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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!
Mon, Sep 3rd, 2018, 11:13 AM #9511
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Hello!!....hello?? Is everyone sleeping in this morning??
Mon, Sep 3rd, 2018, 07:27 PM #9512
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Good day!
Had another crazy night, happened to be up after three a.m. when the power went out for two hours.
Nurse came early this morning, bad news is that a new blister has appeared. She seems sure I will have to go back to the bandages, which dismays me... The compression stockings are no fun to wear, but at least they come off for the night! The bandages are 24 hours. She will call today or tomorrow once she checks in at the office to see if she needs to put an order in for them. That has to go through my gp.
Loved having Milan over yesterday. He went to RCSS for me and bought three whole whitefish. I may not be able to wait for Christmas Eve to have one!
While he was gone, I soaked my feet, when he came back he gave me a pedicure. Now, let me say this is a job and a half, my psoriasis affects the nails, and I won't say more than that. In my current state with my knees, I can't bend a leg to do this myself.
And, if I end up back in bandages, this was very good timing indeed.
Sad the long weekend is almost ever, I am sure going to miss my husband!
Hope you all have a nice evening!
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Mon, Sep 3rd, 2018, 09:55 PM #9513
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Hi, Nat...and for heaven's sake, can't your doctor do anything about your reacurring blisters?! How awful for you! I half think those compression stockings, which are elastic (I know, I have a pair and won't wear them), don't let your skin breathe...and it's a humid moist environment under them that could be contributing to those. Just my 2 cents....but weren't you better without them? I mean...nothing reoccured while one was being treated with bandages, you put the stockings on, and poof...another one appears.
I wish there was an answer to all of this for you! There doesn't seem to be an end to it all!!
So sorry you're going through this, Nat.....wish there was more I could do....thank heavens for family, though, right?
Wishing you a peaceful night's sleep....
Mon, Sep 3rd, 2018, 10:17 PM #9514
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The reason I healed with the bandages was, even though I wear the light version, they are still constrictive enough to do their job.
My compression stockings are prescription, they have Mercury in them, and there was thought that I should maybe go to the next level up, to get closer to what the bandages are. Guess mine weren't close enough, but I don't know if my new ones have been ordered yet.
So what they are doing is just what has to be done, under my vascular specialist.
This is all because of my heart condition, and is the fix for it.
That's why there is a whole specially trained wound team, they are very advanced. I am lucky to have them!
Swelling has stayed away, which I have to be very careful about. I have these skinny legs, with good pulses (blood flow). At least that!
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Mon, Sep 3rd, 2018, 11:44 PM #9515
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Well, you certainly have a big team on your side, so that's good....and circulation is really helped by those stockings. Mine are prescription too, but I hate them. Feels like my bloodflow is restricted rather than encouraged, and dang they're hard to put on! Nearly broke a nail trying! hahaha!!
I hope your new wound heals soon, Hon!
Sweet dreams!!
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 12:35 AM #9516
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I can't put them on myself, not sure I could even if I were more nimble.
There are donning aides one can get, depending upon the type of stockings. What works best with mine is a slider, a long piece of slippery fabric that goes under my leg and foot, one end tucked between my big toe and the next. Stocking gets folded back halfway, onto the foot, hardest is getting the heel situated right, then pulled up to the knee. Then the slider is pulled out from the top (always reminds me of a magician pulling out scarves attached to one another), then do any little fitting adjustments. Using that slider is amazingly helpful, makes it smooth and easier. Before that a we were just using an over the toe bootie.
Mine are toeless; when one wears full stockings, there are other ways.
Had a snooze after supper, have just decided to sleep when I can, regardless of what the clock says..
Thanks so much for your continued good wishes and encouragement!
Goodnight all!
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Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 07:20 AM #9517
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 07:26 AM #9518
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 08:06 AM #9519
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Morning all.
Back to the grind for another week...short week, so lots of work.
Incredibly sore and achy today...might have over done it this weekend building two wood sheds, splitting and stacking all the woods for both said sheds...ah well, let it sit there and dry for a little while before it gets fired up in a few months!
Have a wonderful day folks.DANGER
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 09:25 AM #9520
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Ah the joy (and aches and pains) of youth! Your warm toesies and snoring doggie will thank you when that fire is crackling!
All those excited people off to school today. Wishing them a wonderful year together!
Guess I will pack away those white clothes that I didn't even wear this summer!
No fashion faux pas for ME! (Ha! Right!)
I am hungry. Tootie is arguing with someone in her sleep.
Last night I made a list of all the things I need to do today. It filled the page and went all around the outside of it. (Not a huge page, mind you..)
So, better launch into the day.
Have a great one, folks!
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 10:58 AM #9521
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Good morning! Happy Tuesday!
Hope you all have a good one!
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 11:08 AM #9522
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Good morning, everyone.
Well, it's another one of those not-feeling-good days, which have become more frequent than feeling-good days.
I'll get some sewing done, as much as I can, but I feel as if I've been run through a set of industrial rollers...actually I feel like that most days lately. I just wish it would go away.
Wishing you all a lovely day!!
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 12:03 PM #9523
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@Lynn49 - Sorry that monster is making you miserable! Sending you good vibes!
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 12:15 PM #9524
Tue, Sep 4th, 2018, 02:23 PM #9525
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@Lynn49 sure hope you are feeling better soon!
Nurse came this morning, put the bandages on my right leg.
I have not had it before with one bandaged and one stockinged leg, will see how out of balance this feels, lol!
She didn't check the wounds because there weren't enough supplies here to re-cover them, but someone will come Thursday. If there's a problem, I can always call.
Milan will come over after school to tell us about his day, and have supper here.
He messaged me before seven this morning to say he got a free parking spot for the day. Goodness knows what he will do every morning for an hour or so before classes start, I guess have breakfast maybe.
Parking at the polytechnic is not only expensive, it's hard to get a space. So he had scouted out a place at a former building where there are no longer classes, that isn't far from where he has to go. However, because he is out in the country, that means getting up at five. Good for him, though!
Good luck to students and teachers starting the new school year!
Gosh, I miss it so much! Getting the classroom and resources ready, then dealing with an amazing new group of fabulous primary students!
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