have a great Sunday
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  12. #5127
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    No offence taken.

    For those near Cobourg, that town is going to kick start XMAS.<br />

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  13. #5128
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Good morning my friends.
    I hope you have a great day, but stay dry if you can.
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  14. #5129
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!, can all blame me for the Christmas chatter! 🙄 with everything that needs to be done, it's never too early to start. I have to start my fruitcake by starting to soak my fruits in bourbon today for 24 hrs... baking it tomorrow. Sales can pop up anytime for those special gifts, so we must be vigilant.....see? Lots to do. So you go for it, @flemeth! Enjoy!

    @GoodBoy, that boardwalk area in Cobourg is so well designed and they make such goid use of it, the annual art show for instance, so yes, I bet it's going to be magical. That's where my late brother and his family lived.

    @avoncallingu, I sure hope you can stay put for a while, it's been go-go-go for you for quite some time now!

    @22hicks, enjoy snuggling with Jake, give him a tummy-rub for me. Do you feel up to walking him again today? Don't push yourself, Hicks, your dog-walker can still relieve you. Your big job is to rest get well. Sit! Stay! Good girl.

    No snow out there this morning thank goodness, but I'll be in anyway, it's NFL day!

    Have a beautiful Sunday, everyone!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Sun, Nov 5th, 2017 at 10:26 AM.
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  15. #5130
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good morning! Had a good sleep. Waiting for my head to settle down then home again, home again, jiggity jig.Going to try to take in a few shops on the way home. 😆

    Enjoy your diminished daylight hours and don't forget to check out your alarms.
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