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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #13171
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Oh@Natalka-I have heard that there is a Lazer treatment that works well for pf. I was left with pulling my toes up exercises and standing-heels on the floor and toes and ball of foot on a fairly thick book and then "standing on my toes" - raising my heels off the ground.

    Hope you get quick relief!
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  2. #13172
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    Hi everyone hoping you all are having a great Sunday. @Natalka don’t let all the curve ball thrown your way keep you down. I know it feels like you are going 1 step forward and 2steps backward. Just take it one day at a time. Hoping you are not in too much pain. Sending you (((HUGS))). @avoncallingu you I find that when Thor is out and he gets mud and gross stuff on him I usually used the unsented baby wipes to wipe him down don’t know if this is one of you options since you don’t want Tootie to get wet . Hopes she heals fast and glad you caught on that the stitches look infected. @GoJays loving you are back to make me smile with all your post

    Have a great Sunday my friends

  3. #13173
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Argh, had my reply all ready, but no... Pouf!

    @avoncallingu - sure hope your furry one will do well.

    I will look up laser. The Physiotherapist will be doing ultrasound on it. P!us I will have the Strassburg sock, watched a few vids.

    I am bored! Have done some paper puzzles, watched a few tv shows, did two sets of exercises. The latter I will do again before supper.

    Hope you are all having a lovely day!

  4. #13174
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @Natalka , chin up, Hon.....although you must feel so discouraged, you're in the right place for all of these problems to be taken care of. Look forward to getting out by spring, being able to walk outside into the sunshine and feeling strong again.
    @avoncallingu , jeepers poor Tootie; flemeth had a really good idea about those wipes....less messy and likely gentle on her, too. That antibiotic shot will work wonders; Jenny had one for her cyst and it cleared it right up! Good luck with the poor tyke.
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  5. #13175
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    If you are kind of bored @Natalka the Jays just retook the lead in the 8th inning!! A Rowdy Telez HR!! Now it's 9-8


    They won!!!
    Last edited by walkonby; Sun, Mar 17th, 2019 at 05:42 PM.
    Newfiescreech, Natalka and Lynn49 like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #13176
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    I started watching the last season of Hell's Kitchen. Neighbour has her radio on, with very bad reception because of where we are, to a country station which has religious songs Sunday evenings - oy!

    Someone was playing classical piano this afternoon - quite well, I must add. It's just a few doors down from me.

    The evil aide is on again tonight, but the nurse is a good one.

    I am just waiting for report and shift change to finish so I can get my stockings off and be drugged for the night.

    Hoping you all had a loverly weekend!

    Take care, give any furry bodies within your reach a good scritch behind the ears, and a belly rub from me!

  7. #13177
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good evening!
    @flemeth - I have some flushable wipes that I do use with her. They smell like watermelon (blick) but they are gentle. I gave her feet and paws a little wipe as the pads of her feet were quite dusty. The floor in the parking garage is covered in the residual dust that used to be slush and ice on cars.

    We snuggled together on my recliner this evening while I tried to get some laundry done. I moved boxes and unearthed the Cascade tabs so I was also able to do some dishes in the dishwasher. I put together a shelving thing in the laundry room - no talent needed just stick round pegs in round holes and push on the shelf.

    So I got a few things accomplished this evening.

    My washing machine is singing to me which means that Ithe load is done.

    I have no decent, supportive slippers to wear inside and so I have been walking around in stocking feet. If I keep this up, I will have plantar fasciatus (sp? ) too.

    My eyes are closing. Got to get to sleep.

    Good night, friends!

  8. #13178
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    Good morning all. It's back to normal routine for me since School is back on with my volunteer . Will be having lits of excitement with everyone want to tell about there adventures.
    Well I will be heading to walk Thor soon since he whining. Gave a great day all

  9. #13179
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    oh boy @flemeth an early start today for you. I am up not out of duty but just had more than enough sleep and did not want to tempt my lower back into getting sore....I have found it does if I stay prone too long.
    A follow up appt. later this a.m. for me, then I'll swing by NF to pick up a litre sized carton of egg whites, I seem to forget one item when I am out shopping. Gives me a reason to go back I suppose, lol.
    @Natalka that sounded especially nice to hear that someone plays Classical music on a piano nearby your room!
    Lets hope that not so nice aide you are trying to avoid gets a transfer! ha ha

    oh phooey! I was trying to copy/paste a dragon thing for Lynn but couldn't...hmmm. oh! o.k. attachments! Voila!
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    Last edited by walkonby; Mon, Mar 18th, 2019 at 07:31 AM.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  10. #13180
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Well, it seems I am not the early bird this morning. Hello @flemeth and @walkonby , and everyone else who pops in today. Have a great day today. Seems rather agreeable out there today, albeit a little chilly. Some crazy balmy temperatures coming on the weekend though. Hopefully the last of the snow will disappear this week... from my yard anyway. Have you seen some of the piles in the parking lots??

  11. #13181
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  12. #13182
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Looks like I'm late to the game this morning.
    Feeling like a tonne of bricks is sitting on my chest...shouldn't have come into work...

    Have a good start to the week folks.

  13. #13183
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Dan- go home.

    @flemeth -have fun today!

    @walkonby - I know what you mean about the shopping- I sometimes get home and have forgotten the very thing that I went for! Lists-I have to remember to make lists.

    It's my dear nephew's 18th birthday today. He is travelling back from Colombia. I remember the day he was born (2 months early). His dad phoned me at 7:30 am to announce that, "We're going to have our baby today." The next day he was flown by helicopter to the Children's Hospital in London where he stayed for 6 weeks. And now, he's bringing joy to people in a far off land-he's over 6 ft. tall! and healthy.

    I'm tired but I should take out the girlie. Then sort out the priorities of the day.

    Have a good Monday, Monday, so good to me.

  14. #13184
    Smart Canuck
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    Happy Monday everyone! @Natalka hang in there, lady. Hope you had a good, long night's sleep. Nothing heals as surely as deep sleep.

  15. #13185
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    I agree with Avon, @danger_dan - go home. Period. symptom of stress, obviously, but of a heart attack.

    Just had a shower, waiting for someone to administer meds and put on compression stockings, so I can get the day moving. I have physio in a half hour, no idea what is in store for me. Walking makes me cry...

    Have a great day, everyone!

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