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  1. View Conversation
    I'll pm you the details of her trip. You know I feel the same kind of envy regarding that store called Safeway that are mainly out of reach for me here
    ( 4 locations in Ontario, all up North ) but mainly they are in the Western Prov. , they have the most amazing Air Miles deals on all kinds of products every week, so lucky you guys! I think operabob has a thread on all the Safeway AM offers they have each week.
  2. View Conversation
    first things first....Happy Birthday!!!! Can you imagine anyone wearing THIS backpack to their studies??
    well anyways, it does seem rather comical that you wanted to get away from studies only to be thrust right back into them. We both know your DH is wanting this for you so your brain will not turn into Mommy Mush brain.
  3. View Conversation
    Thank you for the encouragement about starting up again, you are quite perceptive, with my DD taking off on that European adventure for 7 weeks and then DH suffering for 6 months the stress got to me for sure. The focus on healthier eating will happen again I am confident about that too. Try to have a great day despite being there on your birthday.....
  4. View Conversation
    woo hoo for you amira! Acceptance of one's body after having kids is important. Hey, what courses are you studying this time? Whatever they are, good luck with them. I have still not made any NEW commitment to losing weight yet and so I struggle with this. Eventually both DH and I must do this together as we have gained too many lbs over the last 6 months. Hoping for some inspiration to develop from some miracle maybe....ha ha
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    ha ha ! I remember my g'friend from Vancouver used to tell me her kids were off school because of snow and she was originally from Ontario, so she knew that the amount of snow Vancouver was getting was very little. Oh and by the way, Iams is one of the most expensive pet foods going! I never buy it, that is why they offer those HV coupons, because no one would ever buy any with a cheap 1 or 2 dollars off coupon.
    I always leave my HV Iams coupons on the shelf in case some customer uses that brand for their pet. So....we are kind of in a deep freeze. More snow is supposed to fall tomorrow and on sat....I am not thrilled by this forecast!
  7. View Conversation
    just got my CO51 Cat litter approved! I am waiting for a $20.00 cheque this week too, I only have $4.50 in my account now....ha ha. We are having too much wind and cold and snow right now, I am not a fan of this weather!!
  8. View Conversation
    no plans for any toblerone or terry's orange for us. We already bought some other " chocolatey " goodies 2 weeks ago and have them hidden away for Xmas stockings. ( that is if none of us gets into them!! ) Now, as far as SDM goes, can you believe I STILL have those ( almost ) 40,000 points? Still cannot decide how to use them, and since I am hardly ever in a SDM I keep forgetting I have points to use up there....ha ha .
    I'll probably get DS a b'day gift, I dunno, honestly it is very stressful to waste points isn't it?
    So glad you sound very well, and I hope you and your family will enjoy a lovely Christmas time and holidays!!
  9. View Conversation
    Canadian Tire Options credit card gives back $.04/$1 spent only for stores that are under the Canadian Tire ownership (Canadian Tire, Marks Work Warehouse, SportsChek).

    They often have promotions to increase my use of their credit card by offering the $.04/$1 spent at ANY STORE up to a maximum of $1,250 spend.

    CT also has promo if you setup additional cards for family members, you get $5 / $10 per card. I also sign-up for the extra cards, then cancel within the year.

    Just because I love FREE food, I consistently use PC World Elite credit card at all Loblaws banner stores & Shoppers. 30pts/$1 spent adds up quick.
  10. View Conversation
    lol, I collect airmiles too so my MIRs go to Rexall first, shoppers second, depending on the promo. You may be right about the end of optimum, a number of years ago, when they downsized the point value, was the first $250 mega redemption. A lot of angry people I remember, I wasn't much of a collector back then. I do remember they announced the downsizing date and offered a couple of bonus redemptions before the date so I'm hoping they at least will be kind again.

    Happy shopping, glad to see you're still the same Amira84! I'll let you know if I go the facebook route.
  11. View Conversation
    I still shop at Shoppers, however I'm so stocked up on most of their products, I don't jump at all the promos. I probably use 1 personal offer every week at most. I did the gc promo last week, spent $2000 so more makeup coming lol! I have a few gift sets on the list (smashbox, stila) at the moment, I'm always worried they'll sell out so may buy before mega redemption. I have been buying lancome since there is a gift with purchase sale but am waiting on the redemption for clinique and lancome skincare as well (they never sell out). I'm also hoping the mega redemption promo will be online at beautyboutique, I may shop there hoping for the ebates 10% promo as well.

    So any makeup on your list for the redemption?
  12. View Conversation
    Oh good to hear, I was really hoping you were just busy doing other things. Maybe I'll give using facebook a try in the new year, I've been avoiding it for years.

    So you think optimum is ending??? I think they will lose too many customers, the replacement pcplus promos are going to have to be amazing to keep customers, but I'm sure they have pushed the numbers and weighed the costs and benefits.
  13. View Conversation
    Amira !!!!! I hope you have just been busy or decided just to refocus to other things. I think of you often when I am perusing these forums, certainly miss your input and humour! Anyway, I hope all is well
  14. View Conversation
  15. View Conversation
    I have only bought green grapes a handful at a time since before Christmas. I remember you mentioning that you buy all year for your kids so I thought you right away. My group will be thrilled although they are very happy inhaling the cherries right now.
  16. View Conversation
    I dozed off during the middle of the All Star baseball game ( shows you how boring it was ,lol ) so here I am hoping to get tired by staring at a computer screen.
  17. View Conversation
    good evening! ha ha ( I am wide awake, it is so late now )
  18. View Conversation
    aw no need to apologize. I think we both do that ( make assumptions about each others' culture ) and it is so refreshing for me to discover every day how much ALIKE many of us are. Moms will always Moms I think no matter what part of the world we are born and raised in. Thank goodness she was home safe and sound and saved me getting some more face wrinkles! ha ha
  19. View Conversation
    that is showing good restraint ( not buying makeup) , now on my end of things I can FINALLY go to bed, as my DD just got home from her g'friends place . I cannot sleep restful until I hear her come in the door. Nighty night!!
  20. View Conversation
    Only 2 RCSS stores and neither are close enough to me. I only hit one when I am driving DD to work and the other one IF I am planning to be out that way, otherwise wasted gas for me. We own no cell phones at all, what else would I buy at the Mobile Shop? Seems like a very good deal for those that can use it. WM on the other hand is a baseball toss away from the pool! ha ha
  21. View Conversation
    yeah, just wait till the guys see those 3 double packs of bologna in the back room freezer! they will groan and faint I think! I must have been bored after my swim this morning, I went to WM after swimming to get hair colour and just started walking around. That can be a dangerous way to waste money!
  22. View Conversation
    can you believe I actually bought MORE bologna??? It freezes well, so no issue, but when the guys see that pkg of " easy to microwave " ( takes like 7 seconds )Ready Crisp bacon I know they'll eat that straight away! ha ha ha
  23. View Conversation
    well.....first I selected " print " selecting 2 copies. THEN I read that when you print like that it will give you the exact same pin code on all the copies, so I could only use 1 of them, so then I printed off 2 more but separate this time. THEN I checked with DD before I headed out to SDM to see if there was any Aveeno products she would use. She said no there was nothing of interest to her, so I bought 3 BW ( which I know I will use ).
    Then you guessed it amira! DD asked me that night if I had any more coupons and that was when the coupon had been taken down, so she lost out....ha ha. I still have tons of Dove BW so really 3 of these were fine, a nice way to " try before I buy " eh?
  24. View Conversation
    how about that GEM of a an Aveeno coupon!!?? Woot woot!! that was a great coupon to print, I just got 3 items but I was happy about that. When I got back from shopping the coupon was no longer there to print. Hope everything is going good out in the West for you and your family. All is good here as well.
  25. View Conversation
    yeah I have mentioned to DH that IF I registered him a CO51 account then we could cash out on 2 accounts BUT it took me so long to reach $20.00 on just my own account this time. ( the stuff has to be almost free or a money maker or I won't play...tee hee ) My last cheque from CO51 was in Nov 2015....ha ha !!! Hope you get a chance to relax and enjoy some of this long weekend.
  26. View Conversation
    how are you girlie?? Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing long weekend plan in place!! Enjoy!!
  27. View Conversation
    what a smart woman you are amira!! Train him now ( to help with some cleaning and chores ) and you will have that forever! I made a HUGE error by spoiling mine for about 8 yrs while we had no kids and did everything at home and worked FT also. I regret that. It caused a few arguments once the 3 kids came, eventually he got better but now he is almost back to the lazy guy since the kids are grown. he does stuff but only IF I ask, nothing voluntarily.
  28. View Conversation
    exciting!!! ( I mean you doing some work PT ) As long as your DH sees the $$ benefit he will be on board for you to do that. Only thing is with guys, they often call watching their own children " babysitting", ( which it is not, it is simply watching your own ) but if he discovers he has to watch them while you work THAT might be the thing that decides best of luck with that.
  29. View Conversation
    I had a coworker who " designed " those naughty cakes for bachelorette parties, so I knew what it was originally! but that one they tried to put a red nose like Rudolph on the end and made stupid " curly " style antlers, pretty sad artwork eh? I am almost finished my sc time now, I need to get up off the chair and do some stretches. I have done none today at all yet. BUT...I did swim, so that is something at least.
  30. View Conversation
    me too amira! I NEVER even saw the word Applesauce at first I just assumed it would say who needs that much bacon! Oh I JUST came from that stupid WM cakes thread too, there were silly Mother's Day cakes and one very terrible " reindeer "cake that looked like something else! ha ha ha
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