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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #12436
    Canadian Guru
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    Good morning @danger_dan you are correct the ice is coming Schools are closed here so indoor for me today. Stay safe everyone @walkonby be careful on the roads . Have a great day all
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  2. #12437
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  3. #12438
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  4. #12439
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    @Newfiescreech -so many losses in your family! My condolences to all. It weighs down the soul.

    It is 20 years today that my dear father passed. That day was beautiful , sunny and fairly warm. He just could not stop smoking and died of lung cancer. Hugs to all who feel a loss.

    My lease lady phoned to say , "Don't come. It looks like snow, but it's ice." All schools, universities closed here.

    Guess packing will be the order of the day. Tootie-it's patio or nowhere today, girl!

    Dan, I hope you stayed home or you might be sleeping at the office.

    Will check in later-have you seen that radar? OMG!
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  5. #12440
    Canadian Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    @Newfiescreech -so many losses in your family! My condolences to all. It weighs down the soul.

    It is 20 years today that my dear father passed. That day was beautiful , sunny and fairly warm. He just could not stop smoking and died of lung cancer. Hugs to all who feel a loss.

    My lease lady phoned to say , "Don't come. It looks like snow, but it's ice." All schools, universities closed here.

    Guess packing will be the order of the day. Tootie-it's patio or nowhere today, girl!

    Dan, I hope you stayed home or you might be sleeping at the office.

    Will check in later-have you seen that radar? OMG!
    @avoncallingu today will be 8 years since my mother in law died we had lots of snow . When my DH comes home we will go visit her grave site and take flowers since we couldn't on her Birthday because of the snow storm on Jan 28. Hoping the storm let up later
    Natalka, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  6. #12441
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Bizarre double .post.
    Last edited by Natalka; Wed, Feb 6th, 2019 at 12:27 PM.

  7. #12442
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Not so great with a -51 windchill! You would think we were in the great white North!

    Physiotherapist was just here. We went over some exercises for my knees and back, she will find an assistant physio to come go over the rest for me.

    My sweet son came for a visit after work. He is just so excited about his move. He has gotten donations of things from some friends. We will be able to give him some kitchen stuff, too. He will be moving big stuff this weekend, has a friend to help.

    Hoping Wednesday is good to y'all!

    So already three people have come to the door asking if I am done washing, do I need help, again- am I done? It's funny because the side brought in the basin right after the PT left, but she wanted me to stay in this position for a while - on the bed in a modified z position. But it looks like I am just lazy and not washing up!

    It's all about perspective and context, I have learned.

    Take care and stay warm!
    I'm glad I don't have to go out into the crazy cold, but I wouldn't mind if I were in any other place except the hospital.

    @Newfiescreech - so sorry about the passing of your auntie.

  8. #12443
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    This cracked me right up! Thx for that, @GoJays !
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  9. #12444
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!!
    @flemeth , so many passings and funerals in your paternal family; so sorry for your losses, Hon.
    @avoncallingu , nice of your lease-lady to tell you to stay home today, there's time enough to finalize your apt., I hope @walkonby stays home, also...your freezing rain is supposed to go into tomorrow, also.

    We had a smidge of snow overnight, nothing major, but also expecting freezing rain again tomorrow.
    I printed off February's forecast from the Farmer's almanac site, and again, bang on...Feb 4-7: more rain and snow.
    You don't want me to tell you what's in store from the 8th to the 11th.

    Nothing on our agenda today, although I am getting a little cabin-fevery, yet unmotivated to go out in the cold. Rock and a hard place.

    Stay in if you don't have to go out, and if you have to be out there, for heaven's sake, be careful!!!
    Enjoy your day!!

  10. #12445
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newfiescreech View Post
    Going back to my hometown.tomorrow .got a call from my mom at work today saying my Aunt passed away this yes i’m Going spend time with my dad’s sister’s family i’m So tired going to funerals on my dad’s side of the family in five years we lost so many people..Grandmother , first cousin then my dad . then another first cousin . Then uncle ,then my brother and now my aunt ..I hope everyone as lovely week and please take good care yourself
    @Newfiescreech I'll keep you in my thoughts as you travel to yet another funeral. Often they can come in waves, there were a few celebrations of life in succession for both DH and my own family a few years back.
    You are wonderful at giving comfort to all of us here on sc , so your presence back with your Dad's family will surely be welcomed and appreciated.

    I did my quick in and out to my massage appt. then hit NF and was safe back home before that nasty freezing rain git real ugly. However, the wiper blades froze to the windshield as I totally forgot to lift them when I entered the clinic. Did an odd thing before i left the house though.....( totally unrelated )

    I have this huge deep fry pan that you can use safely in the oven so I gave it a healthy spray of EVOO and filled it with chopped onion, 1 quartered up fresh lemon, bell peppers, carrots, celery, and 4 large skinless ( bone in ) chicken breasts. I " herbed " the chicken up plenty with parsley, paprika, Italian seasoning ( a no salt version ) and black pepper.
    Oven was at 275, I covered the pan.
    When I returned from my appt and shopping of course I had forgotten all about putting that in the oven. The welcoming aroma reminded me. That will be a work meal " of some kind " for the guys.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  11. #12446
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  12. #12447
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  13. #12448
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    I have been moved down the hall from where I was. Someone needs the ceiling mounted overhead lift thingee more than I do.
    I am still in a private room, bless their hearts. Much smaller and not remodeled like the other, but that is fine with me.

    There is a built in vanity and round mirror - can you imagine something like that being thought of these days?

    Now I just have to figure out places to put things, in reach if I can.

    Have a nice evening!
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  14. #12449
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Name:  facebook_1549498519522.jpg
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    Last edited by Natalka; Wed, Feb 6th, 2019 at 08:18 PM.
    Newfiescreech, Lynn49 and GoJays like this.

  15. #12450
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Well if THAT was a 2.9 earthquake we just had at 5pm this evening, I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere near a 7 or 8! DH and I knew it wasn't typical blasting which we sometimes hear, the rumbling went on far too long for that, and we hoped it wasn't something more serious in a mine here.

    I'm really anxious about anyone here, or anywhere!, being on those southern and our roads tomorrow! We'll be expecting ice pellets from 11am, and you all down south, I think it's rain turning to ice? Stay home if you don't have to go out; there'll be plenty of accidents out there tomorrow, unfortunately, but hopefully just bumper-thumpers and nothing more.
    Newfiescreech, GoJays and walkonby like this.

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