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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #12721
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Glad to hear Tootie's doing well. You could always decorate the cone of shame, if for nothing else but your own amusement

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  2. #12722
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondLil View Post
    Quick poll, does anyone else feel like they have been going full throttle in the mud (or on ice)? I’m taking university courses, work full time, busy household and family.... not complaining but looking for tips on how to keep your focus (and sanity) when your to do list is bigger than you.......
    Thanks all, I know I can count on my peeps.💖
    Been there, done that, @DiamondLil ....a few suggestions: do NOT do it all yourself, delegate (depending on your kids' ages, they can't expect a free ride now), and don't expect (nor should anyone else expect) your home to be as immaculate as it was before your studies, you have to be prepared to give up "perfection" have to learn to say "No." to others who want you for this or that, you have your limits, but you must set them. Set time aside to relax...uninterrupted play with your kids, (no changing laundry loads or taking phone calls) have stay-in dates with your DH if you can't get out....this is important for not only for you, but for them, too.
    Natalka, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  3. #12723
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  4. #12724
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  5. #12725
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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  6. #12726
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Diamond Lil- I agree with what Lynn has said

    Also, when I find I am getting overwhelmed with responsibilities, sometimes, if I write everything down from comb your hair to apply for a new job, it's easier to rank the "have to" today list from the "this can wait til later" to "do I really have to do this or can someone else can take it on?"

    I find getting out in the fresh air and nature helps. Also, my dh used to listen to music which would would relax him. Do you use essential oils,? That can help to calm you and let your perspective change. Perfection is your biggest enemy. Try to " Let it go."

    It's easier said than doNE -I know that. But whatever you do, know that you are doing fine, and don't beat yourself up for things that don't get finished. The universe has placed you where you need to be, and things will unfold for the best. Listen to your heart.
    Natalka and Lynn49 like this.

  7. #12727
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    Good morning all, Beautiful but wet day here. Have a few errands to do today so a busy day here.
    Have a great day all
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  8. #12728
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    @avoncallingu I am glad to read that Tootie surgery went well. Hope she is not in too much pain.
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  9. #12729
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    I'm writing this quickly without reading back posts, so hi to everyone!

    Well how quickly things change. I was told this morning that the family meeting was cancelled, and that in an hour I would be transferred to City Hospital, convalescent unit. I was a bit blown over and asked how it happened so quickly. I was told it was influence from someone higher up - no name given to me. Wowsers.

    So I packed up, the coordinator had called George, who was surprised by tohe news too.I was brought over by wheelchair shuttle.

    Knew the nurse who picked me up in admitting, then as I went down the hall, there were many faces I remembered well, and they remembered me, too. I forget a lot of names though.I

    already saw the doctor, who remembered me too, and I just had to go through the history of what happened since I last was here.

    Now just settling in. And the really hard work begins - I have been working hard, but this place is something else, which is amazing!

    Bye for now
    @Natalka I am happy that everything is working in your favour. We will be hear to cheer u on .
    Natalka, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  10. #12730
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  11. #12731
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning all
    wet drive in today.
    @DiamondLil , enjoy and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. If you get something completed on your 'never ending' task list, be proud of your achievement. The level of celebration and reward should also be proportional to the task, that's a given! Glad to see you're back around, even if just for a quick pop-in now and then.
    Natalka, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  12. #12732
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @GoJays are Janet and that Sharon gal who shaved down the naughty dog friends of yours? I better not poke the bear here eh? So this crazy winter with all of it's ups and downs. DS had a " down " coming up the path on the ice when they returned from work. He's fine, no damage.
    At least that made them aware enough to salt the entire path so when I head out it'll be safer.

    I have 3 books on the go atm but am finding it a challenge to read while at home as there is always another shiny object distracting me. I read perfectly well as I warm up on the exercise bike at physio, in the vehicle waiting for DD to come out from work or at any Dr./dentist appts. Must try to focus on the library one though, that one comes with a penalty if not brought back soon.

    Hoping all the errand runners and hard workers get to and from their destinations today with no issues. @Natalka behave yourself with that handsome attendant you mentioned a few posts back. @avoncallingu congrats on the new bed! That is sure something to look forward to once you move into the new place, and I'll bet Tootie will love it as well.

    Time to get my butt moving again....ta ta all!

    Natalka, Lynn49 and danger_dan like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  13. #12733
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  14. #12734
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good morning,folks!
    Wow! I wish I had the agility of that dog! Amazing!

    Had a very restless and painful night for Tootie. My tablet has erased this part of the story. I finally fed her at 3:30 and she wolfed it down but it was a real fight to get her pain pill into her earlier- it kept 're-appearing in her collar.

    I will see if I can get someone to pick me up some chicken as she will probably like that. It's an icy minefield outside but she has managed to get her footing enough to pee regularly.

    She seems to think everything is back to normal this morning as she keeps trying to position herself to jump off the bed or couch. She's happy to follow me around but the routes are getting narrower as boxes are taking up a lot of space.
    So I brought her back to bed where she's content to lie down. I can get some important phoning out of the way. She hasn't had her morning pain meds so I will try again in a while.

    Please be careful, friends, as you make your way around today. I am not sure what the forecast is but just on my patio, it's very icy. Mildish though.

    I am amazing at how spunky this little girlie is.

    See you later! Have a great 3/4 of the way through Feb. Day.

    @walkonby - your little elephant bum really made me chuckle!
    Last edited by avoncallingu; Thu, Feb 21st, 2019 at 10:56 AM.
    Natalka, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  15. #12735
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Just a quick note to @avoncallingu ...not sure uf you saw this, but I mentioned that Jenny wouldn't let us anywhere near her mouth with the syringe with her pain med, so we melted about a tsp of butter and put her med in there (the gal at the vet's office said it tastes like honey), and she lapped it up. Same thing this morning. So perhaps crush the pill and do the same with butter, or jam, PB, whatever she likes.....hope that helps.
    I'm just about to prepare bacon and buttery scrambled eggs for Jenny and I...toodles all, for now.
    Natalka, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

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